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Niigata (city)

Full name新潟市 · City of Niigata
Official name新潟市 · City of Niigata
Settlement typeDesignated city
MayorAkira Shinoda
Total Area280.3 sq mi (726.09 km2)
Total Population812705 (March 1, 2008)
Density (pop.)1119.22/km2 (2898.8/sq mi)
Other information
Time zoneJapan Standard Time (UTC+9)

     Home | City | Niigata Niigata

|} is the capital and the most populous city of Niigata Prefecture, Japan. It lies on the northwest coast of Honshū, the largest island of Japan, and faces the Sea of Japan and Sado Island.

With a long history as a port town, Niigata became a free port following the Meiji Restoration. Niigata's city government was established in 1889. Mergers with nearby municipalities in 2005 allowed the city's population to jump to 810,000. The annexation of the surrounding area has also given the city the greatest rice paddy field acreage in Japan. On April 1, 2007, it became the first government-designated city on the Japan Sea coast of Honshū.

Niigata Niigata Video

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4.90 min. | 4.11 user rating
Snow Road Driving in Niigata City. (Echigo-Ohno Station - Kameda Station [Part2]) éªã®æ¥ã®æ§ æ°æ½äº¤éé»è»ç· è¶å¾å¤§éé§ï¼æ°æ½å¸è¥¿åºï¼ããJRäºç°é§ï¼æ°æ½å¸æ±ååºï¼ã®è»è¼åç»ã§ãã æ§è¶å¾å¤§éé§ã¨äºç°é§ã¯1æ¬ã®éã§ã¤ãªãã£ã¦ããã®ã§ãï¼äºç°é§è¥¿å£ãããã£ã¨ç´é²ãã¦ããã¨æ§è¶å¾å¤§éé§ã«çãã¾ããï¼ãã®ãããªãé中ã§å·¦æãããå³æããããããã¨ãªãããã£ã¨ç´é²ãã¦ããã¾ãã ãã®Part2ã§ã¯ã丸æ½æ°ç°äº¤å·®ç¹ããäºç°é§ã¾ã§ãåé²ãã¦ãã¾ãã é«ç»è³ªã§è¦ããã¨ãå¼·ããããããã¾ãã ããã§ã¯ãéªéãã©ã¤ãããã£ããã楽ãã¿ä¸ããã â¼Part1ã¯ãã¡ã (Part1 is here.) æ示ã«å¾ããªãã§ä¸æ­£ä½¿ç¨ãã人ãªã©ããããã¨ããããã®åç»ã®æ¹å¤ã転è¼ï¼ãã®åç» ã®YouTubeãã¬ã¼ã¤ã¼ãæ­£è¦ã®æ¹æ³ã§Webãã¼ã¸ããã­ã°ã«è²¼ãä»ãããã¨ã¯é¤ ãï¼ãç¦æ­¢ãã¾ãã
10.93 min. | 0 user rating
æ°æ½å¸ã®ãã¦ã³ã¿ã¦ã³ãå¤çºãã®ç»åéã§ãã BGM㯠ELTã®ãã¾ã ããããã§ãã æ°æ½å¸ ä¸ä»£ã·ãã¤ï½æ°æ½é§ã®ç»åé ï¼ ELT ãã¿ã® ã¦ ï¼ ãã³ãã³åç»æ°æ½ã®ç»åé 中å¿é¨ç·¨ ï¼ELT ããªã®å¨ï¼ æ°æ½å¸ å¤çº æ°æ½ç ELT everylittlething niigata city æ¥æ¬ ã¢ã¸ã¢ æ¸¯çº æ°æ½é§ ä¸­å½ ã­ã·ã¢ ãã©ã³ã¹ ãã³ã è¬ä»£æ© æ±é·ºã¡ãã»ã¢ã«ãã¬ãã¯ã¹ japan
4.93 min. | 3.66 user rating
Snow Road Driving in Niigata City. (Echigo-Ohno Station - Kameda Station [Part1]) éªã®æ¥ã®æ§ æ°æ½äº¤éé»è»ç· è¶å¾å¤§éé§ï¼æ°æ½å¸è¥¿åºï¼ããJRäºç°é§ï¼æ°æ½å¸æ±ååºï¼ã®è»è¼åç»ã§ãã æ§è¶å¾å¤§éé§ã¨äºç°é§ã¯1æ¬ã®éã§ã¤ãªãã£ã¦ããã®ã§ãï¼äºç°é§è¥¿å£ãããã£ã¨ç´é²ãã¦ããã¨æ§è¶å¾å¤§éé§ã«çãã¾ããï¼ãã®ãããªãé中ã§å·¦æãããå³æããããããã¨ãªãããã£ã¨ç´é²ãã¦ããã¾ãã æ¨æºéåçã§ãç·åçæéã¯ç´20åã§ãã ãã®Part1ã§ã¯ãã¡ããã©ä¸­éä»è¿ã®ä¸¸æ½æ°ç°äº¤å·®ç¹ã¾ã§ãåé²ãã¦ãã¾ãã é«ç»è³ªã§è¦ããã¨ãå¼·ããããããã¾ãã ããã§ã¯ãéªéãã©ã¤ãããã£ããã楽ãã¿ä¸ããã â¼Part2ã¯ãã¡ã (Part2 is here.) æ示ã«å¾ããªãã§ä¸æ­£ä½¿ç¨ãã人ãªã©ããããã¨ããããã®åç»ã®æ¹å¤ã転è¼ï¼ãã®åç» ã®YouTubeãã¬ã¼ã¤ã¼ãæ­£è¦ã®æ¹æ³ã§Webãã¼ã¸ããã­ã°ã«è²¼ãä»ãããã¨ã¯é¤ãï¼ãç¦æ­¢ãã¾ãã
9.43 min. | 0 user rating
Driving Video in Japan, Niigata City (High Speed Version) Part1 8æé ããå°ããã¤æ®å½±ã»å¬éãã¦ããè»è¼åç»ã®é«éçã§ããæ°æ½é§ããåºçºãã¦ãç´18åã§æ°æ½å¸ä¸­å¿é¨ã西海岸å¬åãå°éæµã寺尾ãæ°æ½å¤§å­¦åãåéãåãé·å±ã赤å¡ãè§ç°æµãäºã¶æµãå·»ãç½æ ¹ãæ°æ´¥ï¼ç§èå±±ãå«ãï¼ãäºç°ãåã£ã¦æ°æ½é§ã«å¸°ã£ã¦ãããã¨ãã§ãã¾ãã ãã®Part1ã§ã¯ãæ°æ½é§ãã赤å¡ã®ä½æ½å¬åã¾ã§ãåé²ãã¦ãã¾ãã ãã®é«éçã®ä¸­ã§ä½¿ç¨ãã¦ããBGMã¯ãã¹ã¦ãªãªã¸ãã«ã§ãã æ¨æºç»è³ªã§ã¯ç»è³ªãé常ã«å³ãããããå¿ãé«ç»è³ªã§è¦ã¦ä¸ããã(Please watch in High Quality.) Part2ã¯ãã¡ã (Part2 is here.) ãã£ããè¦ããæ¹ã¯ãã¡ã (Standard Speed Version is here.) æ°æ½è¿é1å¨ãã­ã¸ã§ã¯ã ãã®ãããªã®äºæ¬¡å©ç¨ç­ãç¦æ­¢ãã¾ãã
6.07 min. | 0 user rating
Driving Video in Japan, Niigata City (High Speed Version) Part2 8æé ããå°ããã¤æ®å½±ã»å¬éãã¦ããè»è¼åç»ã®é«éçã§ããæ°æ½é§ããåºçºãã¦ãç´18åã§æ°æ½å¸ä¸­å¿é¨ã西海岸å¬åãå°éæµã寺尾ãåéãåãé·å±ã赤å¡ãè§ç°æµãäºã¶æµãå·»ãç½æ ¹ãæ°æ´¥ï¼ç§èå±±ãå«ãï¼ãäºç°ãåã£ã¦æ°æ½é§ã«å¸°ã£ã¦ãããã¨ãã§ãã¾ãã ãã®Part2ã§ã¯ã赤å¡ã®ä½æ½å¬åããè§ç°å±±ã®å¨ããåããå·»ãç½æ ¹ãéã£ã¦ãæ°æ´¥é§åã¾ã§ãåé²ãã¦ãã¾ãã ãã®é«éçã®ä¸­ã§ä½¿ç¨ãã¦ããBGMã¯ãã¹ã¦ãªãªã¸ãã«ã§ãã æ¨æºç»è³ªã§ã¯ç»è³ªãé常ã«å³ãããããå¿ãé«ç»è³ªã§è¦ã¦ä¸ããã(Please watch in High Quality.) Part3ã¯ãã¡ã (Part3 is here.) ãã£ããè¦ããæ¹ã¯ãã¡ã (Standard Speed Version is here.) æ°æ½è¿é1å¨ãã­ã¸ã§ã¯ã ãã®ãããªã®äºæ¬¡å©ç¨ç­ãç¦æ­¢ãã¾ãã
5.93 min. | 0 user rating
Driving Video in Japan.(TsubameSanjo Station - HigashiSanjo Station [Sanjo City, Niigata]) æ±ä¸æ¡é§ãããä¸æ¡å¸ã®å¸è¡å°ãéã£ã¦ãçä¸æ¡é§ï¼çå¸ãä¸æ¡å¸å¢çï¼ã¾ã§ãèµ°ãè»è¼åç»ã§ãã ãã®åç»ã«ã¯BGMã¯ããã¾ããã®ã§ãèªåã®å¥½ããªCDç­ãé³´ãããªããã楽ãã¿ä¸ããã çä¸æ¡é§å°çæã«ãé§ãåºçºãã弥彦ç·ã®åè»ãè¦ããã¨ãã§ãã¾ãã éæ¹åã®ãããªï¼çä¸æ¡é§âæ±ä¸æ¡é§ï¼ã¨ã¯è¥å¹²éãã«ã¼ããéãã¾ãã â¼éæ¹åã¯ãã¡ãã§ãã çä¸æ¡é§ããã¯æ´ã«çã»åç°ã»å¼¥å½¦æ¹é¢ã¸é²ããã¨ãã§ãã¾ãã â¼çã»åç°ã»å¼¥å½¦æ¹é¢ã¯ãã¡ãã§ãã â¼çä¸æ¡âé·å²¡ã¯ãã¡ãã§ãã çä¸æ¡âé·å²¡âæå´â寺æ³âæ°æ½ã¨å¤§ããåã£ã¦ãããã¾ãã ãã®åç»ã®ç¡æ­ã§æ¹å¤ã転è¼ï¼ãã®åç» ã®YouTubeãã¬ã¼ã¤ã¼ãæ­£è¦ã®æ¹æ³ã§Webãã¼ã¸ããã­ã°ã«è²¼ãä»ãããã¨ã¯é¤ãï¼ãç¦æ­¢ãã¾ãã
6.82 min. | 0 user rating
Driving Video in Japan, Niigata City (High Speed Version) Part3 8æé ããå°ããã¤æ®å½±ã»å¬éãã¦ããè»è¼åç»ã®é«éçã§ããæ°æ½é§ããåºçºãã¦ãç´18åã§æ°æ½å¸ä¸­å¿é¨ã西海岸å¬åãå°éæµã寺尾ãåéãåãé·å±ã赤å¡ãè§ç°æµãäºã¶æµãå·»ãç½æ ¹ãæ°æ´¥ï¼ç§èå±±ãå«ãï¼ãäºç°ãåã£ã¦æ°æ½é§ã«å¸°ã£ã¦ãããã¨ãã§ãã¾ãã ãã®Part3ã§ã¯ãæ°æ´¥é§åããåºçºãã¦ãæ§æ°æ´¥å¸åï¼ééé¢é£ã®æ½è¨­ãç§èå±±ãªã©ï¼ã1å¨ããå¾ãäºç°ãéã£ã¦ãæ°æ½é§ã¾ã§ãåé²ãã¦ãã¾ãã ãã®é«éçã®ä¸­ã§ä½¿ç¨ãã¦ããBGMã¯ãã¹ã¦ãªãªã¸ãã«ã§ãã æ¨æºç»è³ªã§ã¯ç»è³ªãé常ã«å³ãããããå¿ãé«ç»è³ªã§è¦ã¦ä¸ããã(Please watch in High Quality.) ãã1å¨ãããå ´åã¯ãã¡ã (Part1 is here.) ãã£ããè¦ããæ¹ã¯ãã¡ã (Standard Speed Version is here.) æ°æ½è¿é1å¨ãã­ã¸ã§ã¯ã ãã®ãããªã®äºæ¬¡å©ç¨ç­ãç¦æ­¢ãã¾ãã
5.67 min. | 0 user rating
Driving Video in Japan.(Gosen - Niitsu [Gosen City & Niigata City Akiha Ward]) äºæ³ããæ°æ½å¸ç§èåºã®ä¸­å¿é¨ æ°æ´¥ã¾ã§èµ°ãè»è¼åç»ã§ãã ç£è¶è¥¿ç·ã®ç·è·¯ã«æ²¿ã£ã¦èµ°ã£ã¦ããã¾ãã æåã®ã«ã¼ãç´¹ä»ã·ã¼ã³ä»¥å¤ã§ã¯BGMã¯ããã¾ããã®ã§ãèªåã®å¥½ããªCDç­ãé³´ãããªããã楽ãã¿ä¸ããã æ°æ´¥ããåã¯ï¼å¤ãæ åã®ãããç»è³ªã¯ç¾å¨ããè¥å¹²ä½ãã§ããï¼ãã¡ããã覧ä¸ãããæ°æ´¥å¸è¡ãç§è山巡ããããããäºç°çµç±ã§æ°æ½é§ã«è¡ããã¨ãã§ãã¾ãã â¼é転è»çªåç» æ°æ´¥ï¼æ°æ´¥å¸è¡è¦ç©ï¼ç§è山巡ãï¼ ï¼480pæ¨å¥¨ï¼ â¼é転è»çªåç» æ°æ´¥âæ°æ½ ï¼480pæ¨å¥¨ï¼ â¼è¥¿åº é»å¼ã®æ°æ½ãµããã¨æãçµç±ãã¦æ°æ½é§æ¹é¢ã«åãããã¨ãã§ãã¾ããï¼ãã¡ãã¯ç¾å¨ã®ã«ã¡ã©ã§ã®æ®å½±ã§ããï¼ â¼é中ã§ç´¹ä»ããããä¸æ°å³ãªãã³ãã«ï¼çæ²¢ãã³ãã«ï¼ã¯ãã¡ãã§è¦ããã¨ãã§ãã¾ãã ã¾ãããã®åç»ã¯ãææ¾ã»å èã»ä¸æ¡æ¹é¢ããã¤ãªãã£ã¦ãã¾ãã â¼ä¸æ¡ããè¦ããå ´åã¯ãã¡ããã覧ä¸ããã ç§èå±±ãæ°æ´¥âæ°æ½ãç¾å¨ã®ã«ã¡ã©ã§å度æ®å½±ãããã¨æãã¾ãã ãã®åç»ã®æ¹å¤ã転è¼ï¼ãã®åç» ã®YouTubeãã¬ã¼ã¤ã¼ãæ­£è¦ã®æ¹æ³ã§Webãã¼ã¸ããã­ã°ã«è²¼ãä»ãããã¨ã¯é¤ãï¼ãç¦æ­¢ãã¾ãã æ¬ãããªã®ãã¢ããµã¦ã³ãã«ã¯ãGarritan Personal Orchestra(TM)ãã使ç¨ãã¦ãã¾ãã (Piano samples used in this recording are from Garritan Personal Orchestra(TM))
8.25 min. | 0 user rating
Driving Video in Japan.(Sanjo - Kamo [Sanjo City & Kamo City , Niigata]) ä¸æ¡ï¼æ±ä¸æ¡é§ï¼ãããè¶å¾ã®å°äº¬é½ã¨ãå¼ã°ããå èï¼å èé§ï¼ã¾ã§èµ°ãè»è¼åç»ã§ããé中ãä¿åå¬åã«å¯ãéãã¾ãã JRä¿¡è¶æ¬ç·ã«æ²¿ãå½é403å·ç·ãé²ãã§ããã¾ããåè»ã§ã¯6ï½7åç¨åº¦ã§ããçãã¾ãããè»ã§ã¯æå¤ã¨æéããããåºéã§ãã£ãããã¾ãã ãã®åç»ã¯æ±ä¸æ¡é§åãå½éï½ä¿åå¬åã®éãå èé§åã2åéããã以å¤ã2.5åéã¨ãªã£ã¦ãã¾ãã ãã®åºéã®ç­éã®ééè»çªåç»ãä¸ãã¦ããæ¹ãããããã§ãã®ã§ããã¡ãã¨è¦æ¯ã¹ã¦ã¿ãã¨é¢ç½ãã¨æãã¾ãã â¼syasoããæ®å½±ï¼å¹³éå´ã®è»çªï¼ â¼akihito327ããæ®å½±ï¼å±±å´ã®è»çªï¼ å èã§ã¯å¤ã®ãçã®ææã«ãè¶å¾å èå·å¤ç¥­ããã¨ããç´ æ´ããã祭ããè¡ããã¾ããå¤ãæ åã«ãªãã¾ãããæ¯éè¦ã¦ã¿ã¦ä¸ããã â¼è¶å¾å èå·å¤ç¥­ã (Echigo Kamo-gawa Summer Festival) å èããæ´ã«è²åééå»ç·è·¡ï¼1985å¹´é¨åå»æ­¢ã1999å¹´å¨ç·å»æ­¢ï¼ã«æ²¿ãã«ã¼ãã§ææ¾ã»äºæ³æ¹é¢ã¸é²ããã¨ãã§ãã¾ãã â¼ææ¾ã»äºæ³æ¹é¢ã¯ãã¡ãã§ãã ãã®åç»ã®ç¡æ­ã§æ¹å¤ã転è¼ï¼ãã®åç» ã®YouTubeãã¬ã¼ã¤ã¼ãæ­£è¦ã®æ¹æ³ã§Webãã¼ã¸ããã­ã°ã«è²¼ãä»ãããã¨ã¯é¤ãï¼ãç¦æ­¢ãã¾ãã æ¬ãããªã®ãã¢ããµã¦ã³ãã«ã¯ãGarritan Personal Orchestra(TM)ãã使ç¨ãã¦ãã¾ãã (Piano samples used in this recording are from Garritan Personal Orchestra(TM))
11.75 min. | 0 user rating

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Quake Aftermath Highlights Japan's Tug-of-War Between Nature and Technology - TIME Tweet this news
TIME--Flying to -Niigata-, a northern Japanese city not far from the earthquake zone I was covering, I opened the All Nippon Airways in-flight magazine and read an article in Japanese. It was a multipage ode to the rakkyo, ... - Date : Mon, 11 Apr 2011 09:28:31 GMT+00:00
282 deaths linked to Japan aftermath - AsiaOne Tweet this news
AsiaOne--Experts warn such deaths indirectly linked to the disasters could occur at a much faster rate than those that occurred in the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake or the 2004 -Niigata- Prefecture Chuetsu Earthquake. The inquiry was made to 113 hospitals - Date : Tue, 12 Apr 2011 02:40:10 GMT+00:00
Groups tackle issue of pet care in post-disaster Japan - Tweet this news the threat of radiation leaking from the nuclear plant 40 miles away, Toby Weymiller, a teacher who got the distress call from the shelter Animal Friends -Niigata-, drove to the city and rescued the dog and a stranded cat. ... - Date : Sun, 10 Apr 2011 07:38:41 GMT+00:00
"The Full Fuck You Finger" - A.V. Club (satire) Tweet this news
A.V. Club (satire)--This leaves her scrambling to find something else, sending her off to -Niigata- instead, until she bumps into a flight attendant in an airport bathroom, who suggests that she may not find herself too happy in -Niigata- and, indeed, tha - Date : Tue, 12 Apr 2011 05:44:47 GMT+00:00
Groups help nursing mothers with accommodation, health care after quake - Mainichi Daily News Tweet this news
Mainichi Daily News--Meanwhile, 25 children between the ages of 0 and 10 and their families have moved from shelters and other facilities in Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures into an accommodation facility in the -Niigata- Prefecture town of Yuzawa. ... - Date : Tue, 12 Apr 2011 09:49:13 GMT+00:00
Helping pets in post-disaster Japan - The Seattle Times Tweet this news
The Seattle Times--Despite the threat of radiation leaking from the nuclear plant 40 miles away, Toby Weymiller, a teacher who got the distress call from the shelter Animal Friends -Niigata-, drove to the city and rescued the dog and a stranded cat. ... - Date : Thu, 07 Apr 2011 02:55:57 GMT+00:00
Kirin To Restart Sendai Factory By Sept: President - Tweet this news facility supplied six northeastern prefectures and -Niigata-. The March 11 earthquake toppled four of the 15 storage tanks and the tsunami flooded packaging and warehouse facilities at the factory. But the brewing section was mostly unscat - Date : Thu, 07 Apr 2011 14:47:06 GMT+00:00
Balestier familiar with Albirex threat - AsiaOne Tweet this news
AsiaOne--In a charity match for the victims of the Japan disaster, Balestier's K Vikraman, Paul Cunningham, Vitor Borges and Armanizam Dolah played for the S-League All-Stars against an Albirex -Niigata- selection which featured former Japan star Hid - Date : Fri, 08 Apr 2011 09:09:34 GMT+00:00
Elderly woman found dead in snow after moving from one shelter to another - Mainichi Daily News Tweet this news
Mainichi Daily News--(Mainichi) TAGAMI, -Niigata- -- An elderly woman suffering from cognitive impairment was found dead in the snow with no shoes on near an evacuation shelter in this small town in -Niigata-, after moving from one shelter to another for - Date : Thu, 07 Apr 2011 09:46:04 GMT+00:00
Evacuee with dementia dies of exposure near shelter - Mainichi Daily News Tweet this news
Mainichi Daily News--(Mainichi) TAGAMI, -Niigata- -- A woman with dementia has died from exposure after getting lost near a shelter here for the victims of the recent earthquake and tsunami, shedding light on the lack of sufficient support for evacuees re - Date : Tue, 05 Apr 2011 15:55:08 GMT+00:00

Wards :
Kita Ward(北区) Akiha Ward(秋葉区)
Higashi Ward(東区)  Aqua blue Minami Ward(南区)  Breeze blue
Chuo Ward(中央区) - administrative center  Waterfront blue Nishi Ward(西区)  Sunset orange
Konan Ward(江南区)  Spring green Nishikan Ward(西蒲区)  Harvest yellow

Adjoining communities :

Events :

Niigata Prefecture

Niigata (capital city)Wards: Kita-ku * Higashi-ku * Chūō-ku * Kōnan-ku * Akiha-ku * Minami-ku * Nishi-ku * Nishikan-ku
CitiesAgano * Gosen * Itoigawa * Jōetsu * Kamo * Kashiwazaki * Minamiuonuma * Mitsuke * Murakami * Myōkō * Nagaoka * Niigata (capital) * Ojiya * Sado * Sanjō * Shibata * Tainai * Tōkamachi * Tsubame * Uonuma
DistrictsHigashikanbara * Iwafune * Kariwa * Kitakanbara * Minamikanbara * Minamiuonuma * Nakauonuma * Nishikanbara * Santō

Metropolitan cities of Japan

Tokyo MetropolisSpecial wards of Tokyo
(Adachi * Arakawa * Bunkyō * Chiyoda * Chūō * Edogawa * Itabashi * Katsushika * Kita * Kōtō * Meguro * Minato * Nakano * Nerima * Ōta * Setagaya * Shibuya * Shinagawa * Shinjuku * Suginami * Sumida * Toshima * Taitō)
Designated citiesChiba * Fukuoka * Hamamatsu * Hiroshima * Kawasaki * Kitakyūshū * Kobe * Kyoto * Nagoya * Niigata * Okayama * Osaka * Sagamihara * Saitama * Sakai * Sapporo * Sendai * Shizuoka * Yokohama
Core citiesAkita * Amagasaki * Aomori * Asahikawa * Fukuyama * Funabashi * Gifu * Hakodate * Higashiōsaka * Himeji * Iwaki * Kagoshima * Kanazawa * Kashiwa * Kawagoe * Kōchi * Kōriyama * Kumamoto * Kurashiki * Kurume * Maebashi * Matsuyama * Miyazaki * Morioka * Nagano * Nagasaki * Nara * Nishinomiya * Ōita * Okazaki * Ōtsu * Shimonoseki * Takamatsu * Takatsuki * Toyama * Toyohashi * Toyota * Utsunomiya * Wakayama * Yokosuka
Special citiesAkashi * Atsugi * Chigasaki * Fuji * Fukui * Hachinohe * Hirakata * Hiratsuka * Ibaraki * Ichinomiya * Isesaki * Jōetsu * Kakogawa * Kasugai * Kasukabe * Kawaguchi * Kishiwada * Kōfu * Koshigaya * Kumagaya * Kure * Matsumoto * Mito * Nagaoka * Neyagawa * Numazu * Odawara * Ōta * Sasebo * Sōka * Suita * Takarazuka * Takasaki * Tokorozawa * Tottori * Toyonaka * Tsukuba * Yamagata * Yamato * Yao * Yokkaichi
Prefectural capitals
(not included above)
Fukushima * Tsu * Naha * Saga * Matsue * Tokushima * Yamaguchi

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