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Bouvet Island

Bouvet Island
General information
Common nameBouvet Island
Local nameBouvetøya
GovernmentDependent territory
Monarch of NorwayHarald V
AdministrationPolar Affairs Department
Norwegian dependencyNorwegian dependency
Claimed1 December, 1927
Annexed23 January, 1928
Dependency27 February, 1930
Nature reserve17 December, 1971
Total Area18.9 sq mi (49 km2)
Population censusuninhabited
Other information
Internet TLD.bv¹

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Bouvet Island ( ) is an uninhabited Antarctic volcanic island in the South Atlantic Ocean, 2,525 km south-southwest of South Africa. It is a dependent territory of Norway and, lying north of 60°S latitude, is not subject to the Antarctic Treaty. The centre of the island is an ice-filled crater of an inactive volcano, known as the Wilhelm II Plateau. It is the most remote island in the world.

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