Fiat CR25
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Fiat CR.25

Fiat CR.25 over the Alps c. 1941
Aircraft Type
RoleFighter Bomber aircraft
Primary userRegia Aeronautica

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The Fiat CR.25 was an Italian twin-engine reconnaissance-bomber fighter aircraft which served in small numbers for the Regia Aeronautica during World War II.

40 CR.25s were ordered after the operative failure of the apparently more promising Breda Ba.88 bomber. Later, it was decided to use the CR.25 as a reconnaissance plane, with a total of 10 aircraft entering service. It was used during the war by the 173a Squadriglia Ricognizione Strategica Terrestre (Strategic Land Reconnaissance Squadron), operating from Sicily. Despite the positive reports from the pilots, and a proposal by Fiat to resume production, no further aircraft were produced.

It was also used for transport of senior air force officers from Rome to Berlin.

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Fiat aircraft

Series GabrielliG.2 * G.5 * G.8 * G.12 * G.18 * G.46 * G.49 * G.50 * G.55 * G.56 * G.59 * G.61 * G.80 * G.81 * G.82 * G.84 * G.91 * G.212 * G.222
Series RosatelliR.2 * R.22 * R.700
Bomber series RosatelliB.R. * B.R.1 * B.R.2 * B.R.3 * B.R.4 * B.R.20 * B.R.G.
Fighter series RosatelliC.R.1 * C.R.20 * C.R.25 * C.R.30 * C.R.32 * C.R.33 * C.R.40 * C.R.41 * C.R.42
Other typesA.120 * APR.2 * A.S.1 * A.S.2 * BGA * C.29 * T.R.1 * F.C.20 * R.S.14 * M.F.4 * 7002

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