UPC Romania starts multi-play promotion - Telecompaper (subscription) Telecompaper (subscription)---UPC Romania- has launched a winter holiday promotion under which customers who subscribe to a dual or triple-play subscription including 'Internet Speed' get ... - Date : Thu, 18 Nov 2010 13:15:27 GMT+00:00 |
UPC a inceput sa piarda clienti pe internet si telefonie in al treilea ... - HotNews HotNews---UPC Romania- avea un numar total de peste 1,15 milioane abonati in trimestrul trei din 2010, in scadere cu 6,5% (81.300 clienti) fata de aceeasi perioada a ... - Date : Thu, 04 Nov 2010 09:49:59 GMT+00:00 |
Discovery Networks lanseaza un post de televiziune dedicat femeilor ... - Wall-Street Wall-Street---...- va lansa in Romania postul TLC, o televiziune de divertisment pentru femei; postul va fi disponibil in pachetul de baza analogic si digital -UPC Romania-, ... - Date : Tue, 09 Nov 2010 12:42:52 GMT+00:00 |
Jack Mikaloff, actualul sef al UPC Romania se retrage definitiv din activitate ... - HotNews HotNews--Severina Pascu, actualul director financiar al -UPC Romania- va prelua conducerea operatorului de comunicatii prin cablu incepand cu 1 ianuarie 2011, ... - Date : Thu, 11 Nov 2010 10:35:20 GMT+00:00 |
UPC Romania loses 35200 customers in Q3 - Telecompaper (subscription) Telecompaper (subscription)---UPC Romania- lost 35200 customers in the third quarter, to see its base reach 1.156 million at the end of September. The cable operator shed a net 42900 ... - Date : Thu, 04 Nov 2010 10:08:34 GMT+00:00 |
Orange Romania, venituri in scadere cu 8,7% pe trimestrul trei. Numarul de ... - DailyBusiness.ro DailyBusiness.ro--Concurentii Orange -Romania- pe piata locala sunt Vodafone -Romania-, Cosmote -Romania-, precum si Romtelecom, -UPC- si RCS&RDS.--- - Date : Thu, 28 Oct 2010 14:50:26 GMT+00:00 |
Cele mai rare scrieri ale patrimoniului naţional vor fi digitalizate - HotNews HotNews---UPC Romania- pune bazele unei biblioteci virtuale prin digitalizarea unora dintre cele mai remarcabile scrieri aparţinând Bibliotecii Academiei Române. ... - Date : Fri, 29 Oct 2010 12:54:50 GMT+00:00 |
Tur fotografic in sediile Orange si UPC Romania: Vezi cum arata call-centerele ... - Comunic@tii Mobile Comunic@tii Mobile--DailyBusiness.ro te invita intr-un tur virtual in birourile de relatii cu clientii ale Orange Romania si -UPC Romania-.--- - Date : Mon, 04 Oct 2010 07:50:48 GMT+00:00 |
Seful operatiunilor europene ale Liberty Global, actionarul UPC Romania, va fi ... - Comunic@tii Mobile Comunic@tii Mobile---...- grupul american de telecomunicatii care detine operatorul -UPC Romania-, va fi inlocuit de Diederik Karsten, directorul general al UPC Olanda, ... - Date : Fri, 01 Oct 2010 07:54:50 GMT+00:00 |
Graffiti Public Relations, distinsa cu trei premii Silver la Romanian PR Award ... - IQads IQads---...- Comsia Europeana, Egger, Fundatia Erste, Nestle Romania (Maggi, Nesquik, Nescafe), P&G Romania, Petrom, Renault, Scandia Romana, -UPC Romania-, Wrigley.--- - Date : Mon, 11 Oct 2010 08:59:15 GMT+00:00 |
Chello Zone | Extreme Sports Channel * JimJamjoint venture with HiT Entertainment. * Romanticajoint venture with Realitatea Media (51% owned by Chellomedia). * Zone Club * Zone Europa * Zone Fantasy * Zone Reality * Zone Romantica | |
Chello Benelux | Film1 * Sport1 * ShopZo/SUUS * Weerkanaal | |
Chello Central Europe | Filmmúzeum * MGM ChannelCo-owned with MGM Networks in a joint venture (50% owned by Chellomedia). * Minimax * Sport 1 * Sport 2 * Spektrum TV * TV Deko * TV Paprika | |
Chello Multicanal | The Biography Channeljoint venture with A&E Television Networks. * Canal Cociña * Canal de História * Canal Hollywood * Canal Panda * Panda Biggs (co-onwed with ZON Multimédia) * MOV (co-onwed with ZON Multimédia) * Decasa * Odisea * Sol Música | |
UPC Broadband Europe | UPC Ireland * UPC Romania * UPC Netherlands * UPC Poland * UPC Czech Republic * UPC Hungary * UPC Austria * UPC Broaband Slovakia * Focus Sat * Cablecom | |
Telenet (> 50% ownership) | Prime * Studio 100 TVjoint venture with Studio 100. * Zita * 9lives * GarageTV * PCTV * TV.be * vandaag.be * Hostbasket * Telenet Solutions | |
Australia | Austar (~55%) * showtime movie channels (20%) | |
Japan | J:COM (~38%) * Jupiter Telecommunications * Jupiter TV | |
Latin America | VTR Global Com * MGM Networks * Liberty Cablevision * Pramer (79%) | |
United Kingdom | CBS Actionjoint venture with CBS Studios International in a joint venture (50% owned by Chellomedia). * CBS Drama * CBS Reality * Horror Channel |
Cable | Cablecom * Cabovisão * Canal Digital * Com Hem * ER-Telecom * Kabel Deutschland * Kujtesa * Liberty Global Europe * MC Cable * Naxoo * ONO (Spain) * RCS (Romania) * Smallworld Cable * TDC (Denmark) * Tele2 * Telenet (Belgium) * TV di FASTWEB * ZON TVCabo (Portugal) * UPC Ireland * UPC Netherlands * UPC Romania * U-tel * Virgin Media (UK) * VolgaTelecom * WightCable * Ziggo * Teledünya | |
Satellite | Athina Sat * Boom TV (Romania) * Canal Digital * CanalDigitaal * CanalSat * CS Link * Cyfra+ (Poland) * Digiturk (Turkey) * Digi TV(Romania) * Digital+ (Spain) * DigitAlb (Albania) * Dolce (Romania) * Euro1080 * Focus Sat (Romania) * Freesat (UK) * Freesat from Sky (UK) * GlobeCast World TV * Max TV (Romania) * n (Poland) * NTV Plus (Russia) * NOVA Cyprus * NOVA Greece * Sat4Free (Ireland) * Sky Deutschland * Sky Digital (UK/Ireland) * SKY Italia (Italy) * Skylink * TeleSAT * Tivù Sat (Italy) * TotalTV (Serbia) * TPS (France) * ZON TVCabo (Portugal) * Magio Sat * meo satélite * TV Vlaanderen Digitaal * Viasat (Scandinavia) * Viasat (Ukraine) | |
IPTV | Alice Home TV (Italy) * Belgacom * BT Vision (UK) * Canal Digital * Free (France) * Freewire TV * Imagenio (Spain) * iNES (Romania) * Infostrada TV (Italy) * KPN (The Netherlands) * Magnet Entertainment (Ireland) * Neuf (France) * Orange * ShqipTV * Smart Telecom (Ireland) * Optimus Clix TV (Portugal) * TalkTalk TV * TeliaSonera * TV di FASTWEB * U-tel * Viasat * meo | |
Terrestrial | Boxer (Ireland) * Boxer (Sweden) * Freeview (UK) * KPN (Netherlands) * Mediaset Premium (Italy) * Televisão Digital Terrestre (Portugal) * Télévision Numérique Terrestre (France) * Top Up TV |