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Latin pop

Music genre
NameLatin pop
Stylistic originsLatin music
Pop rock
Cultural originsItaly Spain Portugal France Romania - Latin America - Latin Asia(Philippines).
Typical instrumentsSpanish guitar Accordion - Bass Drums, keyboard, trumpet trombone piano claves cowbell timbales conga
Mainstream popularityLatin America Spain Italy - Portugal France Romania USA Canada United Kingdom - Latin Asia(Philippines)
Derivative formsTropipop
Subgenre listList of popular music genres
Fusion genresChicano rock Rock en Español 
Regional scenesAmericas: Brazilian pop Mexican pop US pop
Europe: Italian music - Portuguese musicSpanish music French music Romanian music
Latin Asia(the Philippines): Spanish music - Hispano Filipino pop - Italian music
Other topicsPop culture

     Home | Music Genre | Latin pop

Latin pop (Pop Latino, in Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, Pop Latine in French) generally refers to pop music that has what may be perceived a Latin American influence. Geographically, it could refer to pop music from Latin America or sung by Latin Americans, generally regarded as Hispanics in the United States.

Occasionally, the definition extends to Latin Europe, primarily Spain and Portugal, though Italy is often included. Latin Asia(specifically the Philippines) should also be considered as well. Latin pop music is usually sung in Spanish or other Romance languages, although English and other languages are not uncommon. In addition, many international artists from France and Italy often sing in Spanish for Spanish language audiences.

Major Latin pop songwriters include Leonel García, Gian Marco, Estefano, Kike Santander, Juan Luis Guerra, Mario Domm and Robi Draco Rosa.

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