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New Hampshire General Court

NameGeneral Court of New Hampshire
Coa PicSeal of New Hampshire.svg
Session RoomNew_Hampshire_State_House_2004.JPG
House TypeBicameral
House of Representatives
Leader1 TypePresident of the Senate
Leader1Peter Bragdon
Election1December 1, 2010
Leader2 TypeSpeaker of the House
Leader2William L. O'Brien
Election2December 1, 2010
Political Groups1Democratic Party
Republican Party
Last Election1November 2, 2010
Meeting PlaceNew Hampshire State House

     Home | Legislature | New Hampshire General Court

The General Court of New Hampshire is the bicameral state legislature of the U.S. state of New Hampshire. The lower house is the New Hampshire House of Representatives with 400 members. The upper house is the New Hampshire Senate with 24 members. With 424 members, the General Court is the largest state legislature in the United States and the fourth-largest English-speaking legislative body in the world, behind the Parliament of the United Kingdom, the Parliament of India, and the United States Congress. The General Court has one of the greatest disparities in size between chambers of a bicameral legislature.

On November 2, 2010, the New Hampshire General Court returned to Republican party control with 19-5 in the Senate and 298-104 in the House. The General Court convenes in the New Hampshire State House in downtown Concord, just off U.S. Route 3.

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