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Baghdadi Mahmudi

Baghdadi Mahmudi
Personal data
Date of birth, 1945(age 66)
Prime Minister of Libya
Assumed office5 March 2006
PresidentMuhammad al-Zanati
Miftah Muhammed K'eba
Imbarek Shamekh
Mohamed Abu Al-Quasim al-Zwai
LeaderMuammar al-Gaddafi
Preceded byShukri Ghanem

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al-Baghdadi Ali al-Mahmudi ( ) (born 1946) has been Secretary of the General People's Committee (prime minister) of Libya since 5 March 2006 succeeding Shukri Ghanem. He has a medical degree, specialising in obstetrics and gynecology, and had served as Deputy Prime Minister to Prime Minister Ghanem since 2003. He is a part of Gaddafi's inner circle.

Baghdadi Mahmudi Video

ÎηλÏÏÎµÎ¹Ï Î ÏÏθÏÏοÏÏÎ³Î¿Ï ÎιÏÏÎ³Î¿Ï Î. ΠαÏανδÏÎ­Î¿Ï ÎºÎ±Î¹ ΠÏÏθÏÏοÏÏÎ³Î¿Ï ÏÎ·Ï ÎιβÏÎ·Ï al-Baghdadi Ali al-Mahmudi, μεÏά Ïην ÏÏνάνÏηÏή ÏοÏÏ. -- 21.5.2010, ÎέγαÏο ÎαξίμοÏ
7.37 min. | 3.66 user rating
love poems masnavi movlavi sher poems musighi music song ahang avaz az ayatava
3.43 min. | 3.14 user rating
Libyan PM talks about hundreds of casualties by NATO's bombings on Tripoli. He refers to the mass demonstrations (at around 6'20") that seem to go unreported by the Western Journalists (see They stress that they want to hold accountable those people who are responsible for the deaths of so many Libyans by NATO forces Also read contents of speech Gaddafi at
27.93 min. | 3.0 user rating
Sub: English and Hungarian Music: The Rock Sorry, there is a mistake in the video! The aircraft carrier, in the Chinese part, is not a Chinese carrier! This is the Chinese aircraft carrier: thelakeboss. com This is the plan of the new Chinese submarine aircraft carrier: Figyelem! Van egy hiba a videoban! A kínai résznél az anyahajó nem egy kínai anyahajó! A kínai anyahajó az alábbi képeken látható: Sorry, there is a mistake in the video! The aircraft carrier, in the Chinese part, is not a Chinese carrier! This is the Chinese aircraft carrier: thelakeboss. com Egy terv a jövÅbÅl, egy kínai tengeralattjáró-repülÅgép anyahajó: Ending in English: These are regular communist and socialist armies. This video not includes the guerilla groups and other not regular communist and socialist armies. This video was too short to explain the whole party os these armies. They are stronger than you can see in this video. These soldiers and leaders are fighting for the workers class and for you! Support them instead of imperialist US Army... ************* Ending in Hungarian: Ezek a reguláris kommunista és szocialista hadseregek. Ez a video nem tartalmazza a gerilla csoportokat és a többi nem reguláris kommunista és szocialista hadseregeket. Ez a video túl rövid ahhoz, hogy teljesen bemutassa a felsorolt hadseregeket. Sokkal erÅsebbek, mint ahogy azt a videoban látod <b>...</b>
10.03 min. | 4.47 user rating

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actualites : La Tunisie et la Libye lèvent les... - TV5 Tweet this news
TV5--Tunisian prime minister Mohamed Ghannouchi (R) greats Libyan General Secretary of the General People's Committee (prime minister) Al--Baghdadi- Ali al--Mahmudi- ... - Date : Fri, 29 Oct 2010 20:31:41 GMT+00:00
Notizie dai Balcani » Sutanovac in Libia: confermata cooperazione militare tra ... - Osservatorio Italiano (Registrazione) Tweet this news
Osservatorio Italiano (Registrazione)---...- dove ha discusso con il Primo Ministro Ali -Baghdadi- Ali al--Mahmudi- e il Ministro della Difesa e Capo Comandante delle forze armate della Libia, ... - Date : Tue, 02 Nov 2010 22:02:20 GMT+00:00
Chávez chega à Líbia para reunião com Kadhafi - AFP Tweet this news
AFP--O avião de Chávez pousou no aeroporto Miitiguam, na região de Trípoli, onde foi recebido pelo primeiro-ministro -Baghdadi Mahmudi-, pelo chanceler Mussa Kussa ... - Date : Fri, 22 Oct 2010 21:25:15 GMT+00:00
Chávez llega a Libia para reunirse con el coronel Kadhafi - AFP Tweet this news
AFP--El avión de Chávez aterrizó en el aeropuerto de Miitiguam cerca de Trípoli, donde fue recibido por el primer ministro -Baghdadi Mahmudi-, así como por el ... - Date : Fri, 22 Oct 2010 21:00:48 GMT+00:00
Libia, Abdessalam Jallud è il nuovo primo ministro. Succede a Baghdadi Mahmudi - Adnkronos/IGN Tweet this news
Adnkronos/IGN--Jallud prende il posto di -Baghdadi Mahmudi-. Amico di infanzia e compagno di accademia di Muammar Gheddafi, Jallud diventò suo braccio destro dopo la ... - Date : Wed, 27 Oct 2010 14:12:35 GMT+00:00
Libyan Press Crackdown Targets Leader's Reformist Son - The Media Line Tweet this news
The Media Line--Conservatives include the current prime minister, -Baghdadi Mahmudi-, who is believed to be behind the newspaper banning. Six months ago, Libyan leader ... - Date : Mon, 08 Nov 2010 14:56:15 GMT+00:00
Visita a Libia presidente sudanés - Prensa Latina Tweet this news
Prensa Latina---...- y fue recibido en la terminal aérea capitalina por el primer ministro libio, -Baghdadi Mahmudi-, y el titular de Exteriores, Musa Kusa. ... - Date : Wed, 04 Aug 2010 17:32:38 GMT+00:00
Presidente sudanês viaja novamente à Líbia apesar de ordem de detenção do TPI - EFE Tweet this news
EFE---...- e do Governo sudanês - foi recebido no aeroporto pelo primeiro-ministro líbio, -Baghdadi Mahmudi-, e pelo ministro de Exteriores do país, Moussa Kusa. ... - Date : Wed, 04 Aug 2010 14:46:10 GMT+00:00
Grecki rząd liczy na libijskie miliardy - Parkiet Tweet this news
Parkiet--W maju libijski wicepremier Al--Baghdadi- Ali Al--Mahmudi- zadeklarował w Atenach, że jego kraj jest gotowy, by pomóc Atenom wyjść z kryzysu. ... - Date : Wed, 21 Jul 2010 22:35:11 GMT+00:00
Accordo di cooperazione con la Libia per la sovranità alimentare - Fondazione Diritti Genetici Tweet this news
Fondazione Diritti Genetici--Mario Capanna è stato ricevuto dal Ministro delle politiche agricole, SE El Quud Aldelmajee, e poi dal Primo ministro libico, SE El -Baghdadi- Ali El -Mahmudi-, ... - Date : Mon, 26 Jul 2010 14:23:01 GMT+00:00

Political offices
Preceded by
Shukri Ghanem
{{nowrap|Prime Minister of Libya}}
2006 - present

Heads of government of Libya

Kingdom of Libya
Mahmud al-Muntasir * Muhammad Sakizli * Mustafa Ben Halim * Abdul Majid Kubar * Muhammad Osman Said * Mohieddin Fikini * Mahmud al-Muntasir * Hussein Maziq * Abdul Qadir al-Badri * Abdul Hamid al-Bakkoush * Wanis al-Qaddafi
Libyan Arab Republic
Mahmud Sulayman al-Maghribi * Muammar al-Gaddafi * Abdessalam Jalloud
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Abdul Ati al-Obeidi * Jadallah Azzuz at-Talhi * Muhammad az-Zaruq Rajab * Jadallah Azzuz at-Talhi * Umar Mustafa al-Muntasir * Abuzed Omar Dorda * Abdul Majid al-Qa �ud * Muhammad Ahmad al-Mangoush * Imbarek Shamekh * Shukri Ghanem * Baghdadi Mahmudi

LY topics

General People's Congress * Heads of Government * Heads of State * Italo-Turkish War * Libyan Jewish population * Prime Minister
Cities * Communications * Companies * Demographics * Districts * Great Manmade River * Health * Mediterranean Sea * Transport
CultureCoptic Orthodoxy * Literature * Music * Public holidays * Scouts and Girl Guides * Sport (Libya 2013 * National football team * National futsal team * Rugby) * Sufism
LanguagesArabic * Berber (Awjilah * Sawknah) * Domari * Tamahaq * Tebu

OPEC Leaders

DZ Bouteflika * AO Santos * EC Correa * IR Ahmadinejad * IQ Al-Maliki * KW Al-Sabah * LY Al-Gaddafi * NEia Jonathan * QA Al Thani * SA Abdullah * AE Khalifa * VE Chávez *

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