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#REDIRECT Pritzker Architecture Prize

Pritzker Prize Video

President Obama presents the Pritzker Architecture Prize to Eduardo Souto de Moura in a ceremony at the White House. June 2, 2011.
5.13 min. | 4.25 user rating
Join my PAGE on Facebook and my GROUP too: [...] It's not the right angle that attracts me, and not even the straight line, hard and inflexible, created by man. What attracts me is the sensual free curve, the curve that I meet in the mountains of my country, in the preferred woman, in the clouds of the sky and in the waves of the sea; of the curves which make the whole universe, the curved universe of Einstein. [...] Oscar Niemeyers masterpiece for Ravello: The culture in which his architecture is based is sunny, daring and balanced, all at the same time, something which unites all Latin countries on both sides of the Atlantic; therefore, an intimate harmony between his style and ours is key. From the creator of the only city of the world built in the twentieth century and recognized by the UNESCO Patrimony of the humanity, Brasilia the federal capital of Brazil, that April 21st 2010 will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary from its foundation happened in 1960. Niemeyer is universally recognized as architectural genius of our day and he has succeeded in the mission to create a architectonic complex that was both simple an bold, able to stand out from but non contrast with its surroundings. The Auditorium is reached by means of an oblong square from which it's possible to admire both the breathtaking panorama and the remarkable building. (40°39'2.56"N - 14°36'50.55"E)The concert hall, which <b>...</b>
5.03 min. | 4.95 user rating
Pritzker Prize Winners Jean Nouvel, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid and Renzo Piano discusss collaboration. Visit to see the full discussion.
1.55 min. | 4.7 user rating
Join my PAGE on Facebook and my GROUP too: Renzo Piano, ispirandosi al Vesuvio ha progettato il nuovo e colossale centro commerciale che sorge a Nola, a pochi km da Napoli. Qui Renzo Piano non poteva non trarre spunto dal simbolo napoletano per antonomasia: il Vesuvio. Il Vulcano Buono, così si chiama il centro commerciale concepito e progettato dal Renzo Piano Building Workshop, è una collina artificiale che segue le uniche e sinuose forme del vulcano partenopeo in un insieme di solidi circolari, ognuno dei quali ha una pendenza differente, che si fondono a formare una struttura troncoconica a pianta ovoidale, aperta al centro, che ricalca l'aspetto, appunto, del Vesuvio. Il margine superiore della collina artificiale ha un'altezza che varia dai 25 ai 41 metri, con un diametro totale di 320 metri. Ospita una piazza centrale di 160 metri di diametro a cielo scoperto, divisa in tre zone concentriche, la più interna con palco dedicata allo spettacolo, quella intermedia al commercio e la più esterna, che fa da corona alla costruzione che vi si affaccia riservata a verde e piantumata di pini. Inoltre il progetto di Piano riserva grande attenzione anche alla sostenibilità ambientale, infatti attorno alla struttura è nato un enorme parco verde, con oltre 2000 alberi. Dall'esterno, fatta eccezione per i diversi ingressi (chiamati Capri, Sorrento, Amalfi, Positano e Ischia, più le uscite di sicurezza), il complesso è praticamente invisibile come <b>...</b>
4.02 min. | 4.68 user rating
Join my PAGE on Facebook and my GROUP too: ...a San Giovanni Rotondo la chiesa sboccia dalla pietra della montagna, di pietra saranno muro, sagrato, archi di sostegno, la Grande Croce... [Renzo Piano] La chiesa sorge sul promontorio di San Giovanni Rotondo (Foggia - Italy) vicino al monastero e alla chiesa preesistente, ci si arriva per una lunga strada in salita ed entrando in un porticato scenografico con prospettive falsate, al lato del sagrato si costeggia un caratteristico campanile orizzontale costituito da otto campane offerte da altrettanti devoti interposte a nove colonne. Le campane sono dedicate a vari santi francescani. In particolare la terza a partire dalla campana più lontana dalla croce è dedicata allo stesso San Pio da Pietrelcina, insieme alle campane si incontrano otto aquilotti in pietra, rappresentanti la rigenerazione operata dalla divinità, opera di Mario Rossello. Ora si è dentro all'immenso sagrato triangolare. Da qui attraverso un'immensa facciata vetrata, è decorata con una scena dell'apocalisse, e possibile assistere alla messa, senza entrare all'interno dell'aula liturgica. Infatti gli infissi sono mobili e, quando sono in posizione orizzontale, permettono la visione dell'interno a chi si trova sul sagrato, che rappresenta così un'estensione della chiesa nei momenti di maggiore affluenza di fedeli, infatti lo spazio può dare posto ad oltre 30.000 persone. La vetrata ha utilizzato un tessuto "Trevira", usato <b>...</b>
4.95 min. | 4.73 user rating
Join my PAGE on Facebook and my GROUP too: Peter Zumthor says that in the context of an architectural object the materials can assume poetic quality. Then, it's necessary to produce in the self object a right connection between form and meaning, since by itself the materials are not poetic. In fact in this isolated Chapel in Saint Benetig, that he is able to full reason to denominate object of architectural design, the material it is pure poetry. Zumthor has realized a construction that's itself, that's at the service of the function and that it's a belonging ingredient to the things world, able to live without the rhetoric of the planner having in herself a strong atmosphere leading. The road to arrive has been hard and tortuous, but it has been as a purification journey from all the traditional archetypes to get inebriate itselves of the Alps strength and beauty, necessary condition to well understand this small masterpiece. Pritzker Prize 2009 Italian TEXT_________________________________ Peter Zumthor dice che nel contesto di un oggetto architettonico i materiali possano assumere qualità poetiche. A tal fine, occorre generare nell'oggetto stesso un legame adeguato fra forma e significato, poiché di per sé i materiali non sono poetici. Bene in questa isolata cappella in Saint Benetig, che si può a piena ragione denominare oggetto di design architettonico, il materiale è pura poesia. Zumthor ha realizzato una <b>...</b>
4.35 min. | 4.71 user rating
The California Academy of Sciences opened on 9.27.08 as the greenest building in the US. I got a chance to chat with the architect about his vision. Mr. Piano is a winner of archtectures #1 prize, the Pritzker Prize. Interview by Arturo Riera. You can see my slides of the building the opening weekend activities at:
1.92 min. | 4.8 user rating
The Italian-born, British architect Richard Rogers has been awarded this year's Pritzker Prize, the world's most prestigious prize in architecture. The jury cited the 73-year-old Rogers as "a champion of urban life who believes in the city as a catalyst for social change." Richard Rogers's work is immediately recognizable. Most famous perhaps is his first major work -- the Centre Pompidou in Paris -- that he designed with the Italian architect Renzo Piano. Its radical design with many of the building's functions set on the outside was extremely controversial in the early 1970s. Now it is seen as a landmark that transformed a museum from an elite monument to a place of social and cultural exchange. Rogers says he has fond memories of his time in Paris. "Clearly it was a very exciting period. It was a period of political upheaval in the 60s and it was also a period where people were looking at how to repair a city and the society. Paris gave us an opportunity to do a building, which was a very public building, which was my principle interest, but to also heal a small part of a city, which is a pretty unusual thing in your early 30s." Rogers says he did not receive any new commissions for two years after completing the Centre Pompidou and considered giving up on architecture. Since that time, though, he has established offices in Spain and Japan and received commissions from all over the world. Another major urban project that followed the Pompidou can be seen to continue <b>...</b>
3.65 min. | 5.0 user rating
Join my PAGE on Facebook and my GROUP too: Rome's new Auditorium "Parco della Musica", designed by Renzo Piano [ was officially opened on April 2002, the Music Park [ an oasis located between the Olympic Village and Villa Glori (41°55'47.29" N - 12°28'28.31" E), is jewel worthy of the Eternal City. This great citadel of music, a place Renzo Piano calls of worship "an ancient Greek agora with the perfumes of the Mediterranean. I think that the Romans have discovered a great passion for their Auditorium". Three huge "Sounding Boxes" in lead covered as the domes of the Renaissance and Baroque churches of the Capital. Each hall has its own characteristics, the fruit of previous experience in the acoustics field and designed as musical instruments. These huge sound boxes are structurally separate for acoustic reasons and have different architectonic and functional features. The 700-seat Hall (Petrassi Hall) can play host to concert operas, baroque and chamber music and theatrical plays, but also performances on a symphonic level, thanks to the possibility of moving the walls to open up the stage arch and thus redefine the layout of the stage. The 1200-seat Hall (Sinopoli Hall) is characterised by even greater flexibility regarding both the acoustics and the layout of the stage and stalls, thus offering the possibility of not only a large orchestra and choir, but also ballet and contemporary music. The 2800 <b>...</b>
4.98 min. | 5.0 user rating
Peter Zumthor was born on April 26, 1943. in Basel, Switzerland. He trained as a cabinet maker from 1958 to 1962. Later he studied at the Kunstgewerbeschule, Vorkurs and Fachklasse with further studies in design at Pratt Institute in New York. In 1967, he was employed in the Department for the Preservation of Monuments working as a building and planning consultant and architectural analyst of historical villages, in addition to realizing some restorations. Zumthor is married to Annalisa Zumthor-Cuorad. They have three Children - Anna Katharina, Peter Conradin, and Jon Paulin, and two grandchildren. Since 1996, he has been a professor at the Academy of Architecture, Universitá della Svizzera Italiana, Mendrisio. Information is used from:
7.83 min. | 5.0 user rating

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