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Pol Pot

Pol Pot in 1978
Personal data
Date of birth19 May 1925
Place of birthKampong Thom Province, French Indochina
Date of death15 April 1998(age 72)
Place of deathAnlong Veng, Kingdom of Cambodia
Political partyCommunist Party of Kampuchea
Spouse1) Khieu Ponnary (div.)
2) Mea Son
ReligionAtheist (formerly Theravada Buddhism)
General Secretary of the Communist Party of Kampuchea
In officeFebruary 1963 - 1981 (party dissolved)
Succeeded byNone (party dissolved)
Preceded byTou Samouth
Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea
In office13 May 13 1976 - 27 September 1976
Succeeded byNuon Chea
Preceded byKhieu Samphan
In office25 October 1976 - January 7, 1979
Succeeded byPen Sovan
Preceded byNuon Chea

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Saloth Sar (19 May 1925 � 15 April 1998), better known as Pol Pot, ( ), was a Cambodian Chinese revolutionary who led the Khmer Rouge from 1963 until his death in 1998. From 1976 to 1979, he served as the Prime Minister of Democratic Kampuchea.

Pol Pot became leader of Cambodia in mid-1975. During his time in power he imposed a version of agrarian socialism, forcing urban dwellers to relocate to the countryside to work in collective farms and forced labour projects, toward a goal of "restarting civilization" in "Year Zero." The combined effects of forced labour, malnutrition, poor medical care and executions resulted in the deaths of approximately 21 percent of the Cambodian population. In all, an estimated 1,700,000 � 2,500,000 people died under his leadership.

In 1979 after the invasion of Cambodia by neighbouring Vietnam in the Cambodian � Vietnamese War, he fled into the jungles of southwest Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge government collapsed. From 1979 to 1997 he and a remnant of the old Khmer Rouge operated from the border region of Cambodia and Thailand, where they clung to power, with nominal United Nations recognition as the rightful government of Cambodia.

He died in 1998 while under house arrest by the Ta Mok faction of the Khmer Rouge. Since his death, rumours that he was poisoned have persisted.

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