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Happiness Realization Party

Name Native幸福実現党
Kōfuku Jitsugen-tō
Party NameHappiness Realization Party
Party ArticletitleHappiness Realization Party
PresidentRyuho Okawa
Foundation23 May 2009
IdeologyPro-Ryuho Okawa and Happy Science
Third Way
InternationalHappy Science
ColoursBlue, yellow

     Home | Japanese political party | Happiness Realization Party

|}, abbreviated as 幸福, is a Japanese political party founded by Ryuho Okawa on 23 May 2009 "in order to offer the Japanese people a third option" for the upcoming elections in August 2009. The HRP is the political wing of the Happy Science religious movement.

Okawa is the current president of the party. His wife and former party leader Kyoko Okawa is the HRP's Chief Advertising Officer. One of the stated reasons for establishing The Happiness Realization Party was that neither of the two major parties, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) or the opposing Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), has defined a clear plan to deal with the threats of North Korea from their missile testing or how to lift the country out of an economic recession. Tax reduction is one of the party's stated goals.

Happiness Realization Party Video

ãããåæé®®ãæ ¸ããµã¤ã«ãæ¥æ¬ã«æã¡è¾¼ãã§ãããï¼ ç§ãã¡å¹¸ç¦å®ç¾åã¯ããã®æ³å®ã®ãã¨ã«ä»®æ³ãã©ããä½ãã¾ããã What if North Korea launches nuclear missiles against Japan? We,Happy Realization Party have created a hypothetical story based on the high probability. ãã¾ããæ ¸ããµã¤ã«ãæã¤ã¯ãããªããââããæã£ã¦ããéã«ããåæé®®ã§ã¯æ ¸éçºãçãã¨é²ãã§ãã¾ãã While you may think, North Korea launches a nuclear missile? Its impossible, North Korea is steadily developing their nuclear missile capability. è¿ãå°æ¥ãã¢ã¸ã¢ã®å¹³åããã³ãããã®ã¯ãåæé®®ã®æ´èµ°ã¨ä¸­å½ã®è¦æ¨©ä¸»ç¾©ã§ãã Soon, North Koreas aggression and Chinas expansionism are likely to become a great threat to the peace in Asia. 6æ26æ¥ãéå½ã¯æé®®å島æäºã®éãããµã¤ã«åºå°åå¶æ»æãæ示ãã¾ããã Soon, North Koreas aggression and Chinas expansionism are likely to become a great threat to the peace in Asia. 6æ26æ¥ãéå½ã¯æé®®å島æäºã®éãããµã¤ã«åºå°åå¶æ»æãæ示ãã¾ããã On July 26, South Korea declared that they will carry out a pre-emptive strike on North Koreas missile bases for an emergency in Korean Peninsula. ã§ã¯ãæ¦å¾å­åæ°å¹´ã«ããã£ã¦ãç¾å®ããç®ããããããèªè¡éã¯è»éã§ã¯ãªããã¨è¨ãç¶ããæ¥æ¬ã¯ã©ããã¹ããªã®ãï¼ the other hand, Japan has kept turning their back from the reality and contradicting themselves by saying, Self-Defense Force is not a military force, for more than 60 years after the previous war. Now , what should Japan do? ç§ãã¡å¹¸ç¦å®ç¾åã¯ãæ¥æ¬ã¨ã¢ã¸ã¢ã®å¹³åãå®ã <b>...</b>
6.70 min. | 4.09 user rating
2010.10.03 ãå°é£è«¸å³¶åé¡ããã®ã¾ã¾ã§ã¯ãããã§ã¯ãªããï¼ãã¨å¹¸ç¦å®ç¾åã®æå¿ãã姫路ãå±±é½ç¾è²¨åºåã§ããã¢ãè¡å®£ãè¡ãã¾ããããèªããæ­£ããã¨æã£ããã¨ãè¨ãã¹ããã¨ã¯è¨ããã¨ããå¼·ãæå¿ãåæ°ã®ãã¨ã«éã¾ã£ãå士ãã¡ã§ããããã«ãã®é¨ã«ãé¢ããããå½æ°ã®ã¿ãªããã«ããã²ç¥ã£ã¦é ããããã¨ãä¼ãããã¾ãããå½é£æç ´ã«åãã¦ãæ¥æ¬åå°ã§ãæ­£ãã声ããä¸ãã¦ããã¾ãããï¼ ãã®æ¥ãéã£ããã©ã·ã«ã¯ãããããã¾ãã --------------------------- ãã®ã¾ã¾ã§ã¯æ¥æ¬ãå±ãªãï¼ å°é£è«¸å³¶æ²ä¸­å½æ¼è¹è¡çªäºä»¶ã®è¹é·éæ¾ã¯ã中å½ã«ããæ¥æ¬ç¡è¡å é ã¸ã®ç¬¬ä¸æ­©ã ï¼ 1ãä»è°·å®æ¿é·å®ã¯ãå³å»è¾ä»»ããï¼ 2ã中å½æ¿åºã®ãã©ãã«å±ãããæ¯ç¶ã¨ããå¤äº¤ãï¼ 3ãå°é£è«¸å³¶ã«èªè¡éã®å³æéåãï¼ --------------------------- At Sanyo Department Store on October 3, 2010, the voluntary members of the Happiness Realization Party Himeji, thinking "Something is wrong with the Senkaku Islands issue (national defense and diplomacy). What should we do?", finally got up, made a speech and handed out the flyers. The ones who think "The react of Japan's government as well as the correspondence of the Chinese government, are not fair." have to raise a voice of protest because this must be only a beginning of a national crisis to Japan. In spite of a rainy day, the speech itself and the response of audience was quite good. That shows the Senkaku Islands issue is highly responsive matter to Japanese people. From one end of Japan to the other, we have to raise our voice in a resolute attitude to a national crisis, such as Senkaku <b>...</b>
15.02 min. | 3.28 user rating
Have you ever wanted to work in Japan? The Happiness Realization Party wants to change Japan! Support the Happiness Realization Party and make your dreams come true! 詳細ï¼ã2030å¹´ã¾ã§ã«äººå£ï¼å人ã¨ï¼§ï¼¤ï¼°ä¸çä¸ã®å®ç¾ã ä¸å®¶åº­ã§å¹³åç´3人ã®å­ä¾ãæã¦ãããä¸æ¯ããã¦ï¼å人ã¾ã§å¢ãããæ®ãï¼å人ã¯æµ·å¤ããã®ç§»æ°ãåãå¥ãã¾ããå°å­ååé¡ã解決ãããã¨ã§ãå¹´éåé¡ã財æ¿èµ¤å­ã¯ã»ã¼ç¢ºå®ã«åæã§ãã¾ãã ã移æ°åãå¥ãã«ã¤ãã¦ã â å¤éãåæ¥ã«å¬ç«ã®å°ä¸­é«æ ¡ã§æ¥æ¬èªæ室ãéããå¨ä½å¤å½äººãæ¥æ¬èªãç¿å¾ããæ©ä¼ãå¢ããã¾ãã â äººå£100ä¸äººä»¥ä¸ã®å¤§é½å¸ã¯ãå¤å½äººãä½ã¿ãããè¡ã¥ãããè¡ããè±èªãæºå¬ç¨èªã¨ãã¦ä½¿ããããåªãã¾ãã â å¤å½äººã®å¸°åãç©æ¥µçã«é²ãã¾ããæ¥æ¬ã§ç´5å¹´åããç¯ç½ªãç¯ãããä¸å®ã®æ¥æ¬èªè½åã®ããå¤å½äººã§ããæäºã«ã¯æ¥æ¬ã®é²è¡ã®ããã«æ¦ããã¨å®£èªã»èåãã人ã«ã¯ååãå½ç±ãä»ä¸ãããã¨ã¨ãã¾ãï¼ã±ã¼ã¹ã«ãã£ã¦ã¯ï¼å¹´éã®èªè¡éå¥éã追å æ¡ä»¶ã¨ãã¾ããä½µãã¦ã¹ãã¤é²æ­¢ã®æ³å¶åº¦ãæ´åãã¾ãï¼ã â ç¸ç¶ç¨ã®å»æ­¢ã«ãã£ã¦ãæµ·å¤ã®å¯è£å±¤ãæ¥æ¬ã«ç§»ãä½ã¿ãæ°¸ä½ããããã«ä¿ãã¾ãã Details: The aim is to increase Japan's population to 300 million, of which 1/3 will be foreign immigrants. How: - By instituting Japanese language lessons at nights and on weekends at public elementary, middle and high schools, thereby increasing opportunities for foreigners in Japan to learn Japanese. - By creating communities amenable to residency for foreigners, and making English a semi-official language in large cities with populations of one million or more. - By promoting the naturalization of <b>...</b>
0.52 min. | 4.07 user rating Seeing and hearing is believing. An elderly Japanese political candidate in fancy dress singing his election jingle to "Doe, a Deer"?
1.35 min. | 3.66 user rating
Anti-government rally arranged by the Happiness Realization Party on the opposition to tax increase and the resignation of Prime Minister Noda. Held in Shibuya, Tokyo Japan and concurrently in Osaka and Nagoya. 4700 demonstrators are angry and plea for the resignation of current Prime Minister Noda calling his rule a Marxist. = From CNN iReport =
2.90 min. | 5.0 user rating
Many memorial events are planned to be held next year, 2012, the 40th anniversary of the Sino-Japanese diplomatic relationship. At this time in history, what the Chinese Communist Party is seeking is annexation of Senkaku Islands and Okinawa. Do you think it a fiction that Okinawa becomes a Chinese territory? No, it is NOT a fiction! On September 15, 2011, the Chinese Race Ryukyu Special Administrative Region Committee was established in China. Let me emphasize it. It says Ryukyu Special Administrative Region. Although Okinawa is a Japanese territory, China already established such an organization. When JIang Zemin, former Chinese president, collapsed from illness, it was rumored that he had died. And, Sankei Shimbun mistakingly reported that he died. The truth behind this was that Sankei was traped to report it based on false information provided by the Chinese communist government. How come? It is because the Chinese communist government attempted to give damage to the conservative paper, Sankei.But, the mass media never reported it. Although most of you don't know it, Sankei Shimbun couldn't help apologizing to the Chinese government on this matter. This is a trap that the Chinese communist government set to destroy the Japanese conservative newspaper. It isn't strange that a government attempting to annex territory would engage in such a trap in order to ruin prestige of a newspaper by letting it grab false information. â»URL
4.97 min. | 5.0 user rating
The "Nanjing Massacre" and "comfort women" are fabrication of Asahi Shimbun. In front of the Asahi Shimbun head office, we spoke on the protest. ãå京大èæãåãéåå®æ°å¦ãï¼é½æ¯ç±ææ¥æ°é»çæé ã æ¯ææ¥æ°é»æ»ç¤¾é¢åï¼æ们æ¼è¯´äºæè®®ã ãëì§ ë íì´ãë ãì¢êµ° ììë¶ãë, ìì¬íì ë¬¸ì ìí ë ì¡°ìëë¤. ìì¬íì ë¬¸ ë³¸ì¬ ììì, ì°ë¦¬ë¤ì í­ìì ì°ì¤ì íìµëë¤.
6.27 min. | 4.47 user rating
中å½ã®èå¨ããå­ä¾ã®æªæ¥ãå®ãä¼ ä»£è¡¨ ç¢åç­å2012å¹´1æ21æ¥ æ¸è°·ããå¬åã«ã¦If politics of Japan is not changed now, our country is soon ruined by China. Japan will be a Chinese tributary or a colony in ten more years. It is you that defend Japan from this crisis. We should reinforce the military strength and protect our country by ourselves.
9.25 min. | 4.75 user rating
music : Avalon
2.53 min. | 5.0 user rating
æ¿åç ä¿®2 è¡åºã®æ¿æ²»éè¨ æ¿åç ä¿®3 è徳太å­ã®æ¿æ²»éè¨ è¬ç¾©ç ä¿®
0.80 min. | 4.2 user rating

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The 'Mad Men' finale: Who the heck is Megan? - Washington Post Tweet this news
Washington Post--Betty has the right to make impulsive decisions in pursuit of -happiness- too. Get off of Betty's back. Her character is struggling probably more than any of ... - Date : Mon, 18 Oct 2010 15:56:07 GMT+00:00
LEAD: LDP's Machimura assured of victory in lower house by-election - (press release) Tweet this news (press release)--The three other candidates were Satoshi Miyauchi, 47, of the Japanese Communist Party, Yoshinori Moriyama, 43, of the -Happiness Realization Party-, ... - Date : Sun, 24 Oct 2010 13:56:18 GMT+00:00

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