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     Home | World Heritage Site | Henderson Island (Pitcairn Islands)

Henderson Island is an uninhabited raised coral atoll in the south Pacific Ocean, annexed to the Pitcairn Islands colony in 1902. Measuring 9.6 km (6 mi) long and 5.1 km (3.2 mi) wide, it has an area of 37.3 km2 (14.4 sqmi) and is located 193 km (119.9 mi) northeast of Pitcairn Island at . The island was designated a World Heritage Site by the United Nations in 1988. It is unsuitable for agriculture and has little fresh water. There are three beaches on the northern side and the remaining coast comprises steep, mostly undercut, cliffs up to 15 m (49.2 ft) in height.

Henderson Island (Pitcairn Islands) Video

3.93 min. | 0 user rating
quick look what happened while i had sail trip through south pacific in 2010.
35.93 min. | 5.0 user rating

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RSPB to remove Rodent Invaders from Pacific Paradise - Surfbirds News Tweet this news
Surfbirds News--Commenting on the eradication of rats from -Henderson Island-, part of the Pitcairn UK Overseas Territory, he said: "-Henderson Island-, in the central Pacific, ... - Date : Mon, 18 Oct 2010 06:33:58 GMT+00:00
10 crews set to clean up 100 miles of beaches - Tweet this news the Squaxin -Island- and Nisqually tribes, the state Department of Natural Resources, -Henderson- Inlet Community Shellfish Farm and Pacific Shellfish ... - Date : Sun, 17 Oct 2010 07:02:19 GMT+00:00
A Veteran's Story: Charles Beal served 24 years in Army, Navy - Mansfield News Journal Tweet this news
Mansfield News Journal--His last job was working the radio shack aboard the USS -Henderson-, a huge white hospital ship with a red cross painted on its hull. ... - Date : Mon, 18 Oct 2010 11:02:20 GMT+00:00

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