Fiat G91
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Fiat G.91

A Fiat G.91 at the Luftwaffe Museum in Gatow
Aircraft Type
ManufacturerFiat Aviazione
Designed byGiuseppe Gabrielli
First flight9 August 1956
StatusSeveral in museums
Primary userAeronautica Militare
Portuguese Air Force
Number built770

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The Fiat G.91 was an Italian jet fighter aircraft. It was the winner of the NATO competition in 1953 as standard equipment for Allied air forces. It entered in operational service with the Aeronautica Militare Italiana (Italian Air Force) in 1961, with West Germany's Luftwaffe, in 1962 , and later with the Portuguese Air Force. It was in production for 19 years. 756 aircraft were completed, including the prototypes and pre-production models. The assembly lines were finally closed in 1977. The Fiat G.91 enjoyed a long service life that extended over 35 years. It was widely used by Portugal in the Portuguese Colonial War in Africa.

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Leipziger Volkszeitung--Weiterhin werden eine Mig 21, ein Polizeihubschrauber Mi 2 und ein Agrarflugzeug Z 37 aus DDR-Zeiten sowie ein Jagdbomber -Fiat G.91- und ein Jäger F-86 Sabre ... - Date : Fri, 30 Jul 2010 22:05:39 GMT+00:00
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Blogosfere (Blog)---...- furono sostituiti dal -FIAT G.91- PAN, per poi passare nel 1982 agli odierni Aermacchi MB-339PAN che dovrebbero rimanere in funzione almeno fino al 2012. ... - Date : Thu, 29 Jul 2010 06:21:43 GMT+00:00
Neues Leben auf altem Flugplatz - Südwest Presse Tweet this news
Südwest Presse--Wo einst die -Fiat G-91--Jagdmaschinen und die Alpha-Jets der Bundeswehr landeten und die Thunderbolt-Jäger der US Air Force abhoben, sprießen Blümchen. ... - Date : Thu, 22 Jul 2010 03:34:20 GMT+00:00

Fiat aircraft

Series GabrielliG.2 * G.5 * G.8 * G.12 * G.18 * G.46 * G.49 * G.50 * G.55 * G.56 * G.59 * G.61 * G.80 * G.81 * G.82 * G.84 * G.91 * G.212 * G.222
Series RosatelliR.2 * R.22 * R.700
Bomber series RosatelliB.R. * B.R.1 * B.R.2 * B.R.3 * B.R.4 * B.R.20 * B.R.G.
Fighter series RosatelliC.R.1 * C.R.20 * C.R.25 * C.R.30 * C.R.32 * C.R.33 * C.R.40 * C.R.41 * C.R.42
Other typesA.120 * APR.2 * A.S.1 * A.S.2 * BGA * C.29 * T.R.1 * F.C.20 * R.S.14 * M.F.4 * 7002

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