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Accident Causes Traffic Tie Up - WIBQ Tweet this news Mixx

WIBQ---Shelburn- (WIBQ/WTWO)-Traffic on US 41 comes to a halt after an car hits a tanker truck. Police say texting while driving is to blame for the Tuesday ...

Wed, 28 Apr 2010 11:52:29 GMT+00:00

Municipalities and communities of Sullivan County, Indiana

County seat: Sullivan
Cities and townsCarlisle * Dugger * Farmersburg * Hymera * Merom * Shelburn * Sullivan
TownshipsCass * Curry * Fairbanks * Gill * Haddon * Hamilton * Jackson * Jefferson * Turman
Baldridge * Benefiel Corner * Bucktown * Cass * Curryville * Dodds Bridge * Fairbanks * Gambill * Glendora * Graysville * Greenville * Jackson Hill * Merom Station * New Lebanon * Paxton * Pleasantville * Riverton * Riverview * Scotchtown * Scott City * Shiloh * Standard * Stringtown * Wilfred