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Harry Houdini

Harry Houdini
Houdini in 1899
Personal information
Birth nameErik Weisz
Birth dateMarch 24, 1874
Place of birthBudapest, Hungary
Date of deathOctober 31, 1926(age 52)
Death placeDetroit, Michigan, U.S.
OccupationMagician, escapologist, stunt performer, actor, historian, film producer, pilot, debunker
Years active1891 � 1926

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Harry Houdini (born Erik Weisz; March 24, 1874 - October 31, 1926) was a Hungarian-born American magician and escapologist, stunt performer, actor and film producer noted for his sensational escape acts. He was also a skeptic who set out to expose frauds purporting to be supernatural phenomena.

Harry Houdini Video

A film of Harry Houdini escaping from a straitjacket while hanging upside down.
0.52 min. | 4.84 user rating
Very rare footage of Harry Houdini suspended 40 feet in the air, escaping from a straight jacket.
0.70 min. | 4.91 user rating
- documentary -
3.98 min. | 4.86 user rating
A biography of Harry Houdini performed by kids.
3.03 min. | 4.35 user rating
The new single from the forthcoming album "Who Killed Harry Houdini?"
3.20 min. | 4.83 user rating
Late 80s classic. Disregard the "Harry WHOdini" title :)
3.77 min. | 4.92 user rating
Harry houdini performs the escape of a staightjacket, one of his signature magics.
1.02 min. | 4.71 user rating Derren Brown using hypnosis and mind control to force people to lose their memory on a train! Tags: Derren Brown mind control trick tricks of the mind persuasion influence nlp neuro linguistic programming Hypnotism how to Hynotize People with Hypnotic Suggestion Conversational Hypnosis NLP Subliminal Persuasion Psychic Mind Reading Psychology Mentalism How to Persuade / Hypnotise Neuro linguistic programming ross jeffries seduction seduce attraction sci fi channel magic magician magicians subconscious Russians russians spy psychically electronic Subliminal Messages Self Mind Control or Auto Suggestion hypnotize stop smoking be more confident Taylor Starr the "Triad" secretive group real effective mind control secret secrets methods Clifford Mee conversation david blane penn and teller harry houdini david copperfield covert hypnosis
5.03 min. | 4.71 user rating
When famous escape artist Harry Houdini arrives in Edinburgh and offers a $10000 reward to anyone who can contact his mother from beyond the grave, a beautiful but deceptive psychic and her young 'sidekick' daughter take the challenge. As Houdini spends time with this mysterious woman, he is beguiled by her charms, and what begins as a con evolves into a far more complicated and dangerous affair. Starring Catherine Zeta Jones, Guy Pearce, Timothy Spall and Saoirse Ronan. Directed by Gillian Armstrong.August 8th tbc -- release date
2.25 min. | 4.71 user rating
How to do a yoyo bind. Made by Harry Houdini (Ryan Monson) . A great yoyoer who's sadly passed away. Visit his homepage to see more amazing tutorials. =================================== 50000 views as of January 2010. Nice! It's great to know that so many people found this video helpful. If one in every 10 people who viewed this video learned how to bind, that would be 5000. And I bet the ratio is higher than that. It's also amazing that Ryan helped so many of us and continues to do so five years after he left. Thank you Ryan!
5.50 min. | 4.68 user rating

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"Houdini" documentary to air - Asbury Park Press Tweet this news
Asbury Park Press--Although -Harry Houdini- was known for making things disappear, his legacy isn't likely to vanish anytime ... - Date : Wed, 08 Dec 2010 09:12:00 GMT+00:00
Harry Houdini can seal Euro glory - The Sun Tweet this news
The Sun--Spurs sit top of Group A in their debut season in the Champions League � ahead of Inter Milan on goal difference. Former Arsenal defender Gallas, 33, ... - Date : Thu, 25 Nov 2010 12:35:00 GMT+00:00
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows review - Tweet this news Jones on the new Harry Potter epic, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1. Is it a -Harry Houdini- or a Paul Daniels? Find out here. ... - Date : Fri, 19 Nov 2010 11:59:53 GMT+00:00
First Nights - The Jewish Week Tweet this news
The Jewish Week---...- which explores the great magician's first transformative act � from rabbi's son Ehrich Weiss to the handcuff king -Harry Houdini- � also offers a lens ... - Date : Tue, 07 Dec 2010 20:12:35 GMT+00:00


HistoricalAlexander * Theodore Annemann * Carl Ballantine * David (Fu Manchu) Bamberg * Tobias Bamberg * David Berglas * Harry Blackstone, Jr. * Harry Blackstone, Sr. * J.B. Bobo * Kuda Bux * Chan Canasta * Cardini * Charles Joseph Carter * Tommy Cooper * Joseph Dunninger * Br. John Hamman * Doug Henning * Alexander Herrmann * Black Herman * Harry Houdini * Burling Hull * Harry Kellar * Al Koran * Max Malini * John Nevil Maskelyne * Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin * Tony Slydini * Howard Thurston * Dai Vernon * The Zancigs * Herb Zarrow
ContemporaryEd Alonzo * Criss Angel * Herbert L. Becker * David Blaine * Derren Brown * Lance Burton * David Copperfield * Rudy Coby * Paul Daniels * Dorothy Dietrich * Ahmed El Bayed * Terry Evanswood * Lennart Green * Ricky Jay * Mac King * Hans Klok * Jeff McBride * Gopinath Muthukad * The Pendragons * James Randi * Siegfried & Roy * Jerry Sadowitz * Cyril Takayama * Juan Tamariz * Penn & Teller * Val Valentino
By nationalityAmerican * Australian * Austrian * Bangladeshi * Belgian * British * Canadian * Dutch * Finnish * French * German * Indian * Irish * Israeli * Italian * New Zealand * Saudi Arabian * Singaporean * Spanish * Swedish * Ukrainian

Spiritualism and Spiritism

BeliefsCore beliefs : Theism * Survivalism * Mediumship * Séances * Spiritual Healing * Spirit world * Variant beliefs : Reincarnation * Christianity * New Age
Important FiguresEmanuel Swedenborg * Franz Mesmer * Fox sisters * Eva Carrière * Andrew Jackson Davis * Cora L. V. Scott * Achsa W. Sprague * Paschal Beverly Randolph * Emma Hardinge Britten * Allan Kardec * Camille Flammarion * William Stainton Moses * Amy and Isaac Post * Arthur Conan Doyle * W. T. Stead * Chico Xavier * Helen Duncan * Doris Stokes * Colin Fry * Danielle Egnew * Derek Acorah * "Margery" * Harry Houdini * Jane Roberts * Arthur Findlay
OtherHistory of Spiritism * Spiritist doctrine * Spiritualist Church * List of Spiritualist organizations * National Spiritualist Association of Churches * Spiritualists' National Union * Spiritualist Association of Great Britain * Spiritualism in fiction * Theatrical Séances * Arthur Findlay College

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