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     Home | Artist | Francisco Goya

Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (30 March 1746 � 16 April 1828) was a Spanish romantic painter and printmaker regarded both as the last of the Old Masters and the first of the moderns. Goya was a court painter to the Spanish Crown, and through his works was both a commentator on and chronicler of his era. The subversive and imaginative element in his art, as well as his bold handling of paint, provided a model for the work of later generations of artists, notably Manet, Picasso and Francis Bacon.

Francisco Goya Video

A short film on the life and artistic style of Spanish artist Francisco Goya. This piece was made as a presentation for my art appreciation class. From concept, to research, script writing, recording, gathering assets, audio and video editing, and dvd authoring, this piece was created in a period of less than 24 hours.
6.25 min. | 4.78 user rating
Francisco Goya (1746-1828)
5.02 min. | 4.90 user rating
windsurfing is great! music: Refused- Summerholidays
3.10 min. | 4.30 user rating
Samuel Osborne Barber II (1910 1981) was an American composer of orchestral, opera, choral, and piano music. His Adagio for Strings is among his most popular compositions and widely considered a masterpiece of modern classical music. The paintings are from Francisco de Goya (1746-1828), a spanish painter and printmaker. Goya was a court painter to the Spanish Crown and a chronicler of history. He has been regarded both as the last of the Old Masters and as the first of the moderns. The subversive and subjective element in his art, as well as his bold handling of paint, provided a model for the work of later generations of artists, notably Manet and Picasso.
7.53 min. | 5.0 user rating
Un aria negra... para tan negros cuadros. Algunas de las famosas "pinturas negras" de un tardío Francisco de Goya. La canción es Battle for Heaven de Glenn Danzig, de su "Black Aria Num. 1".
3.90 min. | 4.91 user rating
Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (March 30, 1746 -- April 16, 1828) was an Aragonese Spanish painter and printmaker. Goya was a court painter to the Spanish Crown and a chronicler of history. He has been regarded both as the last of the Old Masters and as the first of the moderns. The subversive and subjective element in his art, as well as his bold handling of paint, provided a model for the work of later generations of artists, notably Manet and Picasso.
6.90 min. | 4.68 user rating
francisco goya
2.02 min. | 4.92 user rating
Victor Fernandez junto a su amigo Klass Voguet ya son parte del Mundo del Windsurf Mundial, ambos dentro de los 5 mejores del planeta. Hoy comparten su vida con el hogar que construyeron en Matanzas Chile... este registro es parte del material para "Sublime, Un Documental de Windsurf Chileno"... su participacion y coolaboracion ha sido fundamental... estos son ellos en el agua, esta es la costa de Chile, este es su potencial. Hoy devastada por el ultimo terremoto pero en reconstruccion. Gracias amigos por compartir su talento. Extracto en formato clip del material. Hig Definition FullHDV Musica: Phono "No Volvere a Caer", Divididos; "Nene de antes", Los Jaivas: "la Poderosa Muerte" Agradecimeintos a los raiders, Fanatic, Hotel Surazo, Comunidad de Matanzas ya Felipe, Delio y Toto que tambien han sido un gran aporte para el proyecto. Y a los windsurfistas internacionales como Robby Swift, Marcillio Brown, Francisco Goya, Jason Polakow y muchos qe siguen apoyando. Direccion: Nicolas Orrego.
8.97 min. | 4.91 user rating
Un momento de soledad Un cuadro de ausencia Música en decadencia Vieja y nueva enfermedad Con estas palabras empiezo este video... "Perro semihundido" es una de las Pinturas Negras de Francisco de Goya. En su sencillez resulta ser un cuadro realmente hermoso, sobrecogedor y enigmático. La música es de Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows, grupo de darkwave/gothic conformado por espejismos de su único miembro, Anna-Varney, quien realiza toda la música. La presente canción pertenece a su disco " Dead Lovers' Sarabande - Face Two" de 1999. Este trabajo es decadente y melancólico a la vez que remite a tiempos de oscuridad; sutil a su vez que eufórico y elegante. Espero os guste.
2.62 min. | 4.72 user rating Una habitacion del tren-hotel Francisco de Goya. De camino hacia Paris
0.63 min. | 5.0 user rating

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Francisco de Goya comes to Albury - ABC Local Tweet this news
ABC Local--Albury Art Gallery's latest exhibition "Los Caprichos" features the work of 17th Century Spanish artist, -Francisco- de -Goya-. The exhibition features 80 of ... - Date : Tue, 12 Oct 2010 03:42:26 GMT+00:00
21 Days of Horror, Day 7; Jigoku (1960) - In Utah This Week Tweet this news
In Utah This Week--The visual style is reminiscent of -Francisco Goya's- Black Paintings where the grotesque gluttony of sin is bathed in a river of blood. ... - Date : Mon, 11 Oct 2010 16:49:39 GMT+00:00
Veteran Spanish Actor Manuel Alexandre Dies - Latin American Herald Tribune Tweet this news
Latin American Herald Tribune---...- a -Goya- of Honour in 2003 and the Grand Cross of Alfonso X The Wise in 2009, his last big part was playing -Francisco- Franco in the series “20-N.” His ... - Date : Wed, 13 Oct 2010 00:48:05 GMT+00:00
Andy Bockelman: 'Wall Street' sequel sees slight drop in stocks - Craig Daily Press Tweet this news
Craig Daily Press---...- of morals and decency in his work can be summed up in the artwork hanging in his office: -Francisco Goya's- black painting “Saturn Devouring His Son. ... - Date : Wed, 29 Sep 2010 06:03:10 GMT+00:00

Francisco Goya

Blind Guitarist (1778) * Crucified Christ (1780) * Maria Teresa de Borbon y Vallabriga (1783) * Spring (or The Flower Girls) (1786 �1787) * The Swing (1787) * St Francis Borja at the Deathbed of an Impenitent (1788) * Manuel Osorio de Zuniga (c. 1788) * Witches' Sabbath (1789) * Self-portrait (c. 1790 �1795) * Little Giants (1791 �1792) * Portrait of Mariana Waldstein (c. 1792) * Strolling Players (1793) * Yard with Lunatics (1793 �1794) * Marquesa de la Solana (c. 1794 �1795) * Duchess of Alba (1797) * Self-Portrait with Eyeglasses (1797) * The Devil's Lamp (1797-1798) * Witches' Flight (1797-98) * Charles IV in his Hunting Clothes (1799) * Countess of Chinchon (1800) * La maja desnuda * Charles IV of Spain and His Family (1800 �1801) * La maja vestida * Bartolome Sureda y Miserol (c. 1803 �1804) * Portrait of Doña Isabel de Porcel (1804 �1805) * Portrait of Francisca Sabasa García (1804-1808) * Doña Teresa Sureda (c. 1805) * The Colossus (1808 �1812; attribution debated) * Majas on a Balcony (c. 1808 �1812) * Time (c. 1810 �1812) * Prison Interior (c. 1810 �1814) * The Second of May 1808 (1814) * The Third of May 1808 (1814) * The Junta of the Philippines (1815) * The Inquisition Tribual (1812-1819) * The Burial of the Sardine (c. 1816) * A Procession of Flagellants (c. 1816) * The Forge (c. 1817) * The Giant (1818) * Self-portrait with Dr Arrieta (1820) * The Milkmaid of Bordeaux (1825 �1827) |
Tapestry cartoonsThe Parasol (c. 1777) * Blind man's bluff (1789)
Black PaintingsAsmodea (c. 1819 �1823) * Men Reading (c. 1819 �1823) * The Dog (c.1819 �1823) * Fight with Cudgels (c. 1819 �1823) * Witches' Sabbath (c. 1819 �1823) * Leocadia (c. 1819 �1823) * Saturn Devouring His Son (c. 1819 �1823) * Two Old Men (c. 1819 �1823) * Two Old Men Eating Soup (c. 1819 �1823) * A Man and Two Women Laughing (c. 1819 �1823) * Atropos (c. 1819-23) * Judith and Holofernes (c. 1819-23) * A Pilgrimage to San Isidro (c. 1819-23)
Los CaprichosThe Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters (1797 �1798) * What a sacrifice! (1797 �1798) * They say yes and give their hand to the first comer (1797 �1798) * Que se la llevaron! (1797 �1798) * You who cannot (1797 �1798)
The Disasters of War
(Los desastres de la guerra)
Contra el bien general (c. 1810) * This is worse (c. 1812 �1813) * May the rope break! (c. 1815)
TauromaquiaUnfortunate events in the front seats of the ring of Madrid, and the death of the Mayor of Torrejón (1815 �1816)

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