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BBC Arabic Television

Broadcasting network
TypeSatellite television network
CountryUnited Kingdom (intended for external viewing only)
OwnerBritish Broadcasting Corporation
Launch date1994 (original date)
2008 (relaunch)

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BBC Arabic Television is a news and information television channel broadcast to the Middle East by the BBC. It was launched at 0956 GMT on 11 March 2008. The service was announced in October 2005 and was to start broadcasting in Autumn 2007, but was delayed. Presenters include Tareq Alaas, Tony Khouri, Malak Jaafar, Fida Bassil, Rania Al-Attar and Hamdan Jerjawi.

BBC Arabic Television is run by the BBC World Service; as such, it is funded from a grant-in-aid from the British Foreign Office and not the television licence that is used to fund the BBC's domestic broadcasting. The service is based in the Egton Wing of Broadcasting House in London, but some technical aspects are managed at the BBC World Service's Bush House. 24-hour programming began 19 January 2009.

BBC Arabic can also be seen via The website includes a 16:9 live stream of the channel.

BBC Newshour, an hour-long news bulletin is broadcast twice a day. In this programme, the top stories of the day are analysed and covered by BBC correspondents around the world. Other bulletins are half-an-hour long. The top stories are broadcast on the channel every fifteen minutes.

This is not the first time that the BBC has attempted to set up an Arabic television service. The previous attempt closed on 21 April 1996, after two years on air, when the BBC's partners, Orbit Communications Corporation (owned by King Fahd's cousin, Prince Khaled) pulled the plug after the BBC broadcast an episode of Panorama that was critical of the Saudi Arabian government. Many of the staff who worked for the original BBC Arabic Television service went on to work for Al Jazeera television. Al Jazeera is one of BBC Arabic Television's main competitors.

In 2011, as the British government cut funding to the BBC, forcing the BBC World Service to close down its services in five languages, the government simultaneously increased funding to the BBC Arabic service, so as -in the words of Foreign Secretary William Hague- to "assist the BBC Arabic Service to continue their valuable work in the region".

BBC Arabic Television Video

coming soon 11st march 2008 تÙÙزÙÙ٠ب٠ب٠سÙ
0.12 min. | 5.0 user rating
"Open Agenda", hosted by Zine El Abidine discussed in this episode the connection between performing arts and revolution, both from the poet Ahmed Fouad Negm and musician Ammar El Sherei singer and revolutionary musician, singer and teacher of Oud Mustafa Said.
9.02 min. | 5.0 user rating
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2.72 min. | 1.0 user rating
M.Zitout BBC Arabic 06JAN2011 ÙÙاش Ø­Ù٠اÙتÙاضة اÙجزائر
15.47 min. | 5.0 user rating
coming soon 11st march 2008 تÙÙزÙÙ٠ب٠ب٠سÙ
0.07 min. | 4.66 user rating
Updated to correct editing. Dr Ghassan Deif and other Bahraini Doctors kidnapped and tortured, wounded patients beaten up as Hospital and staff made to pay for speaking out. Bahrain under occupation by Saudi Arabia and Dubai. Bahrain is a small island, the protestors are peaceful and unarmed . They are beyond the reach of the world unless the Media makes a difference. The cry for justice spreads. 1000 Saudi troops have entered Bahrain 14.03.2011 The sandstorm from Kuwait to Bahrain 24.03.2011 libya nato bombing civilians killed no fly zone Libya: Why Not Syria, Bahrain? russia today syria lebanon jordon kuwait UAE GCC NATO abc news cbs news fox news 02.04.2011 03.04.2011 04.04.2011 news" "middle eastern television" missing doctors human rights watch amnesty international crisis ÙسÙرة ÙÙÙÙÙÙØ© تÙز Ø´Ùارع صÙعاء ÙاسÙاط اÙÙظا٠-4- 2011 Kate and Will The Royal Wedding - Funny Cartwheeling Verger / Priest for T-Mobile Spoof osama bin laden killed witness account celebration USA PAKISTAN 02.05.2011 al jazeera encryptedreality2 abc news bbc news encryptedreality3 ÙسÙرة حرائر اÙÙعاÙÙر 15/6/2011 n, Jawad Bahraini news contradictions "No Weapon lie". ÙسÙرة حرائر اÙÙعاÙÙر 15/6/2011
6.10 min. | 3.66 user rating

28.88 min. | 5.0 user rating
صاد٠اÙÙÙسÙÙ Ø­Ù٠اÙتÙجÙرات Ù٠بغداد ÙازÙØ© اÙÙاشÙÙ BBC Arabic
52.25 min. | 5.0 user rating
â â â â â âPlease SUBscribe 1nn3nn â â â â â â â سÙرÙا شا٠بشار اÙاشد اÙعرعÙر اÙاÙاخر ÙÙاس٠اÙحج ÙاÙعÙر٠اÙعÙر٠اÙحج ÙÙاس٠اÙذبÙح٠اÙÙس٠ÙÙاس٠اÙاعتÙار حج بÙت اÙÙ٠سحر سحر٠ساحر ساحر٠دجا٠عÙÙ Ùرا٠باÙÙÙÙÙب ÙشعÙØ° ÙشعÙذ٠دج٠حرا٠ÙÙاشات دعÙÙÙ ÙÙاشات اÙاشÙدÙÙ ÙÙاشات ÙÙعض٠ÙÙاشات ÙÙعظ٠ÙÙاشات اسÙاÙÙÙ ÙÙاشات تÙبÙÙÙÙ ÙÙاشات دعاء ÙÙاشات تصÙÙ٠رائع اÙØ´Ùعة اÙسÙØ© اÙراÙضة اÙÙÙابÙØ© عبدة اÙÙبÙر اÙÙجÙس صدا٠حسÙ٠اÙÙÙاصب اÙØ´ÙÙد اÙØ´ÙØ® اÙÙÙاب٠اÙراÙض٠اÙÙجÙس٠راÙضة Ø´Ùعة اÙØ´Ùع٠شÙع٠ÙجÙس٠راÙض٠ÙÙاب٠سÙ٠سÙÙ٠اÙإخÙا٠اÙÙسÙÙÙ٠حس٠اÙبÙا إخÙÙج٠اÙÙÙÙت اÙسعÙدÙØ© اÙبحرÙ٠اÙعرا٠Ùطر اÙØ¥Ùارات عÙا٠اÙÙÙ٠إÙرا٠ÙبÙا٠اÙأرد٠Ùصر سÙرÙا ÙÙسطÙ٠اÙسÙدا٠ÙÙبÙا اÙجزائر تÙÙس اÙÙغرب حزب اÙÙ٠حس٠ÙصراÙÙ٠حزب اÙبعث حسÙÙ Ùبار٠اÙÙÙÙ ÙÙد عبداÙÙ٠خاÙد ÙÙص٠آ٠سعÙد اÙÙÙابÙ٠اÙØ«Ùاثة سعد اÙÙÙÙ٠اÙإصÙاح حس٠اÙصÙار ÙÙر اÙÙÙر باÙر حسÙ٠تÙÙÙ٠اÙسÙÙ Ø­Ùزة اÙحس٠عÙ٠آ٠أحÙد حرÙØ© ح٠جÙعÙØ© اÙÙÙا٠اÙعÙ٠اÙإسÙاÙÙØ© اÙإسÙاÙ٠اÙÙعارضة اÙبحرÙÙÙØ© Ø¢Ù Ø®ÙÙÙØ© جÙÙØ© اÙأستاذ حس٠اÙÙØ´ÙÙع ÙØ´ÙÙع اÙجÙر٠ÙربÙاء اÙÙج٠اÙبصرة بغداد اÙأحساء اÙÙØ·Ù٠اÙØ£ÙÙاز اÙأحÙاز اÙØ®ÙÙÙ٠اÙخاÙÙ Ùائ٠خÙÙائ٠اÙØ´Ùراز٠اÙسÙستاÙ٠اÙصدر اÙÙجÙ٠اÙØ­ÙÙÙ Ùض٠اÙÙ٠اÙÙÙسÙ٠غرÙØ© Ø£Ùصار ÙØ­Ùد عثÙا٠اÙØ®ÙÙس اÙعرÙÙ٠ب٠باز ب٠عثÙÙÙ٠ب٠جبرÙÙ Ùتعة تطبÙر زح٠تÙÙØ© اÙÙÙد٠اÙÙÙتظر ÙØ­Ùد ب٠عبداÙÙ٠اÙÙحطاÙ٠جÙÙÙا٠اÙعتÙب٠جÙاد اÙØ´Ùشا٠أÙغاÙستا٠باÙستا٠بÙÙشستا٠جÙد اÙÙ٠اÙحرس اÙØ«Ùر٠بسÙج جÙØ´ اÙÙÙد٠ÙÙتد٠اÙصدر أبÙÙصعب اÙزرÙاÙ٠أساÙØ© ب٠Ùاد٠أÙÙ٠اÙظÙاÙر٠ÙØ­ سÙÙ ÙعÙÙب ÙبÙ٠اÙعÙض٠Ùذائ٠بÙ٠صراحة اÙجاÙعة جاÙعة اÙÙÙÙت اÙرÙاض اÙÙÙÙ ÙÙد اÙÙائÙØ© اÙإئتÙاÙÙØ© اÙÙستÙÙØ© اÙإسÙاÙÙØ© <b>...</b>
1.68 min. | 1.0 user rating
3.75 min. | 5.0 user rating

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Al Waleed chooses Bahrain as site for Al Arab news channel - Tweet this news Bahrain will host a new -Arabic- news station as well as a leading -Arab- media network after it beat off challenges from Beirut and two other Gulf cities. Al -Arab TV- will partner Bloomberg and intends to launch broadcast services - Date : Wed, 28 Dec 2011 19:43:15 GMT
Bahrain signs key deals to train radio, TV staff - Trade Arabia Tweet this news
Trade Arabia--He said the contract with Broadcasting Board of Governors for Voice of America (BBG/VOA) would provide content in both English and -Arabic- to be broadcasted on FM radio. "The contract stipulates that content will be consistent with - Date : Tue, 27 Dec 2011 06:34:06 GMT
Audiences grow for BBC's Arabic services - Tweet this news audiences to the BBC's Arabic services have risen by more than 50 per cent to a record high of 33.4 million adults weekly - up from 21.6 million before the 'Arab Spring'. -BBC Arabic TV's- audience has ris - Date : Sat, 31 Dec 2011 10:49:06 GMT
World Service 'advert plan' approved - BBC News Tweet this news
BBC News--The proposed year-long pilot to insert advertising into World Service English output on the Berlin FM frequency would see advertising extended to -BBC- radio broadcasts for the first time. Ads will also be put on the Service's -Arabic-, Rus - Date : Thu, 05 Jan 2012 16:31:44 GMT
Sadr followers rally against US Army staying in Iraq - Arab News Tweet this news
Arab News--Sadr told -BBC Arabic television- service that some parts of the Medhi Army were still actively targeting US bases and vehicles and dismissed as a pretext any claims that American troops needed to stay to train and back Iraqi forces. ... - Date : Thu, 26 May 2011 17:19:05 GMT+00:00
Kirkuk bombs target Iraqi security forces - BBC News Tweet this news
BBC News---BBC Arabic Television- correspondent Naser Shadid in Baghdad said as the police had rushed to help victims of the first explosion, a second had gone off in a car, killing several police officers.--- - Date : Thu, 19 May 2011 21:49:36 GMT+00:00
BBC crew detained in Libya - Tweet this news British Broadcasting Corp. crew was detained, interrogated and mistreated by supporters of leader Moammar Gadhafi while trying to report on the conflict in Libya, the BBC says. Three crew members from -BBC Arabic television- were detained Monday - Date : Thu, 10 Mar 2011 16:30:50 GMT+00:00
BBC team describe 'Libyan torture' - RTHK Tweet this news
RTHK--Members of a -BBC Arabic television- team in Libya have given graphic accounts of the alleged brutal treatment of detainees by government security forces. The team, who were detained overnight and claim to have been badly beaten, said they could hea - Date : Thu, 10 Mar 2011 15:35:57 GMT+00:00
Extraordinary times ... extraordinary decisions! - Gulf Daily News Tweet this news
Gulf Daily News--I personally telephoned the head of the -BBC's Arabic- World Service and asked him very politely why there hadn't been any coverage of the rally. He replied softly : "I am not in the picture, but will let you know withi - Date : Fri, 25 Feb 2011 00:55:48 GMT+00:00
Libya: Some reporters entered the country "illegally" (Extra) - Monsters and Tweet this news
Monsters and a press conference aired on Libyan state -television-, the unnamed official said that reporters from several networks including Al Arabiya and the -BBC Arabic- language service had been granted permission to enter the country. - Date : Wed, 23 Feb 2011 16:18:19 GMT+00:00

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