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     Home | Disease | Pyridoxine deficiency

Pyridoxine deficiency (also known as B6 deficiency) is a paediatric disease due to a lack of pyridoxine (or vitamin B6). The disease presents with several key symptoms including seizures, irritability, cheilitis (inflammation of the lips), conjunctivitis and neurologic symptoms. It usually becomes noticeable within the first 12 months of life in infants with a lack of pyridoxine, a coenzyme responsible for numerous essential metabolic reactions in humans. It is rarely observed, even in developing countries. In patients receiving isoniazid, pyridoxine deficiency can lead to a sideroblastic anemia because pyridoxine is a required cofactor in heme synthesis.

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Vitamin B6: What you Need to Know - Tweet this news B6, -pyridoxine-, changes carbohydrates present in food items into glucose, which in turn releases energy when used by the body. ... - Date : Mon, 08 Nov 2010 21:09:07 GMT+00:00
Vitamin B6 Deficiencies and Your Skin - EmpowHer (blog) Tweet this news
EmpowHer (blog)--Apparently, the man was on a blood pressure medication called Hydralazine for hypertension which has a side effect of causing vitamin B6 (-pyridoxine-) ... - Date : Mon, 28 Jun 2010 18:41:52 GMT+00:00
On prescription meds? 10 recommended supplements - Tweet this news If you are on the birth control pill, consider Vitamin B6 (-Pyridoxine- HCL) at about 100mg/day. Oral contraceptives have been associated with Vitamin B6 ... - Date : Thu, 06 May 2010 12:04:08 GMT+00:00

Nutrition disorders (E40-68, 260-269)


Nutrition disorders (E40-68, 260-269)

subgroup |Protein-energy
B vitaminsB1: Beriberi/Wernicke's encephalopathy(Thiamine deficiency) * B2: Ariboflavinosis * B3: Pellagra(Niacin deficiency) * B6: Pyridoxine deficiency * B7: Biotin deficiency * B9: Folate deficiency * B12: Vitamn B12 deficiency
A: Vitamin A deficiency/Bitot's spots * C: Scurvy * D: Hypovitaminosis D/Rickets/Osteomalacia * E: Vitamin E deficiency * K: Vitamin K deficiency
Zinc * Iron * Magnesium * Chromium * Selenium (Keshan disease) * Manganese * Molybdenum * Copper * Calcium * Potassium

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