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Hong Kong people

1st row: Chow Yun-fat • Kai Ho • Faye Wong • Charles K. Kao • Bruce Lee
2nd row: Donald Tsang • Leslie Cheung • Lai Man-Wai • Jin Yong • Runme Shaw
Ethnic group
GroupHong Kong people
Hong Kong7026400
United States329888
United Kingdom145000

     Home | Ethnic Group | Hong Kong people

Hong Kong people (Chinese: ) refer to people who originate from Hong Kong. The term (and its Chinese equivalent) has no legal definition in Hong Kong. Rather, terms such as Hong Kong permanent resident ( ) and Hong Kong resident ( ) are used. Besides being used by Hong Kong residents, the term Hong Konger may be used by people who for one reason or another do not have legal residence status but spent an extensive period of time in Hong Kong or otherwise have a strong cultural connection with Hong Kong. Thus the term is largely open to personal interpretation. None of the terms make reference to the ethnicity of a person and are independent of Chinese citizenship or residency statuses.

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