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Pompeu Fabra University

University information
NamePompeu Fabra University
Native name 
TypePublic University
RectorJosep Joan Moreso Mateos
StateCatalonia, Spain

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Pompeu Fabra University ( ; -cauniβərsiˈtat pumˈpɛw ˈfaβɾəIPA) is a university in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. It is widely considered to be one of the best universities in Spain and in Europe, and was ranked 1st in scientific productivity in Spain in 2009. Founded in 1990, it is named after the Catalan philologist Pompeu Fabra. Currently (2009-10), the University offers 19 undergraduate degrees, 37 official masters, and 9 PhD programs, as well as around 60 UPF masters.

The UPF is located in three separate campuses, each associated to its own area of knowledge:

* Social Sciences and Humanities (Ciutadella Campus);

* Sciences and information technologies and communication (Communication Campus - Poblenou)

* Biomedical sciences (Mar Campus).

Teaching is organized in seven faculties or schools (Humanities, Health and Life Sciences, Economics, Political and Social Sciences, Communication, Law, Translation and Interpretation), one polytechnic school. Research is organized in eight departments (Economics and Business, Law, Political and Social Sciences, Humanities, Experimental Sciences and Health, Information Technologies and Communication, Communication, Translation, Language Sciences) and four university research institutes (University Institute of Culture, Jaume Vicens i Vives University Institute of History, University Institute for Applied Linguistics, Audiovisual University Institute). The University also has four affiliated centers (International Trade Business School -ESCI-, Elisava School of Design, University School of Business Studies of the Maresme -EUM-), Mar University School of Nursing -EUIM-, two interuniversity postgraduate platforms (Barcelona Institute for International Studies -IBEI- and Barcelona Graduate School of Economics -Barcelona GSE-), as well as its own Continuing Education Institute (IDEC) complementing its range of educational facilities.

Pompeu Fabra University Video

Making of del lipdub realitzat per estudiants de Comunicació Audiovisual de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra el maig del 2010.
6.45 min. | 5.0 user rating
Game designed for the Reactable ( by Aleix Fabra Roca, Luis Gris Lorente and Roger López Escardó. Final project of Interactive Sistems given by Sergi Jordà at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF Barcelona)
0.52 min. | 5.0 user rating
Tom et Nico essaient La Reactable, un instrument de musique électro-acoustique, créé à l'université Pompeu Fabra de Barcelone Björk l'utilise en concert pour sa tournée Volta 2007 Il s'apparente aux ondes Martenot. La Reactable est en réalité une interface qui permet de modifier les composantes d'un synthétiseur modulaire. Il se présente sous la forme d'une surface ronde ayant au centre un point (la sortie du son), sur laquelle on dispose des blocs représentant chacun des éléments du synthétiseur. Les éléments sont reliés entre eux virtuellement comme dans un circuit électrique. Le joueur peut modifier leurs interactions en faisant varier la distance séparant deux éléments reliés, la fréquence du signal en faisant pivoter l'élément, l'amplitude en déplaçant son doigt autour de l'élément...
3.83 min. | 3.66 user rating
IDEC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra's institutional video. Set up in 1993, IDEC is the tool implemented by Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) to develop continuing education and training for professionals in close collaboration with the world of business. With the perspective gained by years of existence and activity under the premise of quality and academic excellence, IDEC has more than consolidated its prestige by offering masters and postgraduate programmes which are completely adapted to the educational needs of the business and professional worlds. At the same time, IDEC provides graduates and UPF alumni with a natural continuation of their university studies as well as with the recycling necessary in the development of their professional lives. Masters and postgraduates in Barcelona.
7.32 min. | 0 user rating
If you want to enjoy the impromptu musical performances given in Parc Güell on Fridays, listen to the chimes of the Sant Martí de Provençals church bells or lose yourself in the station atmosphere at the Forum metro, you don't have to leave your house. The Sons de Barcelona database, created by a musical-technology research group at Pompeu Fabra University, offers downloadable sound recordings of the city captured by Net surfers. Xavier Serra, who is in charge of the project, tells us how the initiative is contributing towards the creation of a Barcelona sound reality. And what about you? Where's your recorder?
6.58 min. | 0 user rating
This is a reproduction of the University of Pompeu Fabra digital signage by Beabloo Esto es una reproducción del canal de Digital Signage de Beabloo en la universidad Pompeu Fabra
3.95 min. | 0 user rating
IDEC-Universitat Pompeu Fabra's institutional video. Set up in 1993, IDEC is the tool implemented by Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) to develop continuing education and training for professionals in close collaboration with the world of business. With the perspective gained by years of existence and activity under the premise of quality and academic excellence, IDEC has more than consolidated its prestige by offering masters and postgraduate programmes which are completely adapted to the educational needs of the business and professional worlds. At the same time, IDEC provides graduates and UPF alumni with a natural continuation of their university studies as well as with the recycling necessary in the development of their professional lives. Masters and postgraduates in Barcelona.
3.15 min. | 5.0 user rating
Checking how Bogart tests Hepburn's patience in Catalan in the film, The African Queen, could be included among the exercises carried out by GNRC (Cognitive Neuroscience Group) members at the Parc Científic de Barcelona. Salvador Soto, head of research for the Multisensorial Research Group and a lecturer in the IT Department at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, explains how the lack of coordination between lips and sound in dubbed films puts our brains to the test.
3.77 min. | 0 user rating
Vídeo promocional per a l'obra "Un Hamlet..." del segon nivell de l'Aula de Teatre de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Realitzat per Berta Hernández, Dídac Pérez i Adrián Pino.
3.20 min. | 0 user rating
El llibre "The Architect of Modern Catalan. Pompeu Fabra (1868-1948)" va ser presentat el passat 20 de gener durant un acte acadèmic i institucional.
3.43 min. | 0 user rating

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College to Host Acclaimed Novelist from Barcelona - Hood Today Tweet this news
Hood Today--Alfred Bosch, a renowned novelist from Barcelona, Spain and a professor at the -Pompeu Fabra University- of Barcelona, will be visiting Hood on April 25 to give a lecture on maps and the rich culture of his native country. The lecture he is gi - Date : Thu, 14 Apr 2011 05:31:58 GMT+00:00
How it Became Acceptable to Publicly Reveal Bias Against Muslims in America - Huffington Post (blog) Tweet this news
Huffington Post (blog)---...- is an assistant professor of sociology at the Universitat -Pompeu Fabra- in Barcelona, Spain. His research focuses on the causes and consequences of human migration. Amaney A. Jamal is an associate professor of politics at Pr - Date : Thu, 14 Apr 2011 17:31:11 GMT+00:00
Alianzas internacionales, un aporte a los programas de postgrado - Tweet this news ejemplo en Chile lo da la Universidad Diego Portales (UDP), que ofrece doble grado internacional con la Universidad -Pompeu Fabra- (UPF), de España. Este beneficio se aplica para diversos programas de postgrado y permiten a los alumno - Date : Thu, 14 Apr 2011 13:04:41 GMT+00:00
APPELLO AL VOTO DEI REFERENDUM DEL 12 GIUGNO 2011 - Di'Gay Project - DGP Tweet this news
Di'Gay Project - DGP--21. Daniele Cozzoli, Professore-Ricercatore, -Pompeu Fabra-, Barcellona, Spagna. 22. Daniele Morici, Dottorando di ricerca, London Metropolitan -University-, Londra, Regno Unito. 24. Federica Baggio, Assistente stagiaire, Parlam - Date : Mon, 04 Apr 2011 11:05:43 GMT+00:00
Tumor growth may be due to two Pathways in the cell - Chicago Flame Online (subscription) Tweet this news
Chicago Flame Online (subscription)--The work is the result of international collaboration between Frolov's laboratory at UIC and Nuria Lopez-Bigas's genomics group at the -University- of -Pompeu Fabra- in Barcelona, Spain. Brandon Nicolay and B - Date : Mon, 04 Apr 2011 08:27:42 GMT+00:00
González-Paramo, Stiglitz y José Viñals, entre los asistentes a las jornadas ... - Expansió Tweet this news
Expansió Sebastian Edwards, Cátedra Henry Ford II de Economía de Negocios Internacionales de la UCLA; Miguel Ángel Fernández Ordóñez, Governador del Banco de España y Jordi Galí, Director del CREI y Catedrático de Economía de la Uni - Date : Wed, 13 Apr 2011 17:40:52 GMT+00:00
El visor web "Mirador" de la Diputación recibe 2.151 visitas entre febrero y marzo - Giralda Informacion Tweet this news
Giralda Informacion--A nivel nacional, “Mirador” ha sido consultado por las Universidades de Vigo, Santiago de Compostela, Valencia, Zaragoza, Gerona y -Pompeu Fabra-. También, el Ministerio de Defensa se ha acercado a esta ventana, así como las emp - Date : Tue, 05 Apr 2011 15:29:17 GMT+00:00
Two Pathways in the Cell Interact to Spur Tumor Growth - Newswise (press release) Tweet this news
Newswise (press release)--The work is the result of international collaboration between Frolov's laboratory at UIC and Nuria Lopez-Bigas's genomics group at the -University- of -Pompeu Fabra- in Barcelona, Spain. Brandon Nicolay and Battuya Baya - Date : Tue, 29 Mar 2011 17:37:48 GMT+00:00
Acreditación y ránking internacional de las universidades - Los Andes (Argentina) Tweet this news
Los Andes (Argentina)--Una revisión de las 200 mejores universidades rankeadas, revela que 72 son estadounidenses, 29 inglesas, 14 alemanas, 10 holandesas, y solamente dos españolas (Universidad de Barcelona y Universidad -Pompeu Fabra-). En el listado - Date : Tue, 29 Mar 2011 05:07:31 GMT+00:00
El 81% de los estudiantes considera que con Bolonia los másteres se valorarán más - Tweet this news -University- of Applied Sciences; Fundación de Estudios Financieros; Fundación Escuela de Negocios de Andalucía GIO UPM; Glion Institute of Higher Education; Hult International Business School; IDEC-Universitat -Pompeu Fabra-; IE B - Date : Fri, 25 Mar 2011 09:36:17 GMT+00:00

Compostela Group of Universities

Belgium: Catholic University of Brussels * University of Liège * Czech Republic: Masaryk University * Denmark: University of Copenhagen * Finland: University of Oulu * France: University of Angers * University of Bordeaux 1 * Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2 University * Michel de Montaigne University Bordeaux 3 * Montesquieu University - Bordeaux IV * University of Burgundy * Université de Limoges * Université Montpellier III * University of Nantes * Paris-Sorbonne University * Pierre and Marie Curie University * University of Rennes 1 * François Rabelais University * Institut supérieur de gestion de Paris * Université Lille Nord de France * University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambresis * Germany: University of Göttingen * Greece: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens * University of Ioannina * Hungary: Pécsi Tudományegyetem * Italy: University of Perugia * University of Teramo * Luxembourg: Centre Robert Schuman * Malta: University of Malta * Netherlands: Hogeschool Hertogenbosch * Norway: University of Bergen * Poland: Adam Mickiewicz University * Uniwersytet Łódzki * Maria Curie-Skłodowska University * Portugal: Universidade de Aveiro * University of Évora * University of Lisbon * Universidade do Minho * Universidade do Porto * Universidade Portucalense, Infante Dom Enrique * Universidade Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro * Spain: Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio * Universidad Autónoma Barcelona * Complutense University of Madrid * University of A Coruña * University of Alicante * University of Burgos * University of Cádiz * University of Cantabria * University of Castilla-La Mancha * University of Deusto * University of La Laguna * Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria * University of León * University of Lleida * Universidad de Málaga * University of Murcia * University of Navarre * University of Oviedo * University of Salamanca * University of Santiago de Compostela * University of Valladolid * University of Vigo * University of Zaragoza * University of the Basque Country * Jaume I University Technical University of Madrid * Pompeu Fabra University * Comillas Pontifical University * Pontifical University of Salamanca * Universidad Pública de Navarra * Switzerland: Graduate Institute of International Studies * University of Fribourg * University of Neuchâtel * United Kingdom: University of Manchester * University of Westminster * University of Ulster |

Universities in the metropolitan area of Barcelona

PublicAutonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) * University of Barcelona (UB) * Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) * Pompeu Fabra University (UPF)
PrivateAbat Oliva University CEU (UAO) * International University of Catalonia (UIC) * Open University of Catalonia (UOC) * Ramon Llull University (URL)

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