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Teen pop

Music genre
NameTeen pop
Stylistic originsSwing music (1940s)
Bubblegum pop (1960s and early 1970s)
Dance-pop (1980s)
R&B, hip hop, Rock(1990s)
Pop, Country (Present)
Cultural origins1940s, United States
Typical instrumentsDrum machine, synthesizer, auto-tuned vocals, guitar (sometimes keyboards)
Mainstream popularityExtremely high worldwide from 1998-2001, Moderately popular among next generation of youth in 2006-present
Derivative formsEuropop
Fusion genresAdult contemporary
Other topicsBoy band  Girl group  Pop icon

     Home | Music Genre | Teen pop

Teen pop is a subgenre of pop music that is created, marketed and oriented towards teenagers. Teen pop copies genres and styles such as pop, dance, R&B, hip hop, country and rock.

Typical characteristics of teen pop music include auto-tuned vocals, dumbed down lyrics and catchy melody lines.

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