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     Home | Disease | Folate deficiency

Folate deficiency is a lack of folic acid in the diet and the signs are often subtle. Folate deficiency anemia is the medical name given for the condition.

Folate deficiency Video

Iodized newspaper ink cures Iodine deficiency disease Newspapers throughout the developing world have an item printed with Iodized ink; just eat the article to cure a disease that affected 2 billion during the 20th century wikipedia says Iodine deficiency disease has affected two billion people simultaneously; a third of earths 20th century population Newspapers are ubiquitous trash available as new used or trash to almost all humans printing a nutrition Item brings Iodine sufficiency to giant numbers of people Iodine sufficiency can be achieved with near 70 micrograms of Iodine There is also an opportunity here to put microgram micronutrients like V Sn B12 as well as birth defect reducing folate with the material wikipedia microgram supplements Iodine 150 µg B12 2.4 µg Folate 400 µg Molybdenum 45 µg Se 55 µg with soybean ink update: I think special highly nutritive vitamin as well as DHA producing bacteria could be developed to make fermented foods dry ink cultures of these hypervitaminizing could also be printed at the paper as recipe graphics The link notes: "the vitamin content (milligrams of vitamins per 100g of product) of pulque increases from 5 to 29 for thiamine, 54 to 515 for niacin and 18 to 33 for riboflavin (Steinkraus, 1992) during fermentation" quadruple that with a little breeding or GE NB: I have the idea that the most potent allergens known are active at ug amounts; perhaps these potent immune activators could be linked to disease dna fragments to create <b>...</b>
1.18 min. | 1.0 user rating Phone: 1-877-405-6054 Can't find your keys? Mood swings? Brain fog? Or is just age? These lapses in memory can cause grave concern- but could it really be something simple? 40% of Americans are Vitamin B12 deficient...don't be one of them! Get more information at
7.02 min. | 5.0 user rating
Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in this part of the world. Studies suggest that up to 90% of colon cancer may be preventable through better dietary and lifestyle practices. A recent study suggested that optimal nutritional status of the mineral selenium and the B- vitamin folic acid may be an important part of your prevention campaign.
5.07 min. | 5.0 user rating
Buy the DVD at: This DVD includes 2 films about malnutrition and how it affects children and pregnant mothers. Although the syndromes in each region are different poverty is the root cause of protein energy malnutrition in Nepal and iron deficiency anemia in Niger.
1.82 min. | 5.0 user rating
A teaching video for medical students that emphasizes recognizing the red cell production anemias and their causes.
6.10 min. | 5.0 user rating
What do alcoholics eat?
0.22 min. | 0 user rating

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Gene is linked to colon cancer when folate's low - Tweet this news new study, published in the March 15 issue of the journal Cancer Research (71:6), provides evidence that a combination of -folate deficiency- and reduced expression of the SHMT1 gene, which is required for accurate DNA synthesis, boosts t - Date : Tue, 29 Mar 2011 12:08:26 GMT+00:00
Deficiency of Vitamins and Nutrients Raises the Risk of Anemia in Women - TopNews United States Tweet this news
TopNews United States--The findings claim that women who had anemia consumed less protein, -folate-, vitamin B12, iron, vitamin C and red meat as compared to others. Anemia particularly results from the iron -deficiency- of iron the diet. The condition le - Date : Sat, 26 Mar 2011 10:03:19 GMT+00:00
NZ opposition calls for mandatory folate fortification - FOOD Magazine - Australia Tweet this news
FOOD Magazine - Australia--A recent study conducted by the Sydney Royal Prince Alfred Hospital shows the prevalence of -folate deficiency- in Australia has significantly reduced since the mandatory fortification of folic acid in bread flour came into effe - Date : Thu, 17 Mar 2011 05:05:28 GMT+00:00
How Vitamins Can Affect The Health of Your Unborn Child - iNews Connect (press release) Tweet this news
iNews Connect (press release)--A -deficiency- in folic acid can cause a neural tube birth defect, the most usual of which is Spina Bifida. In a neural tube defect, the baby's spine and nerves are not safely inside of the body. Rather, the baby is bor - Date : Wed, 16 Mar 2011 19:42:45 GMT+00:00
Keeping memory sharp on the long and winding roads of life - BusinessLIVE Tweet this news
BusinessLIVE--High blood pressure, vascular problems � atrial fibrillation, heart disease, stroke � low vitamin B 12, and -folate deficiency-, thyroid disease and even diabetes are all treatable risk factors. Treatment can help to delay cognitive decline - Date : Wed, 16 Mar 2011 11:28:19 GMT+00:00
Skin Color In Teaching Evolution - Science 2.0 Tweet this news
Science 2.0--Ultraviolet B radiation produces vitamin D in human skin, but can destroy -folate-. -Folate- is important for the rapid growth of cells, especially during pregnancy, when its -deficiency- can cause neural tube defects. Destruction of -folate- - Date : Thu, 17 Mar 2011 01:37:43 GMT+00:00
Want a quiet baby? Tuck into a steak during pregnancy - Daily Mail Tweet this news
Daily Mail--They found no link between -folate-, another nutrient essential for the healthy development of brains, and crying. Researchers believe a lack of vitamin B12 may affect the development of nerve cells in the brain, increasing irritability in bab - Date : Mon, 21 Mar 2011 01:19:32 GMT+00:00
10 Best Supplements for Depression - Tweet this news following are the ten best supplements for depression: The synthetic form of -folate-, vitamin B9, is found in fruits, asparagus, leafy vegetables, and other foods, that affect neurotransmitters. Most people with depression have low -fola - Date : Tue, 08 Mar 2011 19:36:24 GMT+00:00
Best Diet for Fighting Depression and Anxiety - Opposing Views Tweet this news
Opposing Views--Scientists have linked -folate- and vitamin B-12 -deficiency- to depression. The Mediterranean diet consists of high levels of these two nutrients, as well as heart healthy omega-3s, monounsaturated fats ("good fats"), an - Date : Thu, 24 Feb 2011 02:58:28 GMT+00:00
Scholar: Skin Color a Handy Tool for Teaching Evolution - Gant Daily Tweet this news
Gant Daily--Ultraviolet B radiation produces vitamin D in human skin, but can destroy -folate-. -Folate- is important for the rapid growth of cells, especially during pregnancy, when its -deficiency- can cause neural tube defects. Destruction of -folate- - Date : Tue, 22 Feb 2011 09:35:08 GMT+00:00

Nutrition disorders (E40-68, 260-269)


Nutrition disorders (E40-68, 260-269)

subgroup |Protein-energy
B vitaminsB1: Beriberi/Wernicke's encephalopathy(Thiamine deficiency) * B2: Ariboflavinosis * B3: Pellagra(Niacin deficiency) * B6: Pyridoxine deficiency * B7: Biotin deficiency * B9: Folate deficiency * B12: Vitamn B12 deficiency
A: Vitamin A deficiency/Bitot's spots * C: Scurvy * D: Hypovitaminosis D/Rickets/Osteomalacia * E: Vitamin E deficiency * K: Vitamin K deficiency
Zinc * Iron * Magnesium * Chromium * Selenium (Keshan disease) * Manganese * Molybdenum * Copper * Calcium * Potassium

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