UPC Romania
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UPC Romania

Company nameUPC Romania
Company typePrivate company
Key peopleJack Mikaloff CEO
ProductsFixed-line telephony
Internet services
Cable television
Revenue-136 million (2009)
Employees1600 (2009)
ParentLiberty Global

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UPC Romania is the 2nd largest cable television operator in Romania after RCS&RDS. UPC Romania provides video, broadband internet, and digital (VoIP) telephony services to 1.2 million customers as of December 31, 2009.

UPC Romania operates in nine of the 12 largest cities in the country, including Bucharest, the capital city, Timisoara, Cluj, and Constanta. Its networks are 84% upgraded to two-way capability with 82% of the homes passed served by a network with a bandwidth of at least 860 MHz.

UPC Romania also offers a wide range of fixed line voice, broadband data & internet products, and hosting services to business customers ranging from SOHO customers to large multinational companies.

UPC Romania has operated on the Romanian market since 1992. In 2005, UPC Romania acquired Astral Telecom (a process that ended on October 1, 2006)

Founded in Cluj-Napoca as Astral Telecom S.A. in 1993, it is currently the owner of the largest cable network in Romania, and is also one of the most important Romanian ISPs, having about 900,000 customers (2005) and generating 25% of the web traffic in Romania.

Astral was rebranded in 2003 by Brandient, when it launched a new marketing image as well as the motto Created to evolve (Creat să evolueze in Romanian).

In 2005, Astral Telecom S.A. was bought for $420 million by UGC Europe and renamed UPC-Astral. At that time, UPC-Astral had 1.28 million customers for its TV cable service, 50,000 for the broadband (cable) Internet service, and 30,000 for the phone-over-TV-cable service.

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UPC Romania starts multi-play promotion - Telecompaper (subscription) Tweet this news
Telecompaper (subscription)---UPC Romania- has launched a winter holiday promotion under which customers who subscribe to a dual or triple-play subscription including 'Internet Speed' get ... - Date : Thu, 18 Nov 2010 13:15:27 GMT+00:00
UPC a inceput sa piarda clienti pe internet si telefonie in al treilea ... - HotNews Tweet this news
HotNews---UPC Romania- avea un numar total de peste 1,15 milioane abonati in trimestrul trei din 2010, in scadere cu 6,5% (81.300 clienti) fata de aceeasi perioada a ... - Date : Thu, 04 Nov 2010 09:49:59 GMT+00:00
Discovery Networks lanseaza un post de televiziune dedicat femeilor ... - Wall-Street Tweet this news
Wall-Street---...- va lansa in Romania postul TLC, o televiziune de divertisment pentru femei; postul va fi disponibil in pachetul de baza analogic si digital -UPC Romania-, ... - Date : Tue, 09 Nov 2010 12:42:52 GMT+00:00
Jack Mikaloff, actualul sef al UPC Romania se retrage definitiv din activitate ... - HotNews Tweet this news
HotNews--Severina Pascu, actualul director financiar al -UPC Romania- va prelua conducerea operatorului de comunicatii prin cablu incepand cu 1 ianuarie 2011, ... - Date : Thu, 11 Nov 2010 10:35:20 GMT+00:00
UPC Romania loses 35200 customers in Q3 - Telecompaper (subscription) Tweet this news
Telecompaper (subscription)---UPC Romania- lost 35200 customers in the third quarter, to see its base reach 1.156 million at the end of September. The cable operator shed a net 42900 ... - Date : Thu, 04 Nov 2010 10:08:34 GMT+00:00
Orange Romania, venituri in scadere cu 8,7% pe trimestrul trei. Numarul de ... - DailyBusiness.ro Tweet this news
DailyBusiness.ro--Concurentii Orange -Romania- pe piata locala sunt Vodafone -Romania-, Cosmote -Romania-, precum si Romtelecom, -UPC- si RCS&RDS.--- - Date : Thu, 28 Oct 2010 14:50:26 GMT+00:00
Cele mai rare scrieri ale patrimoniului naţional vor fi digitalizate - HotNews Tweet this news
HotNews---UPC Romania- pune bazele unei biblioteci virtuale prin digitalizarea unora dintre cele mai remarcabile scrieri aparţinând Bibliotecii Academiei Române. ... - Date : Fri, 29 Oct 2010 12:54:50 GMT+00:00
Tur fotografic in sediile Orange si UPC Romania: Vezi cum arata call-centerele ... - Comunic@tii Mobile Tweet this news
Comunic@tii Mobile--DailyBusiness.ro te invita intr-un tur virtual in birourile de relatii cu clientii ale Orange Romania si -UPC Romania-.--- - Date : Mon, 04 Oct 2010 07:50:48 GMT+00:00
Seful operatiunilor europene ale Liberty Global, actionarul UPC Romania, va fi ... - Comunic@tii Mobile Tweet this news
Comunic@tii Mobile---...- grupul american de telecomunicatii care detine operatorul -UPC Romania-, va fi inlocuit de Diederik Karsten, directorul general al UPC Olanda, ... - Date : Fri, 01 Oct 2010 07:54:50 GMT+00:00
Graffiti Public Relations, distinsa cu trei premii Silver la Romanian PR Award ... - IQads Tweet this news
IQads---...- Comsia Europeana, Egger, Fundatia Erste, Nestle Romania (Maggi, Nesquik, Nescafe), P&G Romania, Petrom, Renault, Scandia Romana, -UPC Romania-, Wrigley.--- - Date : Mon, 11 Oct 2010 08:59:15 GMT+00:00

Liberty Global

Chello ZoneExtreme Sports Channel * JimJamjoint venture with HiT Entertainment.
* Romanticajoint venture with Realitatea Media (51% owned by Chellomedia).
* Zone Club * Zone Europa * Zone Fantasy * Zone Reality * Zone Romantica
Chello BeneluxFilm1 * Sport1 * ShopZo/SUUS * Weerkanaal
Chello Central EuropeFilmmúzeum * MGM ChannelCo-owned with MGM Networks in a joint venture (50% owned by Chellomedia).
* Minimax * Sport 1 * Sport 2 * Spektrum TV * TV Deko * TV Paprika
Chello MulticanalThe Biography Channeljoint venture with A&E Television Networks. * Canal Cociña * Canal de História * Canal Hollywood * Canal Panda * Panda Biggs (co-onwed with ZON Multimédia) * MOV (co-onwed with ZON Multimédia) * Decasa * Odisea * Sol Música
UPC Broadband
UPC Ireland * UPC Romania * UPC Netherlands * UPC Poland * UPC Czech Republic * UPC Hungary * UPC Austria * UPC Broaband Slovakia * Focus Sat * Cablecom
Telenet (> 50% ownership)Prime * Studio 100 TVjoint venture with Studio 100. * Zita * 9lives * GarageTV * PCTV * TV.be * vandaag.be * Hostbasket * Telenet Solutions
AustraliaAustar (~55%) * showtime movie channels (20%)
JapanJ:COM (~38%) * Jupiter Telecommunications * Jupiter TV
Latin AmericaVTR Global Com * MGM Networks * Liberty Cablevision * Pramer (79%)
United KingdomCBS Actionjoint venture with CBS Studios International in a joint venture (50% owned by Chellomedia). * CBS Drama * CBS Reality * Horror Channel

Cable, satellite, and other speciality television providers in Europe

CableCablecom * Cabovisão * Canal Digital * Com Hem * ER-Telecom * Kabel Deutschland * Kujtesa * Liberty Global Europe * MC Cable * Naxoo * ONO (Spain) * RCS (Romania) * Smallworld Cable * TDC (Denmark) * Tele2 * Telenet (Belgium) * TV di FASTWEB * ZON TVCabo (Portugal) * UPC Ireland * UPC Netherlands * UPC Romania * U-tel * Virgin Media (UK) * VolgaTelecom * WightCable * Ziggo * Teledünya
SatelliteAthina Sat * Boom TV (Romania) * Canal Digital * CanalDigitaal * CanalSat * CS Link * Cyfra+ (Poland) * Digiturk (Turkey) * Digi TV(Romania) * Digital+ (Spain) * DigitAlb (Albania) * Dolce (Romania) * Euro1080 * Focus Sat (Romania) * Freesat (UK) * Freesat from Sky (UK) * GlobeCast World TV * Max TV (Romania) * n (Poland) * NTV Plus (Russia) * NOVA Cyprus * NOVA Greece * Sat4Free (Ireland) * Sky Deutschland * Sky Digital (UK/Ireland) * SKY Italia (Italy) * Skylink * TeleSAT * Tivù Sat (Italy) * TotalTV (Serbia) * TPS (France) * ZON TVCabo (Portugal) * Magio Sat * meo satélite * TV Vlaanderen Digitaal * Viasat (Scandinavia) * Viasat (Ukraine)
IPTVAlice Home TV (Italy) * Belgacom * BT Vision (UK) * Canal Digital * Free (France) * Freewire TV * Imagenio (Spain) * iNES (Romania) * Infostrada TV (Italy) * KPN (The Netherlands) * Magnet Entertainment (Ireland) * Neuf (France) * Orange * ShqipTV * Smart Telecom (Ireland) * Optimus Clix TV (Portugal) * TalkTalk TV * TeliaSonera * TV di FASTWEB * U-tel * Viasat * meo
TerrestrialBoxer (Ireland) * Boxer (Sweden) * Freeview (UK) * KPN (Netherlands) * Mediaset Premium (Italy) * Televisão Digital Terrestre (Portugal) * Télévision Numérique Terrestre (France) * Top Up TV

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