Seagull PHP Framework
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Seagull PHP Framework

Software information
Stable release0.6.7
Latest release dateFebruary 23, 2010
Operating systemCross-platform
TypeContent Management Framework

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Seagull PHP Framework (Seagull) is an OOP PHP software framework for building web, command line and GUI applications. Seagull uses Model-view-controller design pattern. Many popular PHP applications are integrated within the project, as are various templating engines, PEAR libs, testing tools and managed library code.

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Web Application Frameworks

ASP.NETASP.NET MVC * ASP.NET Web Forms * ASP.NET Dynamic Data * BFC * DotNetNuke * MonoRail * OpenRasta * Umbraco * Vici MVC
ColdFusionColdSpring * Fusebox * Mach-II * Model-Glue * onTap * on Wheels
Common LispABCL-web * SymbolicWeb * UnCommon Web
C++CppCMS * Wt - Web toolkit
JavaApache Struts * AppFuse * Flexive * GWT * Grails * Vaadin * ItsNat * JavaServer Faces * Jspx * Makumba * OpenXava * Play * Eclipse RAP * Reasonable Server Faces * RIFE * Restlet * Seam * Spring * Stripes * Tapestry * WebWork * Wicket * ZK * ICEfaces
PerlCatalyst * Interchange * Mason * Maypole * Reaction * WebGUI
PHPCakePHP * CodeIgniter * Drupal * Horde * Joomla * KohanaPHP * Midgard * MODx * Nette * Qcodo * Seagull * SilverStripe * Symfony * TYPO3 * Xaraya * Yii * Zend
PythonDjango * Nevow * TurboGears * Plone * Pyjamas * Pylons * web2py * Zope
RubyRuby on Rails * Merb * Sinatra * Hobo * Camping * Nitro * Ramaze
SmalltalkAIDA/Web * Seaside
Other languagesApplication Express (PL/SQL) * Fusebox (ColdFusion and PHP) * OpenACS (Tcl) * Yaws (Erlang) * HAppS (Haskell) * SproutCore (JavaScript/Ruby)

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