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Full nameBaniyas
Native nameبانياس
GovernorateTartus Governorate
DistrictBaniyas District
Total Population42128 (2008 est.)
Other information
Time zoneEET (UTC+2)
- Summer (DST)+3 (UTC)
Area code43|43

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Baniyas ( ) is a city of northwestern Syria, located at the foot of the hill of Qalaat el-Marqab (housing the Crusade castle of Marqab, Margat in western sources), 55 km to the south of Latakia (ancient Laodicea) and 35 km north of Tartous (ancient Tortosa), and a Catholic titular see under the Latin name of Balanea, which is presently vacant.

It is famous for its orchards and its export of wood. Today it is best known for its oil refinery north of the city, one of the largest in Syria; a power station is also present.

It still contains citrus fruit orchards surrounded by green hills. One of the hills has at its top the imposing Margat Citadel, a huge Knights Hospitaller fortress built with black basalt stone.

Baniyas Video

Our recent stay at the Sheraton Dubai Creek Hotel and Towers in Deira, Dubai. Having a magnificent room with a panoramic view of the city and Dubai Creek. Located next to National Bank of Dubai main branch in Baniyas Street, Creek Road.
7.47 min. | 3.36 user rating
Ø«Ùرة شباب سÙرÙا Baniyas people chants: "God, Liberty, Syria and that's it" Syria protest March 18 2011
0.92 min. | 4.5 user rating
اÙÙص٠Ùص٠ÙÙÙÙطة اÙسادسة Ù٠دÙر٠اÙÙحترÙÙÙ ÙÙحت٠اÙÙرÙز اÙثاÙØ« بعد ÙÙزÙÙ Ùخسارة سج٠اÙاÙدا٠maher jasem fran yeste
2.73 min. | 5.0 user rating
ÙÙÙت بعض ÙÙاÙات اÙاÙباء ع٠شÙÙد عÙا٠ا٠ÙÙات اÙاÙ٠اÙسÙرÙØ© ÙتÙت ÙتظاÙرÙ٠اثÙÙÙ ÙÙ٠اÙجÙعة 18 Ùارس/آذار ÙÙ ÙدÙÙØ© درعا اÙجÙÙبÙØ© بعد خرÙجÙÙ ÙÙ ÙظاÙرة تطاÙب باÙحرÙات اÙسÙاسÙØ© ÙاÙÙاء اÙÙساد. بÙÙÙا Ø°Ùر عدد ÙÙ Ùسائ٠اÙاعÙا٠ÙÙت٠4 اشخاص عÙ٠اÙد٠ÙÙات اÙاÙ٠اÙت٠ت٠تعزÙزÙا بÙاسطة ÙÙ٠اÙÙزÙد ÙÙÙا اÙ٠درعا عÙÙ Ùت٠ÙرÙØ­Ùات Ø Ø­Ø³Ø¨ تأÙÙد بعض سÙا٠اÙÙدÙÙØ© ÙÙا٠اÙÙئات Ù٠اÙÙحتجÙÙ Ù٠درعا ÙÙد٠سÙرÙØ© اخر٠Ùد خرجÙا بعد صÙاة اÙجÙعة ÙÙ ÙظاÙرات ÙÙÙ ÙÙتÙÙÙ "اÙÙÙ .. سÙرÙا .. اÙحرÙØ©" ÙرددÙ٠شعارات أخر٠تتÙ٠أسرة اÙرئÙس بشار اÙاسد ÙاÙارب٠باÙÙØ³Ø§Ø¯Ø Ùترددت ÙتاÙات ضد رج٠اÙاعÙا٠اÙسÙر٠راÙÙ ÙØ®ÙÙ٠اب٠خا٠اÙرئÙس بشار اÙاسد ÙاÙØ°Ù ÙÙتÙ٠عدة شرÙات ÙبÙرة باÙاضاÙØ© اÙ٠شرÙت٠اÙØ®ÙÙÙ٠اÙÙØ­ÙدتÙÙ Ù٠سÙرÙØ©. ÙÙت٠عشرات اÙÙتظاÙرÙÙ Ù٠اÙØ´Ùارع ÙتÙÙÙÙ ÙØ®ÙÙ٠بأÙÙ Ùص Ùرغ٠اÙتعتÙÙ ÙاÙاجراءآت اÙاÙÙÙØ© اÙÙشددة سج٠خرÙج تظاÙرات Ù٠دÙØ´Ù Ø­Ùب باÙÙاس Ø­Ùص دÙراÙزÙر The Syrian people today revolted for the first time in decades and protests sprung through out the country in different areas especially from the South according to the news and twees coming from there. Protests expectedly started after the Friday prayers in the country and knowing the fist of the regime there, every one surprised by the public reaction and also participation. It is more than great considering the amount of fear in the country There were protests in Damascus , Aleppo , Daraa , Baniyas , Homs, and Deir El Zor. If you look at the map, you will know that we are looking at something we have not seen before. These governorates are covering Syria with its <b>...</b>
1.15 min. | 5.0 user rating
ارشادات ÙÙÙØ© ÙÙÙتظاÙرÙÙ٠اÙسÙرÙÙÙ 1- تÙسÙ٠اÙÙتظاÙرÙÙÙ ÙسÙÙ٠اÙاÙÙ ÙعÙÙ ÙÙÙا ٠اÙثاÙÙ ÙÙارا 2-استخدÙÙا ÙÙÙرات اÙÙÙدÙÙ Ùا٠صÙرة ÙÙÙدة 5-ÙÙÙع اÙصÙاع٠اÙÙÙربائÙ٠اÙبس٠اÙÙاس بÙاست٠Ù٠ارجÙÙÙ ÙربÙط٠بÙز٠ÙاÙع ÙÙÙÙرباء 6-غس٠اÙÙج٠باÙÙÙÙا ÙÙÙا ا٠اÙÙشرÙبات اÙغازÙØ© ÙزÙÙ ÙÙرا ÙÙعÙ٠اÙÙÙاب٠اÙÙسÙÙØ© ÙÙدÙÙع 7-ÙÙÙÙØ© Ø´Ù ÙاعÙÙØ© اÙÙدرعات ٠عربات اÙØ£ÙÙ ...حشر Ùطعة ÙÙاش ÙبÙÙØ© ÙÙ Ùتحة اÙØ´ÙÙا٠ÙÙÙع اÙعاد٠Ù٠اÙخرÙج ......Ù ÙÙ ÙÙÙت Ùطعة خشب باÙÙÙاشة اÙÙبÙÙØ© Ùا٠أÙض٠٠ÙÙÙ٠استعÙا٠حت٠ÙÙ ÙÙÙص سÙؤد٠ذÙÙ ÙتÙÙ٠اÙÙحر٠ع٠اÙعÙÙ ÙÙ Ùدة Ùا تتجاÙز 7 Ø«ÙاÙ٠٠باÙتاÙ٠تتÙÙ٠اÙعربة ع٠اÙحرÙØ© Ù ÙتÙÙÙ ÙدÙع اÙÙÙا٠٠تصبح اÙÙدرعة خردة Ùع ÙÙاحظة Ø£ÙÙ Ù٠حاÙØ© ÙزعÙا ستعÙد اÙعربة ÙÙعÙÙ 8-استخدÙ٠اÙÙÙاÙات ÙÙحد Ù٠اثار اÙغاز اÙÙسÙÙ ÙÙدÙÙع - خدÙا ÙعاÙÙا بخÙÙÙÙÙاخÙÙÙÙات ÙÙÙا ÙÙا Ù ÙÙÙ٠اسÙد ٠شطة Ù٠اج٠ترÙØ´Ùا ÙÙ Ùج٠عساÙر اÙاÙ٠اÙÙرÙز٠ÙÙ ÙÙرÙا ÙضربÙا احد ٠داÙÙا ÙاجÙÙا ÙاÙÙ٠بÙخاÙÙا 9- تÙÙÙÙ Ùجا٠ÙسؤÙÙØ© تÙÙد اÙÙتظاÙرÙÙ 10- Ùضع خطط احتÙاطÙØ© ÙÙÙا Ùخص Ùسار اÙÙظاÙØ±Ø©Ø 11-تÙÙÙر زجاجات اÙÙÙا٠ÙÙا تتردÙÙا ÙÙ Ø·Ùب اÙÙÙا٠ÙاÙÙساعدة Ù٠اÙاÙاÙÙ 12- Ùا باس ÙÙ ÙتاÙات ÙÙÙÙدÙØ© 13- ارتداء اÙبسة ÙاÙÙØ© ا٠Ùجد
1.13 min. | 3.0 user rating

1.03 min. | 4.88 user rating
syrian revolution deraa lattakia baniyas tartous hama homs aleppo damascus arab arabic lebanon jordan iraq egypt saudi maroco tunisia lipya sweden france ingland greece italy china iran israel india usa canada america
3.68 min. | 4.0 user rating
Heavy shooting in Baniyas (Syria) إطÙا٠Ùار ÙØ«ÙÙ ÙÙ ÙدÙÙØ© باÙÙاس اÙسÙرÙØ© اÙساحÙÙØ© ÙÙ Ùب٠اÙجÙØ´ Ù ÙÙات اÙحرس اÙجÙÙÙر٠اÙتابعة ÙÙاÙر اÙأسد
3.08 min. | 4.11 user rating
A Rainy Day In Baniyas
1.42 min. | 5.0 user rating Ùباراة اÙÙص٠٠بÙÙ Ùاس اÙجÙÙØ© اÙثاÙثة دÙر٠اÙÙحترÙÙ٠اÙاÙارات٠2010-2011 UFL اÙÙد٠اÙثاÙÙ ÙÙÙص٠ÙÙست٠بصÙاعة اÙÙÙÙÙرا اÙÙص٠2 بÙÙ Ùاس 1 alwasl 2 baniyas 1
1.53 min. | 5.0 user rating

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Baniyas Launches the Andalusian Villas At Cityscape Abu Dhabi 2011 - Zawya Tweet this news
Zawya--Abu Dhabi, 16 April 2011: -Baniyas- Investment and Development CompanyBaniyas Investment and Development Company (BIDBID), the investment arm of the -Baniyas- Sports Club, has announced the launch of 153 spectacular Andalusian villas in Phase III o - Date : Sat, 16 Apr 2011 14:08:44 GMT+00:00
Madi Ali: Baniyas deserved to win - The National Tweet this news
The National---BANIYAS- // For the first time this season, Al Jazira were not the best team on the pitch in Pro League match. But the Abu Dhabi side maintained their 10-point lead and remain unbeaten after 16 matches with thanks to a -Baniyas- own-goal in - Date : Sat, 16 Apr 2011 14:00:56 GMT+00:00
'Dozens injured' in Baniyas as arrests continue - AngolaPress Tweet this news
AngolaPress--Damascus - Dozens of people have been injured in clashes with security forces in the Syrian port of -Baniyas-, where 13 people were killed on Sunday, residents say. Troops locked down -Baniyas- and stormed the nearby village of Bayda, they sa - Date : Thu, 14 Apr 2011 10:25:11 GMT+00:00
Syrian forces attack two villages near Baniyas - Washington Post Tweet this news
Washington Post--CAIRO � Two northern Syrian villages near the Mediterranean port of -Baniyas- came under fierce attack by government forces Tuesday, according to witnesses and activists, as President ... - Date : Tue, 12 Apr 2011 20:55:42 GMT+00:00
Baniyas can still finish with flourish - The National Tweet this news
The National--It is fair to wonder what more Lufti al Benzarti should have done at once-lowly -Baniyas-. The Tunisian coach won promotion for the Abu Dhabi side in 2008/09, led them to a surprise fourth-place finish in 2009/10 and had them second in the P - Date : Wed, 13 Apr 2011 20:01:26 GMT+00:00
Villanueva spurs Shabab to 3-1 win over Al Wasl - The National Tweet this news
The National--The result took Shabab's Pro League tally to 27 points and slashed their deficit behind second-place -Baniyas- to three points. Al Jazira, who took their unbeaten run in the league to 24 games since February 2010 after a 1-1 draw with - - Date : Sat, 16 Apr 2011 20:08:45 GMT+00:00
Al Jazira, Al Wahda held - The Official Home of Asian Football Tweet this news
The Official Home of Asian Football--Al Jazira, who are languishing at the bottom of ACL Group A with one point, were held to a 1-1 draw by -Baniyas- while Group C bottom-dwellers Al Wahda played a 2-2 draw with Dubai. A stoppage time own goal from Thamer - Date : Sat, 16 Apr 2011 04:56:01 GMT+00:00
Pro League: O'Leary in limbo as he waits for a decision on his future at Al Ahli - Sport 360 Tweet this news
Sport 360--Appointed by Abdullah Al Naboodah, the chairman of the club's board of directors, O'Leary started his Dubai assignment well helping Ahli, who finished eighth last season, to keep pace with UAE Pro League frontrunners Jazira and -Baniy - Date : Tue, 05 Apr 2011 11:24:03 GMT+00:00
Pro League: O'Leary is standing firm at Ahli - Sport 360 Tweet this news
Sport 360--Under his leadership Ahli climbed to a season-high third behind Al Jazira and -Baniyas-. However, things took an ugly turn earlier this year with injuries in the heart of defence and a lack of goals from his strike-force ruining Ahli's oth - Date : Sun, 03 Apr 2011 21:46:57 GMT+00:00
Up to 10 die in Syrian 'Day of Martyrs' - euronews Tweet this news
euronews--Demonstrators took to the streets in several of the country's major cities, including Hons, -Baniyas- and Latakia. They named Friday 'The Day of Martyrs'. Security forces have been accused of using heavy-handed tactics, including - Date : Fri, 01 Apr 2011 21:58:31 GMT+00:00

Tartus Governorate

CitiesAsh-Shaykh Badr * Baniyas * Duraykish * Safita * Tartus
Towns and villagesAl Hamidiyah * Kafroun * Khirbat al Faras * Mashta Al Helou * Maten Al Sahel * Al Qadmus * Sebei

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