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Indus News Video

Aasim Sajjad - Professor of History at the prestigious Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) - discusses the anti-India state ideology of Pakistan. He explains how: (a) the country does not have an ideology that can stand on its own and its ideology is only a negation of India; (b) "threat from India" has been deliberately exaggerated by Pak Establishment to protect its interests; (c) anti-India ideology and associated massive defense spending was approved by a Constituent Assembly whose members were not representative of the territory that became Pakistan; (d) there is a contradiction in national narrative in that after Partition, Pakistan remains just as obsessed with "Hindu India"; (e) wars over border disputes do not mean that one country wants to obliterate or annex the other; (f) contrary to official propaganda, India had a minor role in the Bengali nationalist movement that led to breakup of East Pakistan; (g) India never disrupted water flow into Pakistan and later executed the Indus Water Treaty; (h) nuclear weapons have increased the overall threat level between the two countries as opposed to diminishing it; (i) Kashmir dispute has national importance for both India and Pak as it involves their national ideologies; (j) growing number of Pakistanis are beginning to realize that the enmity with India has been more harmful than beneficial; and (k) peace with India would not be possible as long as Pakistan continues to harbor proxy warriors. This <b>...</b>
8.25 min. | 0 user rating
The video shows how the Britishers filled in an inferiority complex into the already sad post Moghul invaded India through their Aryan Invasion theory to convert all Indians into their culture and religion (Christianity). A vast number of statements and materials presented in the ancient Vedic literatures can be shown to agree with modern scientific findings and they also reveal a highly developed scientific content in these literatures. The great cultural wealth of this knowledge is highly relevant in the modern world. Techniques used to show this agreement include: Marine Archaeology of underwater sites (such as Dvaraka) Satellite imagery of the Indus-Sarasvata River system Carbon and Thermoluminiscence Dating of archaeological artifacts Scientific Verification of Scriptural statements Linguistic analysis of scripts found on archaeological artifacts A Study of cultural continuity in all these categories.
8.98 min. | 4.65 user rating
false propegenda against nursing school mandi bahauddin proved by the indus news
5.02 min. | 4.0 user rating
PAF s' News Section Ten days multidimensional operational exercise "Indus Viper" between Pakistan Air Force and Turkish Air Force concluded today at Pakistan Air Force Base, Mushaf, Sargodha. Air Marshal Shahid Lateef, Acting Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force was the Chief Guest at the occasion. In his address, Air Marshal Shahid Lateef said," The two Air forces have a long history of mutual relationship in the shape of exchange postings, conducting courses and cross training visits. It was indeed a great honor for the PAF to have Turkish air force F-16s participate in our 50th anniversary celebrations in the year 1997. The exercise Indus Viper, which has just culminated successfully, is indeed an extension of the same cooperation". He further said, "We are thankful to TuAF for providing our aircrew and combat controllers, the opportunity to gain good experience. This will go a long way in helping PAF to prepare for interoperability with other air forces of the world in days to come. The efficacy of this mutual learning becomes manifold when we consider the transformation which PAF is undergoing at present. Inshallah, in a few years time, we would be a modern combat outfit ready to undertake integrated operations with any other Air force of the world. It is here that I foresee a more valuable and mutually gainful interaction between PAF and the TuAF. It would not be out of place to term this exercise another significant milestone towards achieving <b>...</b>
1.43 min. | 4.90 user rating
Hirrak runs schools for the indigenous of the Indus River. At the day of Annual Sports, students present a Seraiki folk song. They indicates to a message against a bed social evil ( Early Marriage ) Stop Early or Child Marriage
3.27 min. | 1.0 user rating
Mandi Bahaud din Malikwal Police
2.98 min. | 4.0 user rating
Chand Nawab Karachi Electricity Report edit by Waqar
3.20 min. | 3.9 user rating
Ch M Waqar Edit this Video Contect number is 0345-3087260 e-mail id is: if anyone has a job than give i will edit my level best
2.70 min. | 4.0 user rating
CH M WAQAR EDIT THIS REPORT WITH HOLE GRAPHIC AND ANIMATION, Please Promote this video and contect me if u have a any job of editing or relatied to TV channel Contect number is 092-0345-3087260 and my e-mail id is
2.47 min. | 5.0 user rating
Pakistan, which gets about a third of its power from from hydro-electrcitiy, is planning to build a $12bn dam in an effort to get power to the rugged northern regions. But it means blocking the Indus River, in the valleys of Baltistan. That would flood villages 40kms upstream and force tens of thousands of people to leave their homes in the shadow of one of the world's great mountains. Al Jazeera's Kamal Hyder reports (28 Mar 2010).
2.60 min. | 4.48 user rating

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Indus Fila`s evacuation scheme approved by KPTCL - Tweet this news Fila announced that the Karnataka Power Transmission Corporation (KPTCL) vide their letter dated Dec. 10, 2010 have communicated their approval for ... - Date : Tue, 14 Dec 2010 05:04:44 GMT+00:00
Dyke breaches inquiry report - Daily Times Tweet this news
Daily Times--KARACHI: The judicial commission on dyke breaches has declared in its report that the breaches in -Indus- River embankments during the recent floods were ... - Date : Wed, 08 Dec 2010 21:34:28 GMT+00:00
Car sales declined by 16 percent in November - Daily Times Tweet this news
Daily Times--The PAMA figures revealed that leading auto manufacturers witnessed a decline in their sales, with -Indus- Motors and Pak Suzuki showing considerable decline ... - Date : Sat, 11 Dec 2010 22:30:45 GMT+00:00
Floods ravage KN Shah, threaten three towns - Tweet this news Photo DADU: Floodwaters gushing from seven breaches in Khuda Wah inundated a major part of Khairpur Nathan Shah and 10km of the -Indus- Highway from ... - Date : Fri, 03 Sep 2010 22:50:58 GMT+00:00
Floodwaters sweep towards two more Pakistan towns - AFP Tweet this news
AFP--Most people had already returned to Thatta, he said, on the western bank of the swollen -Indus-. But inundated Sujawal was mostly empty on Tuesday, ... - Date : Tue, 31 Aug 2010 06:56:23 GMT+00:00
Conditions in flood-stricken Pakistan still desperate, UN agency cautions - UN News Centre Tweet this news
UN News Centre--It “has had scant attention compared to areas closer to the -Indus- River,” he told reporters in Geneva, noting that 2 million people in Balochistan have been ... - Date : Fri, 03 Sep 2010 14:08:49 GMT+00:00
About floods and friendship? - Pakistan Observer Tweet this news
Pakistan Observer--The mighty -Indus- River, once the cradle of one of history's earliest civilizations has devastated the land to which it gave birth, the irresistible force of ... - Date : Sat, 04 Sep 2010 02:14:42 GMT+00:00
Pakistan Floods Leave a Trail of Devastation - NTDTV Tweet this news
NTDTV--Millions of flood victims are still homeless a month after Pakistan's -Indus- River swelled and burst its banks. Many homes were destroyed. ... - Date : Fri, 03 Sep 2010 17:53:30 GMT+00:00
Vodafone Essar expects India 3G services to be costly - Total Telecom Tweet this news
Total Telecom--Pieters said also that Vodafone Essar supports the listing of -Indus- Towers, India's largest telecom tower company with more than 100000 towers. ... - Date : Tue, 27 Jul 2010 16:36:58 GMT+00:00
IRSA reopens CJ Link Canal - Daily Times Tweet this news
Daily Times--ISLAMABAD: The -Indus- River System Authority (IRSA) on Thursday reopened the Chashma-Jhelum Link Canal (CJLC) on the request of Punjab. ... - Date : Thu, 15 Jul 2010 23:01:11 GMT+00:00

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