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Leaders prevail in clash of top sides in Snooker Singles League - Grimsby Telegraph Tweet this news Mixx

Grimsby Telegraph--An opening four-frame burst from Tim -Cattell- and Len Rodgers plus a single from Mick Tomlinson gave Rapid Frames a 5-3 victory at Cromwell Car Care. ...

Fri, 26 Nov 2010 09:05:34 GMT+00:00


Basic psychologyAbnormal * Affective science * Affective neuroscience * Behavioral neuroscience * Cognitive * Cognitive neuroscience * Comparative * Cultural * Developmental * Evolutionary * Experimental * Mathematical * Personality * Positive * Psycholinguistics * Psychophysics * Psychophysiology * Social * Theoretical
Applied psychologyAssessment * Clinical * Counseling * Consumer * Educational * Forensic * Health * Industrial and organizational * Legal * Media * Military * Occupational health * Political * Psychometrics * School * Sport and exercise * Systems * Traffic
MethodologiesAnimal research * Archival research * Case study * Content analysis * Experiments * Human subject research * Interviews * Neuroimaging * Observation * Qualitative research * Quantitative research * Self-report inventories * Surveys
OrientationsAnalytical * Behaviorism * Cognitive behavioral therapy * Cognitivism * Descriptive * Ecological Systems Theory * Existential therapy * Family therapy * Feminist therapy * Gestalt psychology * Humanistic * Narrative therapy * Psychoanalysis * Psychodynamic psychotherapy * Rational emotive behavior therapy * Transpersonal
Gordon Allport * Albert Bandura * Raymond Cattell * Kenneth and Mamie Clark * Erik Erikson * Hans Eysenck * Leon Festinger * Sigmund Freud * Donald O. Hebb * Clark L. Hull * William James * Carl Jung * Jerome Kagan * Kurt Lewin * Abraham Maslow * David McClelland * George A. Miller * Neal E. Miller * Walter Mischel * Ivan Pavlov * Jean Piaget * Carl Rogers * Stanley Schachter * B. F. Skinner * Edward Thorndike * John B. Watson
ListsCounseling topics * Important publications * Research methods * Schools of thought * Psychologists * Disciplines * Organizations * Topics * Psychotherapies * Timeline