Kastamonu Province
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Kastamonu Province

RegionBlack Sea
Total Population322,759
Area Code366

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Kastamonu is one of the provinces of Turkey, in the Black Sea region, to the north of the country. It is surrounded by Sinop to the east, Bartın and Karabük to the west, Çankırı to the south, Çorum to the south east and the Black Sea to the north.

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Turkish Locals Continue Protest of Black Sea Hydro Plant - Journal of Turkish Weekly Tweet this news
Journal of Turkish Weekly--Locals protesting the construction of a hydroelectric power plant in the Loç Valley of the Black Sea -province- of -Kastamonu- have been guarding the area 24 ... - Date : Mon, 11 Oct 2010 15:23:54 GMT+00:00

TR Provinces of Turkey

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