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CeBIT robots videoconference, play soccer and more - Deutsche Welle Tweet this news Mixx

Deutsche Welle--Engineers at the University of -Bremen- demonstrated their work on brain computer interface systems that allow people to seemingly control simple robots with their mind. "This is exactly the typical error," cautioned Ivan

Fri, 04 Mar 2011 12:32:10 GMT+00:00

States of the German Confederation (1815 �66)

KingdomsPrussia * Bavaria * Saxony * Hanover * Württemberg
Grand DuchiesBaden * Hesse * Luxembourg * Mecklenburg (Schwerin * Strelitz) * Oldenburg * Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
DuchiesAnhalt (Bernburgup|1 * Dessauup|1 * Köthenup|2) * Brunswick * Holstein * Limburgup|3 * Nassau * Saxony (Altenburgup|4 * Coburg-Saalfeldup|5 * Coburg-Gothaup|4 * Gotha-Altenburgup|5 * Hildburghausenup|5 * Lauenburg * Meiningen)
PrincipalitiesHesse-Homburg * Hohenzollern (Hechingenup|6 * Sigmaringenup|6) * Liechtenstein * Lippe * Reuss (Elder * Junior) * Schaumburg-Lippe * Schwarzburg (Rudolstadt * Sondershausen) * Waldeck and Pyrmont
City-statesBremen * Frankfurt * Hamburg * Lübeck

DE States of the North German Confederation (1866 �71)

KingdomsPrussia * Saxony
Grand DuchiesHesse * Mecklenburg (Schwerin * Strelitz) * Oldenburg * Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
DuchiesAnhalt * Brunswick * Saxony (Altenburg * Coburg and Gotha * Meiningen)
PrincipalitiesSchaumburg-Lippe * Schwarzburg (Rudolstadt * Sondershausen) * Lippe * Reuss (Elder * Junior) * Waldeck-Pyrmont
City-statesBremen * Hamburg * Lübeck

DE States of the German Empire (1871 �1918)

KingdomsPrussia * Bavaria * Saxony * Württemberg
Grand DuchiesBaden * Hesse * Mecklenburg-Schwerin * Mecklenburg-Strelitz * Oldenburg * Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
DuchiesAnhalt * Brunswick * Saxe-Altenburg * Saxe-Coburg and Gotha * Saxe-Lauenburg (until 1876) * Saxe-Meiningen
PrincipalitiesSchaumburg-Lippe * Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt * Schwarzburg-Sondershausen * Lippe * Reuss Elder Line * Reuss Junior Line * Waldeck-Pyrmont
City-statesBremen * Hamburg * Lübeck
Other territoriesAlsace-Lorraine * Colonial possessions

States of Germany during the Weimar Republic (1919 �33)

Anhalt * Baden * Bavaria * Brunswick * Hesse * Lippe * Mecklenburg-Schwerin * Mecklenburg-Strelitz * Oldenburg * Prussia * Saxony * Schaumburg-Lippe * Thuringia (from 1920) * Waldeck (until 1929) * Württemberg
Bremen * Hamburg * Lübeck
Until 1920
SaxonyAltenburg * Coburg �Gotha * Meiningen * Weimar-Eisenach
ReussElder * Junior
SchwarzburgRudolstadt * Sondershausen
Bavarian Soviet Republic * Bottleneck * Rhenish Republic