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New payment term rules to ease the supplier squeeze - Tweet this news Mixx Commission Vice President -Antonio Tajani-, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship, said: “Who works must be timely remunerated. ...

Fri, 22 Oct 2010 12:08:25 GMT+00:00

Barroso Commission I (2004 �2009)

Joaquín Almunia * Catherine Ashton6 * José Manuel Barroso1 * Jacques Barrot2 * Joe Borg * Karel De Gucht9 * Stavros Dimas * Benita Ferrero-Waldner * Ján Figeľ10 * Franco Frattini2, 5 * Mariann Fischer Boel * Dalia Grybauskaitė7 * Danuta Hübner8 * Siim Kallas2 * László Kovács * Neelie Kroes * Meglena Kuneva3 * Markos Kyprianou4 * Peter Mandelson6 * Charlie McCreevy * Louis Michel9 * Leonard Orban3 * Andris Piebalgs * Janez Potočnik * Viviane Reding * Olli Rehn * Paweł Samecki8 * Maroš Šefčovič10 * Algirdas Šemeta7 * Vladimír Špidla * Antonio Tajani2, 5 * Androulla Vassiliou4 * Günter Verheugen2 * Margot Wallström2

Barroso Commission II (since 2010)

Joaquín Almunia2 * László Andor * Catherine Ashton2 * Michel Barnier * José Manuel Barroso1 * Dacian Cioloş * John Dalli * Maria Damanaki * Štefan Füle * Máire Geoghegan-Quinn * Kristalina Georgieva * Karel De Gucht * Johannes Hahn * Connie Hedegaard * Siim Kallas2 * Neelie Kroes2 * Janusz Lewandowski * Cecilia Malmström * Günther Oettinger * Andris Piebalgs * Janez Potočnik * Viviane Reding2 * Olli Rehn * Antonio Tajani2 * Androulla Vassiliou * Maroš Šefčovič2 * Algirdas Šemeta