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Bremen and Mainz secure important victories - Monsters and Tweet this news Mixx

Monsters and - Werder -Bremen- and Mainz 05 secured very important Bundesliga victories on Sunday - albeit for differing reasons. -Bremen's- 3-1 win in Freiburg saw them leave the relegation zone, while Mainz's 4-2 ...

Sun, 06 Mar 2011 18:26:04 GMT+00:00

States of the German Confederation (1815 �66)

KingdomsPrussia * Bavaria * Saxony * Hanover * Württemberg
Grand DuchiesBaden * Hesse * Luxembourg * Mecklenburg (Schwerin * Strelitz) * Oldenburg * Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
DuchiesAnhalt (Bernburgup|1 * Dessauup|1 * Köthenup|2) * Brunswick * Holstein * Limburgup|3 * Nassau * Saxony (Altenburgup|4 * Coburg-Saalfeldup|5 * Coburg-Gothaup|4 * Gotha-Altenburgup|5 * Hildburghausenup|5 * Lauenburg * Meiningen)
PrincipalitiesHesse-Homburg * Hohenzollern (Hechingenup|6 * Sigmaringenup|6) * Liechtenstein * Lippe * Reuss (Elder * Junior) * Schaumburg-Lippe * Schwarzburg (Rudolstadt * Sondershausen) * Waldeck and Pyrmont
City-statesBremen * Frankfurt * Hamburg * Lübeck

DE States of the North German Confederation (1866 �71)

KingdomsPrussia * Saxony
Grand DuchiesHesse * Mecklenburg (Schwerin * Strelitz) * Oldenburg * Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
DuchiesAnhalt * Brunswick * Saxony (Altenburg * Coburg and Gotha * Meiningen)
PrincipalitiesSchaumburg-Lippe * Schwarzburg (Rudolstadt * Sondershausen) * Lippe * Reuss (Elder * Junior) * Waldeck-Pyrmont
City-statesBremen * Hamburg * Lübeck

DE States of the German Empire (1871 �1918)

KingdomsPrussia * Bavaria * Saxony * Württemberg
Grand DuchiesBaden * Hesse * Mecklenburg-Schwerin * Mecklenburg-Strelitz * Oldenburg * Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
DuchiesAnhalt * Brunswick * Saxe-Altenburg * Saxe-Coburg and Gotha * Saxe-Lauenburg (until 1876) * Saxe-Meiningen
PrincipalitiesSchaumburg-Lippe * Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt * Schwarzburg-Sondershausen * Lippe * Reuss Elder Line * Reuss Junior Line * Waldeck-Pyrmont
City-statesBremen * Hamburg * Lübeck
Other territoriesAlsace-Lorraine * Colonial possessions

States of Germany during the Weimar Republic (1919 �33)

Anhalt * Baden * Bavaria * Brunswick * Hesse * Lippe * Mecklenburg-Schwerin * Mecklenburg-Strelitz * Oldenburg * Prussia * Saxony * Schaumburg-Lippe * Thuringia (from 1920) * Waldeck (until 1929) * Württemberg
Bremen * Hamburg * Lübeck
Until 1920
SaxonyAltenburg * Coburg �Gotha * Meiningen * Weimar-Eisenach
ReussElder * Junior
SchwarzburgRudolstadt * Sondershausen
Bavarian Soviet Republic * Bottleneck * Rhenish Republic