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Miamisburg picks Fairborn school official as new treasurer - Dayton Daily News Tweet this news Mixx

Dayton Daily News---...- served as -district- treasurer for the past 2½ years and resigned June 16 after having accepted a job in a school -district- in -California-. Bonnie -Milligan- ...

Fri, 13 Aug 2010 04:59:55 GMT+00:00

Municipalities and communities of Amador County, California

County seat: Jackson
CitiesAmador City * Ione * Jackson * Plymouth * Sutter Creek
Allen * Barton * Bonnefoy * Buckhorn * Buena Vista * Bunker Hill * Camanche Village * Carbondale * Clarsona * Clinton * Dagon * Drytown * Edwin * Electra * Enterprise * Fiddletown * Firebrick * Kit Carson * Martell * New Chicago * Pine Acres * Pine Grove * Pioneer * Plasse * Ranch House Estates * River Pines * Scottsville * Sunnybrook * Sutter Hill * Volcano
Ghost townsAmador Crossing * Arkansas Ferry * Armstrong's Mill * Camp O'pera * Camp Union * Cape Cod Bar * Chaparral Hill * China City * Chinatown * Copper Hill * Defender * Dew Drop * Figtree * Forest Home * Fort Ann * Fort John * French Camp * Hardenburg * Irishtown * Lancha Plana * Lignite * Lower Rancheria * Mahala Flat * May * Milligan District * Old Rancheria * Pokerville * Pomegranate * Ranlett * Ritchey * Snake Flat * Tragedy Spring * Union Flat * Watkins Bar * Wieland * Yeomet * Yusumne