Zonguldak Province
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Zonguldak Province

RegionBlack Sea
Total Population558,645
Area Code354

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Zonguldak is a province along the western Black Sea coast region of Turkey. The province is 3.481 km2 in size and has a population of 558,645. Its adjacent provinces are Düzce to the southwest, Bolu to the south, Karabük to the southeast, and Bartın to the east. The capital is Zonguldak.

Since the discovery of coal in the province, Zonguldak has become a major coal production center.

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Only one company bids to retrieve Turkish miners' bodies - Hurriyet Daily News Tweet this news
Hurriyet Daily News--Thirty miners were killed in the explosion at the Karadon coal mine in the Black Sea -province- of -Zonguldak-. The bodies of 28 miners were retrieved, ... - Date : Tue, 19 Oct 2010 09:41:32 GMT+00:00
The Mine Disaster that Turkey Forgot - Journal of Turkish Weekly Tweet this news
Journal of Turkish Weekly--Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan sparked controversy following the blast at the Karadon mine in the Black Sea -province- of -Zonguldak- by saying that “Dying ... - Date : Thu, 14 Oct 2010 07:46:15 GMT+00:00
Chilean miner rescue exaggerated, Turkish labor minister says - Hurriyet Daily News Tweet this news
Hurriyet Daily News--An accident in May that killed 30 miners at a state-owned mine in the Black Sea -province- of -Zonguldak- was the result of a methane-gas explosion, ... - Date : Thu, 14 Oct 2010 15:01:51 GMT+00:00

TR Provinces of Turkey

Adana * Adıyaman * Afyonkarahisar * Ağrı * Aksaray * Amasya * Ankara * Antalya * Ardahan * Artvin * Aydın * Balıkesir * Bartın * Batman * Bayburt * Bilecik * Bingöl * Bitlis * Bolu * Burdur * Bursa * Çanakkale * Çankırı * Çorum * Denizli * Diyarbakır * Düzce * Edirne * Elazığ * Erzincan * Erzurum * Eskişehir * Gaziantep * Giresun * Gümüşhane * Hakkâri * Hatay * Iğdır * Isparta * Istanbul * İzmir * Kahramanmaraş * Karabük * Karaman * Kars * Kastamonu * Kayseri * Kilis * Kırıkkale * Kırklareli * Kırşehir * Kocaeli * Konya * Kütahya * Malatya * Manisa * Mardin * Mersin * Muğla * Muş * Nevşehir * Niğde * Ordu * Osmaniye * Rize * Sakarya * Samsun * Şanlıurfa * Siirt * Sinop * Şırnak * Sivas * Tekirdağ * Tokat * Trabzon * Tunceli * Uşak * Van * Yalova * Yozgat * Zonguldak |

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