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Hans Langsdorff

Personal information
NameHans Langsdorff
Place of birthRügen, Germany
Place of deathBuenos Aires, Argentina
AllegianceGerman Empire German Empire (to 1918),
Nazi Germany Nazi Germany (1933-1939)
Battles/warsFirst World War *Battle of Jutland Second World War *Battle of the River Plate
AwardsIron Cross First Class
Iron Cross Second Class
Hamburger Hanseatenkreuz 

     Home | Military Person | Hans Langsdorff

Kapitän zur See Hans Wilhelm Langsdorff (20 March 1894 � 19 December 1939) was a German naval officer, most famous for his command of the Panzerschiff (pocket battleship) Admiral Graf Spee during the Battle of the River Plate.

Hans Langsdorff Video

January 5, 1940. Kapitän zur See Hans Wilhelm Langsdorff was a German naval officer, most famous for his command of the Panzerschiff Admiral Graf Spee during the Battle of the River Plate. After the Admiral Graf Spee was scuttled, Langsdorff was taken to the Naval Hotel in Buenos Aires, where he wrote letters to his family and superiors. He wrote on the 19 December 1939: "I can now only prove by my death that the fighting services of the Third Reich are ready to die for the honour of the flag. I alone bear the responsibility for scuttling the pocket-battleship Admiral Graf Spee. I am happy to pay with my life for any possible reflection on the honour of the flag. I shall face my fate with firm faith in the cause and the future of the nation and of my Fuehrer." He lay on Admiral Graf Spee's battle ensign and shot himself, forestalling any allegations that he had avoided further action through cowardice. Another motivation was Langsdorff's desire to go down with the Graf Spee. He was talked out of such an action by his officers, who convinced him that his leadership was still needed in seeking amnesty for his crew. Once the fate of the Graf Spee's crew was decided, Langsdorff killed himself over her ensign as a symbolic act of going down with his ship.Hans Langsdorff was buried in the German section of the La Chacarita Cemetery in Buenos Aires, Argentina and was honoured by both sides in the battle for his honourable conduct.
2.27 min. | 4.73 user rating
Nueva versión editada: Cementerio Alemán de Buenos Aires, donde descansan los restos del Capitán del Acorazado "Admiral Graf Spee", Hans Langsdorff, junto a otros cuatro tripulantes: Johannes Eggers, Wolfgang Beyrich, Josef Schneider y Peter Kranen.
2.65 min. | 4.69 user rating
SUBSCRIBE TO EXCELLENT WORLD WAR II VIDEOS River Plate, battle of, fought off this South American river on 13 December 1939 between the German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee and an Allied naval task force. Admiral Graf Spee, armed with six 28 cm. (11in.) guns, was commanded by Captain Hans Langsdorff. She had left Germany with her supply ship Altmark before war began and later sank nine ships in the Indian Ocean and South Atlantic before her engines began to malfunction. Langsdorff, anxious to increase his score before steaming to Germany for repairs, returned via the River Plate to intercept a convoy he knew was in that area, a move anticipated by Commodore Henry Harwood, whose Force G was one of eight formed to hunt Langsdorff down. Harwood lay in wait with two light cruisers, Ajax and the New Zealand Achilles, and the larger Exeter. (A fourth cruiser, Cumberland, arrived after the battle.) Langsdorff saw the British first and, thinking they were the convoy, he steamed straight at them. In the 80-minute battle which followed Harwood tried to divide the German warship's gunfire by attacking from two directions. But Langsdorff concentrated on Exeter which was soon forced to withdraw, and when Ajax and Achilles were also damaged Harwood disengaged. But instead of driving home his advantage, Langsdorff entered the port of Montevideo in neutral Uruguay that night because, as well as having problems with his engines, his damaged ship was now unseaworthy for the long haul <b>...</b>
10.02 min. | 5.0 user rating
SUBSCRIBE TO EXCELLENT WORLD WAR II VIDEOS River Plate, battle of, fought off this South American river on 13 December 1939 between the German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee and an Allied naval task force. Admiral Graf Spee, armed with six 28 cm. (11in.) guns, was commanded by Captain Hans Langsdorff. She had left Germany with her supply ship Altmark before war began and later sank nine ships in the Indian Ocean and South Atlantic before her engines began to malfunction. Langsdorff, anxious to increase his score before steaming to Germany for repairs, returned via the River Plate to intercept a convoy he knew was in that area, a move anticipated by Commodore Henry Harwood, whose Force G was one of eight formed to hunt Langsdorff down. Harwood lay in wait with two light cruisers, Ajax and the New Zealand Achilles, and the larger Exeter. (A fourth cruiser, Cumberland, arrived after the battle.) Langsdorff saw the British first and, thinking they were the convoy, he steamed straight at them. In the 80-minute battle which followed Harwood tried to divide the German warship's gunfire by attacking from two directions. But Langsdorff concentrated on Exeter which was soon forced to withdraw, and when Ajax and Achilles were also damaged Harwood disengaged. But instead of driving home his advantage, Langsdorff entered the port of Montevideo in neutral Uruguay that night because, as well as having problems with his engines, his damaged ship was now unseaworthy for the long haul <b>...</b>
10.02 min. | 4.95 user rating
SUBSCRIBE TO EXCELLENT WORLD WAR II VIDEOS River Plate, battle of, fought off this South American river on 13 December 1939 between the German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee and an Allied naval task force. Admiral Graf Spee, armed with six 28 cm. (11in.) guns, was commanded by Captain Hans Langsdorff. She had left Germany with her supply ship Altmark before war began and later sank nine ships in the Indian Ocean and South Atlantic before her engines began to malfunction. Langsdorff, anxious to increase his score before steaming to Germany for repairs, returned via the River Plate to intercept a convoy he knew was in that area, a move anticipated by Commodore Henry Harwood, whose Force G was one of eight formed to hunt Langsdorff down. Harwood lay in wait with two light cruisers, Ajax and the New Zealand Achilles, and the larger Exeter. (A fourth cruiser, Cumberland, arrived after the battle.) Langsdorff saw the British first and, thinking they were the convoy, he steamed straight at them. In the 80-minute battle which followed Harwood tried to divide the German warship's gunfire by attacking from two directions. But Langsdorff concentrated on Exeter which was soon forced to withdraw, and when Ajax and Achilles were also damaged Harwood disengaged. But instead of driving home his advantage, Langsdorff entered the port of Montevideo in neutral Uruguay that night because, as well as having problems with his engines, his damaged ship was now unseaworthy for the long haul <b>...</b>
10.02 min. | 4.98 user rating
SUBSCRIBE TO EXCELLENT WORLD WAR II VIDEOS River Plate, battle of, fought off this South American river on 13 December 1939 between the German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee and an Allied naval task force. Admiral Graf Spee, armed with six 28 cm. (11in.) guns, was commanded by Captain Hans Langsdorff. She had left Germany with her supply ship Altmark before war began and later sank nine ships in the Indian Ocean and South Atlantic before her engines began to malfunction. Langsdorff, anxious to increase his score before steaming to Germany for repairs, returned via the River Plate to intercept a convoy he knew was in that area, a move anticipated by Commodore Henry Harwood, whose Force G was one of eight formed to hunt Langsdorff down. Harwood lay in wait with two light cruisers, Ajax and the New Zealand Achilles, and the larger Exeter. (A fourth cruiser, Cumberland, arrived after the battle.) Langsdorff saw the British first and, thinking they were the convoy, he steamed straight at them. In the 80-minute battle which followed Harwood tried to divide the German warship's gunfire by attacking from two directions. But Langsdorff concentrated on Exeter which was soon forced to withdraw, and when Ajax and Achilles were also damaged Harwood disengaged. But instead of driving home his advantage, Langsdorff entered the port of Montevideo in neutral Uruguay that night because, as well as having problems with his engines, his damaged ship was now unseaworthy for the long haul <b>...</b>
7.03 min. | 4.95 user rating
SUBSCRIBE TO EXCELLENT WORLD WAR II VIDEOS River Plate, battle of, fought off this South American river on 13 December 1939 between the German pocket battleship Admiral Graf Spee and an Allied naval task force. Admiral Graf Spee, armed with six 28 cm. (11in.) guns, was commanded by Captain Hans Langsdorff. She had left Germany with her supply ship Altmark before war began and later sank nine ships in the Indian Ocean and South Atlantic before her engines began to malfunction. Langsdorff, anxious to increase his score before steaming to Germany for repairs, returned via the River Plate to intercept a convoy he knew was in that area, a move anticipated by Commodore Henry Harwood, whose Force G was one of eight formed to hunt Langsdorff down. Harwood lay in wait with two light cruisers, Ajax and the New Zealand Achilles, and the larger Exeter. (A fourth cruiser, Cumberland, arrived after the battle.) Langsdorff saw the British first and, thinking they were the convoy, he steamed straight at them. In the 80-minute battle which followed Harwood tried to divide the German warship's gunfire by attacking from two directions. But Langsdorff concentrated on Exeter which was soon forced to withdraw, and when Ajax and Achilles were also damaged Harwood disengaged. But instead of driving home his advantage, Langsdorff entered the port of Montevideo in neutral Uruguay that night because, as well as having problems with his engines, his damaged ship was now unseaworthy for the long haul <b>...</b>
10.02 min. | 4.98 user rating
Video sobre Langsdorff y el Graf Spee
3.12 min. | 4.9 user rating
20 december 2009 70 years anniversry of the death of Hans Langsdorff commander of the Admiral Graf Spee.
7.57 min. | 5.0 user rating
20 december 2009 70 years anniversry of the death of Hans Langsdorff commander of the Admiral Graf Spee.
4.28 min. | 5.0 user rating

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Thomas Wenig feiert Bruttosieg - Passauer Neue Presse (Abonnement) Tweet this news
Passauer Neue Presse (Abonnement)--Beim MUT-Cup auf den vorderen Rängen: Holger Lendner (vl), Mario Goldmann, H. Lendner (Sponsor), Thomas Wenig, Kornelia und Josef Liebl, Hannelore Rosenthaler, Andreas von -Langsdorff-, Alexander Eberl, Andreas Rosentha - Date : Thu, 04 Aug 2011 03:07:05 GMT+00:00
Golfturniere im Zeichen der Familie von Langsdorff - Passauer Neue Presse (Abonnement) Tweet this news
Passauer Neue Presse (Abonnement)--Nach dem Bucher-Cup: vl Uli, Daniela und Anton Wiedemann, Matthias Aufschläger, Maxi, Andreas und Felix von -Langsdorff-, Thomas Wenig, Thomas Schaeben, Günter Rendl, Inge Muckenschnabl, Isabella Schaeben, Präse Josef - Date : Sat, 30 Jul 2011 03:12:28 GMT+00:00
27 de Junio de 1942: Renuncia el Presidente argentino Marcelino Ortíz - El Intransigente Tweet this news
El Intransigente--Acorralado y con el buque dañado, el capitán -Hans Langsdorff- ordenó el autohundimiento del buque y la tripulación fue internada en la Argentina en medio de la conmoción de la opinión pública argentina y uruguaya, que se prolong� - Date : Mon, 27 Jun 2011 15:13:48 GMT+00:00
Se cumplieron 70 años del resonante atentado terrorista fallido de los '40 - Diario El Argentino Tweet this news
Diario El Argentino--Acorralado y con el buque dañado, el capitán alemán -Hans Langsdorff- ordenó el autohundimiento del buque y la tripulación fue internada en la Argentina en medio de la conmoción de la opinión pública argentina y uruguaya, que - Date : Sun, 08 May 2011 04:02:04 GMT+00:00
Exponen fotos del Graf Spee - Uruguay al día Tweet this news
Uruguay al día---...- cuando el acorazado alemán se enfrentó a fuerzas aliadas en las aguas del Río de la Plata, hasta que su capitán -Hans Langsdorff- decidió hundirlo luego ... - Date : Fri, 17 Dec 2010 08:25:33 GMT+00:00
Fotos inéditas del Graf Spee revelan secuencias de Batalla del Río de la Plata - AFP Tweet this news
AFP--Su capitán, -Hans Langsdorff-, decidió abandonar el combate y dirigirse a Montevideo para reparar el buque, pero tras el desembarco de sus tripulantes y pasar ... - Date : Fri, 10 Dec 2010 20:00:45 GMT+00:00
Fotos inéditas del Graf Spee revelan soplos de Batalla del Río de la Plata - Terra Perú Tweet this news
Terra Perú--Su capitán, -Hans Langsdorff-, decidió abandonar el combate y dirigirse a Montevideo para reparar el buque, pero tras el desembarco de sus tripulantes y pasar ... - Date : Fri, 10 Dec 2010 20:06:22 GMT+00:00
El lado oscuro de un sitio histórico llamado Hotel Edén - El Día (Argentina) Tweet this news
El Día (Argentina)---...- en aguas del Río de la Plata contra tres flotas británicas a fines de 1939, fue llevado por su capitán, -Hans- Wilhelm -Langsdorff- al puerto de Montevideo. ... - Date : Sun, 14 Nov 2010 07:04:47 GMT+00:00
El lado oscuro de un sitio histórico llamado Hotel Edén - Noticias de Quilmes (Comunicado de prensa) Tweet this news
Noticias de Quilmes (Comunicado de prensa)---...- en aguas del Río de la Plata contra tres flotas británicas a fines de 1939, fue llevado por su capitán, -Hans- Wilhelm -Langsdorff- al puerto de Montevideo. ... - Date : Sun, 14 Nov 2010 07:02:35 GMT+00:00
Terra Argentina---...- en aguas del Río de la Plata contra tres flotas británicas a fines de 1939, fue llevado por su capitán, -Hans- Wilhelm -Langsdorff- al puerto de Montevideo. ... - Date : Mon, 08 Nov 2010 17:01:41 GMT+00:00

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