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     Home | Runoko Rashidi |

Who is the Uncle of Mr. WD Fard? - News Tweet this news Mixx News--We began with a wonderful letter and response from our brother, -Runoko Rashidi-, a well-known Black historian and world traveler and author of some 12 books ...

Mon, 31 May 2010 21:11:05 GMT+00:00


Proponents Politicians: Nnamdi Azikiwe * Amílcar Cabral * Muammar al-Gaddafi * Marcus Garvey * David Comissiong * Kenneth Kaunda * Jomo Kenyatta * Patrice Lumumba * Thabo Mbeki * Abdias do Nascimento * Kwame Nkrumah * Julius Nyerere * John Nyathi Pokela * Haile Selassie * Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe * Ahmed Sékou Touré * I.T.A. Wallace-Johnson
Others: Molefi Kete Asante * Steve Biko * Edward Wilmot Blyden * John Henrik Clarke * Cheikh Anta Diop * W. E. B. Du Bois * Frantz Fanon * John G. Jackson * Yosef Ben-Jochannan * Maulana Karenga * Fela Kuti * Bob Marley * Malcolm X * Zephania Mothopeng * George Padmore * Motsoko Pheko * Runoko Rashidi * Walter Rodney * Burning Spear * Henry Sylvester-Williams * Stokely Carmichael * Omali Yeshitela
ConceptsUnited States of Africa * Afrocentrism * Kwanzaa * Pan-African colours * Pan-African flag * Négritude * African nationalism * African socialism * African Century * Africanization * Kawaida * Ujamaa * Harambee * Ubuntu * Zikism * Black nationalism
OrganizationsAfrican Union * Organization of African Unity * Uhuru Movement * UNIA-ACL * African Unification Front * International African Service Bureau