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     Home | Ethnic Group | History of the Jews in Armenia

The history of the Jews in Armenia dates back more than 2,000 years.

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Deported Jews from Judea to Armenia >
Jewish families deported to Number of families
Artashat 9,000
Vagharshapat ?
Yervandashat 30,000
Sarehavan 8,000
Zarishat 14,000
Van 18,000
Nachdsavan 16,000

AM topics

History (timeline)
EarlyOrigins * Name * Kura-Araxes culture * Hayk * Hayasa-Azzi * Nairi * Kingdom of Urartu * Orontid dynasty * Kingdom of Armenia * Roman Armenia * Byzantine Armenia * Bagratuni Armenia * Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia
MiddlePersian Armenia * Ottoman Armenia * Russian Armenia
ModernDemocratic Republic of Armenia * Soviet Armenia * Independent Armenia
By topicArmenian Genocide (relief) * Armenian national movement * Also:more
Government and
Constitution * President * Prime Minister * National Assembly * Political parties * Elections * Foreign relations * Corruption * Human rights * LGBT rights * Relations with the European Union * more on government * politics
Armenian dram * Central Bank * List of companies * Armex * Agriculture * Industry * Communications * Transport * Energy * Waste management * International rankings
Historical regions * Provinces (Marzer) * Municipalities * more
Armed Forces
Army * Air Force * Air Defense * Border Guard * more
Armenian Highland * Ararat plain * Rivers and lakes * Mountains * Shikahogh State Preserve * Extreme points * Mount Aragats * Lake Sevan * more
People * Diaspora * Census * Health * Crime * Education * Social issues * Ethnic minorities * more
Armenian Apostolic Church * Armenian Catholic Church * Armenian Evangelical Church * Armenian Brotherhood Church * Judaism * Islam * more
Language (Eastern * Western) * Alphabet * Architecture * Literature * Education * Cuisine * Theatre * Dance * Sport * Music * Cinema * more
Flag * Coat of arms * National anthem

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