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Young Liberals (Australia)

Party NameYoung Liberal Movement
Party WikicolouridLiberal
IdeologyConservative liberalism,
Liberal conservatism,
New Right
PresidentMichael van Dissel
InternationalInternational Young Democrat Union

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The Young Liberal Movement is the youth division of the Liberal Party of Australia, and membership is open to those between 16 and 30 years of age. Members of Young Liberals have full party-membership, and have the choice of which part they join. They are active in Liberal Party campaigning during all state and federal elections.

The Young Liberals today are one of the largest divisions of the wider Liberal Party of Australia, and are major contributors to policy development and campaigning at election time.

The Movement is predominantly organised on the state division level, with each state organising its own events and policy and electing its own executive. In 2007 the QLD division of the Liberal Party of Australia and the QLD National Party merged to become the Liberal National Party of Queensland (A division of the Federal Liberal party and an affiliate of the federal National Party). As Part of this merger process the Queensland Young Liberals and the Queensland Young Nationals were merged to become the Young Liberal National Party (Young LNP). The Young LNP is effectively the Queensland division of both the federal Young Liberals and the Federal Young Nationals, and is the largest division of each of these movements. A national executive also exists with representatives made up from delegates from each state division. Policy can also be adopted by the Movement's federal body.

The current Federal President of the Young Liberals is Michael van Dissel from South Australia.

The Young Liberal Movement is a separate movement to the Liberal students who are based around campus clubs that support the Liberal party but are not officially a part of it. While the Young Liberal is the peak body of local Young Liberal branches, Liberal students are represented by the Australian Liberal Students' Federation. However, in 2006 the NSW State Representative of the Australian Liberal Students' Federation said "I am pleased to report that the link between NSW Liberal Students and the NSW Young Liberal movement is stronger than ever. Through joint functions and campaigns we have achieved a unity of purpose enabling us to work together to promote Liberalism".

Young Liberals (Australia) Video

Courtesy Lateline, ABC Television Australia
4.75 min. | 3.93 user rating
Let's demand a better voting system.... Australia's voting age must be lifted to 21 years of age, making it permanent local council, state and federal law. Unemployed persons registered with Australian Social Security (unemployment benifits/dole payments/student allowances) will 'not' be allowed to vote, no matter what age. Contact your local MP, lets protest.
0.95 min. | 2.33 user rating
Please comment.... A personal messege to... Mr Brown. My assumptions and speculations have been confirmed. Your intentions are as sinister as l thought. You're going to feel the hate of 13 million or more people. Judgement day for the greens is coming, all in the name of robust democracy. :o) lt's going to give me great pleasure to see you fail. Don't you go near any deep ditches now! This video up here, because I feel our freedom is being eroded. It's time for Australian to committed 'GREENACIDE'.
2.02 min. | 2.42 user rating
Dob in your commie lecturer Indirect addressing. Arrays vs lists. Sample code to set up and manipulate a linked list. Doubly linked lists. Also The 3-way shuffle to interchange two things. The Wiggles. Robert Sheckley. Stranger than Fiction. Filming starts during the break, lecture starts at 2:10
44.47 min. | 4.88 user rating
Just three short years ago.......
2.50 min. | 5.0 user rating

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NBC29Youth Not Slowing CHS Political Club - NBC 29 News Tweet this news
NBC 29 News--Max Potter is president of the -Young Liberals- group at Charlottesville High School. He is rallying dozens of his classmates to do what they can to help get ... - Date : Thu, 28 Oct 2010 22:11:59 GMT+00:00
With election outlook bleak, despairing young liberals look to Jon Stewart - Washington Examiner (blog) Tweet this news
Washington Examiner (blog)--But if the rally is anything like the show, as Stewart claims, it will also draw -young liberals- who have in their own way 'had enough. ... - Date : Sat, 30 Oct 2010 11:26:44 GMT+00:00

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