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Flu apparently comes early to Northern Marianas - NECN Tweet this news Mixx

NECN--SAIPAN, -Northern Mariana Islands- (AP) � The flu season appears to have started early in the US Commonwealth of the -Northern Mariana Islands-. ...

Thu, 11 Nov 2010 02:34:17 GMT+00:00

Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands

State capital: Saipan
TopicsArchipelago * Geography * Politics * Economy * Campaign
IslandsFarallon de Pajaros (Uracas) * Maug Islands * Asuncion * Agrihan (Agrigan) * Pagan * Alamagan * Guguan * Zealandia Bank * Sarigan * Anatahan * Farallon de Medinilla * Saipan * Tinian * Aguijan (Agiguan) * Rota
MunicipalitiesNorthern Islands Municipality * Saipan * Tinian * Rota

List of former German colonies and protectorates

AfricaWituland * German East Africa (Tanganyika * Rwanda * Burundi * Kionga Triangle) * Togoland * German South-West Africa (Namibia) * German West Africa (Kamerun * Neukamerun)
PacificGerman New Guinea (German Solomon Islands * German Marshall Islands * Caroline Islands * German Mariana Islands * Nauru * Palau) * German Samoa
ChinaGerman Kiautschou (Tsingtao) * Tientsin
AntarcticaNew Swabia