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     Home | frequency | W band

The W band of the microwave part of the electromagnetic spectrum ranges from 75 to 110 GHz. It sits above the U.S. IEEE designated V band (50 � 75 GHz) in frequency, yet overlaps the NATO designated M band (60 � 100 GHz). The W band is used for satellite communications, millimeter wave radar research, military radar targeting and tracking applications, and some non-military applications.

A number of passive millimeter-wave cameras for concealed weapons detection operate at 94 GHz. A frequency around 77 GHz is used for automotive cruise control radar. The atmospheric radio window at 94 GHz is used for imaging millimeter-wave radar applications in astronomy, defense, and security applications.

Less-than-lethal weaponry exists that uses millimeter waves to heat a thin layer of human skin to an intolerable temperature so as to make the targeted person move away. A two-second burst of the 95 GHz focused beam heats the skin to a temperature of 130 °F (54 °C) at a depth of 1/64th of an inch (0.4 mm). The United States Air Force and Marines are currently using this type of Active Denial System.

In terms of communications capability, W-band offers high data rate throughput when used at high altitudes and in space. (The 71 - 76 GHz / 81 - 86 GHz segment of the W-band is allocated by the International Telecommunication Union to satellite services.) Because of increasing spectrum and orbit congestion at lower frequencies, W-band satellite allocations are of increasing interest to commercial satellite operators, although no commercial project has yet been implemented in these bands.

W band Video

i wrote the lyrics myself
3.55 min. | 4.89 user rating
Teledysk kapeli Iron Weasel - Band Van , Nowa odlotowa komedia na DisneyXD. Ja w Kapeli...Odwiedź aby zobaczyÄ teledyski.
1.00 min. | 3.03 user rating
CMT Countdown #11... I recorded this with my cellphone cuz there wasn't any other way to get this performance!
4.18 min. | 4.86 user rating
Yet another song by Robert W. Smith. The Tempest is probably the song every band in America plays at least 2 times. A personal favorite of mine from the past and I'll probably remember how to play it for the rest of my life XD
2.47 min. | 4.96 user rating
Song - Change Me Band - Sanctus Real Album - Fight The Tide Year - 2004
4.22 min. | 4.96 user rating
25th ANNIVERSARY ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME CONCERT Bruce Springsteen & the E Street Band w. Billy Joel - New York State of Mind - Madison Square Garden, NYC - 2009/10/29&30
7.58 min. | 4.93 user rating
Song - Until The World Band - The Afters Album - I Wish We All Could Win Year - 2005 I really enjoyed this song and I just wanted to share it with you guys. Hope you enjoy it as well.
4.30 min. | 4.94 user rating
From The Corner to the Block w/ Juvenile & Soul Rebels Brass Band by Galactic (c) 2007 Epitaph Records
3.30 min. | 4.97 user rating
Chicago's Soldier Field 2000. The Dave Matthews Band performs Al Green's "Take Me To The River" with Al Green. (The group played a version of Green's classic "Take Me to the River" twice during its 90-minute set. They recorded the song for the IMAX video, "All Access" ) ...The Talking Heads totally own this song.
7.17 min. | 4.96 user rating
4.97 min. | 4.27 user rating

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Fujitsu develops record 1.3W output W-band GaN HEMT power amplifier - Tweet this news new amplifier can offer output equivalent to about 16 times that of existing amplifiers using gallium arsenide, enabling -W---band- transmission ranges to ... - Date : Fri, 08 Oct 2010 05:48:02 GMT+00:00
Goings on About Town: Night Life - New Yorker Tweet this news
New Yorker--In 2001, a British -band- asked him to sing -with- them on their cover of his gastrointestinal paean to romance, “Tapeworm of Love,” and he began performing ... - Date : Mon, 01 Nov 2010 04:01:05 GMT+00:00
Northfield Auctions - Antiques and the Arts Online Tweet this news
Antiques and the Arts Online---Band-; 18k -w-/Lg.Alexandrite?+2 sml dimns; 14k Flower form -w-/Sapphire encircld -w-/Dimnds; 14k Pearls+Diamnd; Lg. (3+, ct) 14k -w-/Heart Shape Amethyst; Unus. ... - Date : Mon, 01 Nov 2010 04:07:19 GMT+00:00
Third Day's "Move" hits No. 1 - CNN (blog) Tweet this news
CNN (blog)--"It's not like we sit down and say should it sound like this or should it sound like that," Carr said by phone while on tour -with- the -band-. ... - Date : Mon, 01 Nov 2010 14:21:46 GMT+00:00

L band 1 to 2 GHz
S band 2 to 4 GHz
C band 4 to 8 GHz
X band 8 to 12 GHz
Ku band 12 to 18 GHz
K band 18 to 26.5 GHz
Ka band 26.5 to 40 GHz
Q band 30 to 50 GHz
U band 40 to 60 GHz
V band 50 to 75 GHz
E band 60 to 90 GHz
W band 75 to 110 GHz
F band 90 to 140 GHz
D band 110 to 170 GHz

Electromagnetic spectrum

Visible (optical)Violet * Blue * Green * Yellow * Orange * Red
MicrowavesW band * V band * Q band * Ka band * K band * Ku band * X band * S band * C band * L band
RadioEHF * SHF * UHF * VHF * HF * MF * LF * VLF * ULF * SLF * ELF
Wavelength typesMicrowave * Shortwave * Medium wave * Longwave

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