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All you need... none you don't.
Software information
Original authorEzra Zygmuntowicz
DeveloperYehuda Katz
Stable release1.1.2
Latest release dateJune 17, 2010
Written inRuby
Operating systemCross-platform
TypeWeb application framework
LicenseMIT License

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Merb, short for "Mongrel+Erb", is a model-view-controller web framework written in Ruby. Merb adopts an approach that focuses on essential core functionality, leaving most functionality to plugins. Merb was merged into Rails web framework on December 23, 2008. Merb was merged with Rails as part of the Ruby on Rails 3.0 release.

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An Interview with Obie Fernandez on Rails 3 - informIT Tweet this news
informIT--Obie Fernandez: Well, maybe it's the obvious answer, but I can't think of anything more important that the merge with -Merb-, resulting in Rails 3. ... - Date : Mon, 20 Dec 2010 11:02:32 GMT+00:00
Daly to end his eight-year TUSM deanship - Temple News Tweet this news
Temple News--Second-year medical student Natalie Pugachevsky said she has class at -MERB- almost every day. “I know from what I've heard before that there have been a lot ... - Date : Mon, 29 Nov 2010 21:43:40 GMT+00:00
Engine Yard Launches Open-Source Grant Program - eWeek Tweet this news
eWeek--Yehuda Katz is a member of the Ruby on Rails core team, and lead developer of the -Merb- project. He is a member of the jQuery Core Team, ... - Date : Wed, 01 Dec 2010 19:04:46 GMT+00:00
JetBrains、Rails 3.0対応IDE「RubyMine 3.0」をリリース - ITpro Tweet this news
ITpro---...- ワークの最新版であるRails 3.0に対応し、さまざまな新機能を採用した(関連記事:Ruby on Rails 3.0正式リリース、-Merb-を統合しActive Recordなど刷新)。 ... - Date : Tue, 30 Nov 2010 01:48:50 GMT+00:00
유전자변형 식물 `수은정화용 까마중' 개발 - 매일경제 Tweet this news
매일경제--5년간의 연구 끝에 개발한 유전자변형 까마중은 이식된 `도입유전자'(-merB-)가 유독성의 유기수은을 무기수은으로 바꿔 공기 중으로 내보내는 역할을 해 식물 내의 수은 ... - Date : Tue, 23 Nov 2010 04:51:39 GMT+00:00
Ruby on Rails regains lost performance - Tweet this news 3.0 was released in late-August, offering boosted performance capabilities as a result of a merger with the -Merb- framework. ... - Date : Mon, 22 Nov 2010 16:05:08 GMT+00:00
Gehört der Gelbe Sack in die Tonne? - Schwarzwälder Bote Tweet this news
Schwarzwälder Bote--Fehlwürfe nennen die Mitarbeiter im Mittelbadischen Entsorgungs- und Recyclingbetrieb (-Merb-) bei Bietigheim das. Auch zwanzig Jahre nach der Geburt des ... - Date : Tue, 23 Nov 2010 12:58:30 GMT+00:00
Ein neuer Blick auf Rails und Ruby - Tweet this news einiger Zeit fusionierte Rails mit dem -Merb--Projekt. Rails hatte seine eigene Methode Dinge umzusetzen und -Merb- war genau das Gegenteil davon. ... - Date : Fri, 12 Nov 2010 08:03:05 GMT+00:00
Student involvement in learning communities continues to grow - OHIOU The Post Tweet this news
OHIOU The Post--Wendy -Merb--Brown, OU's director of Learning Community Programs, said enrollment in learning communities continues to increase. The numbers have yet to be ... - Date : Thu, 23 Sep 2010 03:54:23 GMT+00:00
Rails核心开发人员离职 转向Web领域 - IT168 (新闻发布) Tweet this news
IT168 (新闻发布)--Yehuda Katz是Rails社区和JavaScript社区最知名的开发者之一,是Ruby框架-merb-的主要作者,也是jQuery框架的主要作者,此外Katz还参与了DataMapper的开发。 ... - Date : Thu, 16 Sep 2010 05:49:42 GMT+00:00

Ruby programming language

IDENetBeans * RubyForge * RadRails * RubyMine * ActiveState_Komodo
ImplementationsRuby MRI * YARV * JRuby * IronRuby * Rubinius * XRuby * MacRuby * RubyJS * HotRuby
ApplicationsRubyGems * Rake * Interactive Ruby Shell * Capistrano
Libraries / FrameworksAdhearsion * Camping * eRuby (RHTML) * Hobo * Merb * Nitro * RubyCocoa * Ruby on Rails * Ramaze * Sinatra * Padrino * QtRuby
Server SoftwareMongrel * Phusion Passenger (mod_rails/mod_rack) * WEBrick * mod_ruby
OtherApplication Archives * Document format * Book Guides * Ruby Central * Hackety Hack

Web Application Frameworks

ASP.NETASP.NET MVC * ASP.NET Web Forms * ASP.NET Dynamic Data * BFC * DotNetNuke * MonoRail * OpenRasta * Umbraco * Vici MVC
ColdFusionColdSpring * Fusebox * Mach-II * Model-Glue * onTap * on Wheels
Common LispABCL-web * SymbolicWeb * UnCommon Web
C++CppCMS * Wt - Web toolkit
JavaApache Struts * AppFuse * Flexive * GWT * Grails * Vaadin * ItsNat * JavaServer Faces * Jspx * Makumba * OpenXava * Play * Eclipse RAP * Reasonable Server Faces * RIFE * Restlet * Seam * Spring * Stripes * Tapestry * WebWork * Wicket * ZK * ICEfaces
PerlCatalyst * Interchange * Mason * Maypole * Reaction * WebGUI
PHPCakePHP * CodeIgniter * Drupal * Horde * Joomla * KohanaPHP * Midgard * MODx * Nette * Qcodo * Seagull * SilverStripe * Symfony * TYPO3 * Xaraya * Yii * Zend
PythonDjango * Nevow * TurboGears * Plone * Pyjamas * Pylons * web2py * Zope
RubyRuby on Rails * Merb * Sinatra * Hobo * Camping * Nitro * Ramaze
SmalltalkAIDA/Web * Seaside
Other languagesApplication Express (PL/SQL) * Fusebox (ColdFusion and PHP) * OpenACS (Tcl) * Yaws (Erlang) * HAppS (Haskell) * SproutCore (JavaScript/Ruby)

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