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Full nameState of Tasmania

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Tasmania (abbreviated as TAS) is an Australian island and state. It is 240 km (149.1 mi) south of the continent, separated by Bass Strait. The state includes the island of Tasmania-the 26th largest island in the world-and the surrounding islands. The state has a population of 507,626 ( ), of whom almost half reside in the greater Hobart precinct. Tasmania’s area is 68401 km2 (26409.8 sqmi), of which the main island covers 62409 km2 (24096.2 sqmi).

Tasmania is promoted as the natural state, the "island of inspiration", and A World Apart, Not A World Away owing to its large and relatively unspoiled natural environment. Almost 37% of Tasmania lies in reserves, national parks and World Heritage Sites. The island is 364 km (226.2 mi) long from its northernmost to its southernmost points, and 306 km (190.1 mi) from west to east.

The state capital and largest city is Hobart, which encompasses the local government areas of City of Hobart, City of Glenorchy, and City of Clarence, while the satellite town of Kingston (part of the Municipality of Kingborough) is generally included in the Greater Hobart area. Other major population centres include Launceston in the north and Devonport and Burnie in the northwest. The subantarctic Macquarie Island is also under the administration of the state, as part of the Huon Valley Council local government area.

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