Nintendo optical disc
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Nintendo optical disc

Nintendo GameCube Game Disc and Wii Optical Disc
NameNintendo optical discs
CaptionNintendo GameCube Game Disc and Wii Optical Disc
TypeRead-only optical disc
CapacityGCN 80mm: 1.4 GB
Wii 120mm: 4.7 GB (8.54 GB dual layer)
OwnerNintendo & Panasonic
Use80mm: Nintendo GameCube game media
120mm: Wii game media

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Nintendo optical discs are the optical disc format used to distribute video games released by Nintendo. This includes the Nintendo GameCube Game Disc and Wii Optical Disc. The Nintendo GameCube Game Disc was created for the Nintendo GameCube, while the Wii Optical Disc was made for the Wii. The physical size of a Nintendo GameCube Game Disc is that of a miniDVD, and the Wii Optical Disc is the size of a DVD. The discs are of a proprietary format; the Wii disc cannot be used on other platforms, though the GameCube disc can be used in the Wii for backward compatibility. A burst cutting area is located at the inner ring of the disc surface.

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Nintendo video game hardware

ConsolesColor TV Game (Game 6 * Game 15 * Racing 112 * Block Breaker * Computer TV Game) * NES (Disk System * NES-101 model * Nintendo M82) * Super NES (Super Game Boy * (Super Game Boy 2 * Satellaview * SNES-101) * Virtual Boy * Nintendo 64 (64DD) * Nintendo GameCube (Game Boy Player * Panasonic Q) * iQue Player * Wii (Virtual Console * WiiWare)
HandheldsGame & Watch (Mini Classics) * Game Boy (Pocket * Light) * Game Boy Color * Pokémon mini * Game Boy Advance (SP * Micro) * Nintendo DS (Lite * DSi * DSi XL) * Nintendo 3DS
ArcadeEarly arcade games * Vs. System * PlayChoice-10 * Nintendo Super System * Triforce
PeripheralsData Recorder * DK Bongos * e-Reader * Famicom Four-way Adaptor * Game Boy Camera * Game Boy Printer * GameCube GameBoyAdvance Cable * Game Link Cable * NES Advantage * NES Four Score * NES Max * NES Satellite * NES Zapper * Nintendo 64 controller (accessories) * Nintendo GameCube controller * Nintendo Power * Power Glove * Power Pad * R.O.B. * Rumble Pak * SNES Mouse * SNES Multitap * Super Advantage * Super Scope * U-Force * WaveBird * Wii Balance Board * Classic Controller * Wii Remote (Wii MotionPlus * Third-party accessories) * Wii Speak * Wii Zapper
TechnologyGame Pak * Nintendo optical disc
OtherPokémon Pikachu (Pokemon Pikachu 2) * Pokéwalker

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