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ICA features emerging artist Mark Bradford's 'found art' - Tufts Daily Tweet this news Mixx

Tufts Daily--The Institute of Contemporary Art/Boston (-ICA-), located off the Silver Line on Boston's waterfront, is all too often forgotten because of Tufts' partnership with the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. The architecture of the building, s

Tue, 08 Mar 2011 13:26:17 GMT+00:00

Peruvian cities with a population of over 100,000

Arequipa * Ayacucho * Cajamarca * Callao * Chiclayo * Chimbote * Chincha Alta * Cusco * Huancayo * Huánuco * Huaraz * Ica * Iquitos * Juliaca * Lima * Piura * Pucallpa * Puno * Sullana * Tacna * Tarapoto * Trujillo |

Regional capitals of Peru

Abancay * Arequipa * Ayacucho * Cajamarca * Callao * Cerro de Pasco * Chachapoyas * Chiclayo * Cusco * Huacho * Huancavelica * Huancayo * Huánuco * Huaraz * Ica * Iquitos * Moquegua * Moyobamba * Piura * Pucallpa * Puerto Maldonado * Puno * Tacna * Trujillo * Tumbes |