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"Features Without Fixtures"
Software information
DeveloperS. Isaac Dealey|source_model=Open source
Stable release3.2b
Latest release dateSeptember 24, 2008
Operating systemCross-platform
Typeweb application framework

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The onTap framework is a free service-oriented and "full stack" web application framework for ColdFusion.

In addition to providing an MVC controller like most other ColdFusion frameworks, it also includes an array of APIs for rapid application development, including e-mail, HTML templating (and associated DHTML widgets such as Section 508 compliant tabsets), AJAX, application branding and customization, form management and i18n internationalization features.

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Is Cisco adding a storage array to UCS? - NetworkWorld.com Tweet this news
NetworkWorld.com--According to this post in The Register, tweets are going around that indicate Cisco and NetApp are getting chummier, apparently around NetApp's Data -ONTAP--v ... - Date : Thu, 16 Dec 2010 21:43:24 GMT+00:00
Abiquo Joins NetApp Alliance Partner Program - DMN Newswire (press release) Tweet this news
DMN Newswire (press release)--As a result, customers can continue to use NetApp Data -ONTAP- prepackaged storage management solutions, which effectively create and manage storage pools and ... - Date : Tue, 07 Dec 2010 22:17:47 GMT+00:00
NetApp launched Future Ready products: Telecos caught their eye - Voice & Data Online Tweet this news
Voice & Data Online--Like one of the products Data -ONTAP- 8 has new features to enable greater flexibility, efficiency, scalability, and performance. A first for the industry, ... - Date : Tue, 30 Nov 2010 06:14:10 GMT+00:00
思科与NetApp或就ONTAP-v达成合作协议 - 中关村在线 Tweet this news
中关村在线--Twitter上充斥着关于思科和NetApp将加强合作关系的帖子,双方是否会就Data -ONTAP--v Could达成一项OEM协议呢? -ONTAP--v是NetApp的阵列操作系统,以虚拟机的形式在ESX下 ... - Date : Tue, 21 Dec 2010 03:01:33 GMT+00:00
한국넷앱 사업전략 및 신제품 기자간담회 - 아크로팬 Tweet this news
아크로팬--1) NetApp Data -ONTAP- 8 : Data -ONTAP- 8에는 뛰어난 유연성, 효율성, 확장성 및 성능을 지원하는 새로운 기능이 있다. Unified Connect는 업계 최초로 효율성과 성능을 ... - Date : Tue, 30 Nov 2010 14:38:09 GMT+00:00
思科与NetApp或就ONTAP-v达成合作协议 - 比特网 Tweet this news
比特网--[导读]Twitter上充斥着关于思科和NetApp将加强合作关系的帖子,双方是否会就Data -ONTAP--v Could达成一项OEM协议呢? Twitter上充斥着关于思科和NetApp将加强合作关系的 ... - Date : Fri, 17 Dec 2010 07:24:04 GMT+00:00
What recession? Fuelled by cloud, storage companies continue to grow - ITWeb (blog) Tweet this news
ITWeb (blog)--“For example, the NetApp Data -ONTAP- 8 operating system combines all virtualised workloads to deliver with the lowest storage TCO. It pulls SAN, NAS, FC, ... - Date : Wed, 01 Dec 2010 07:35:49 GMT+00:00
NetApp whips out a blade - Register Tweet this news
Register--The storage control blade has an installed hypervisor - we don't know which one - and Data -ONTAP--V software from NetApp. No, we've not heard of that either. ... - Date : Thu, 25 Nov 2010 16:32:25 GMT+00:00
Fujitsu's PRIMERGY BX400 Opens Up Blade Computing for Midsize Companies - VAdvert Press Center (press release) Tweet this news
VAdvert Press Center (press release)--“By leveraging the virtual storage appliance with NetApp Data -ONTAP--v, customers can benefit from NetApp's proven and innovative storage efficiency ... - Date : Fri, 26 Nov 2010 02:21:24 GMT+00:00
Isilon may stay on Seattle scene - Register Tweet this news
Register--It gives EMC a strong counter to NetApp bids into VMware/NFS application environments as Isilon clustering is a whole lot stronger than NetApp's -ONTAP- in ... - Date : Wed, 24 Nov 2010 09:56:40 GMT+00:00

Web Application Frameworks

ASP.NETASP.NET MVC * ASP.NET Web Forms * ASP.NET Dynamic Data * BFC * DotNetNuke * MonoRail * OpenRasta * Umbraco * Vici MVC
ColdFusionColdSpring * Fusebox * Mach-II * Model-Glue * onTap * on Wheels
Common LispABCL-web * SymbolicWeb * UnCommon Web
C++CppCMS * Wt - Web toolkit
JavaApache Struts * AppFuse * Flexive * GWT * Grails * Vaadin * ItsNat * JavaServer Faces * Jspx * Makumba * OpenXava * Play * Eclipse RAP * Reasonable Server Faces * RIFE * Restlet * Seam * Spring * Stripes * Tapestry * WebWork * Wicket * ZK * ICEfaces
PerlCatalyst * Interchange * Mason * Maypole * Reaction * WebGUI
PHPCakePHP * CodeIgniter * Drupal * Horde * Joomla * KohanaPHP * Midgard * MODx * Nette * Qcodo * Seagull * SilverStripe * Symfony * TYPO3 * Xaraya * Yii * Zend
PythonDjango * Nevow * TurboGears * Plone * Pyjamas * Pylons * web2py * Zope
RubyRuby on Rails * Merb * Sinatra * Hobo * Camping * Nitro * Ramaze
SmalltalkAIDA/Web * Seaside
Other languagesApplication Express (PL/SQL) * Fusebox (ColdFusion and PHP) * OpenACS (Tcl) * Yaws (Erlang) * HAppS (Haskell) * SproutCore (JavaScript/Ruby)

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