Nikolay Semyonov
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Nikolay Semyonov

Semyonov (right) and Kapitsa, portrait by Boris Kustodiev, 1921.
Personal information
Birth dateApril 15 (April 3, O.S.), 1896
Birth placeSaratov
Death dateSeptember 25, 1986
Fieldsphysicist and chemist
Doctoral advisorAbram Ioffe
Known forchemical transformation
Notable awardsNobel Prize in chemistry 1956

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Nikolay Nikolayevich Semyonov ( ) (April 15 (April 3, Old Style), 1896 � September 25, 1986) was a Russian/Soviet physicist and chemist. Semyonov was awarded the 1956 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on the mechanism of chemical transformation.

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Gilroy's hat trick leads US past Kazakhstan 10-0 - Lexington Herald Leader Tweet this news
Lexington Herald Leader--Two-time defending champion Russia jumped ahead 2-0 after 26 minutes on goals by Ilya Kovalchuk and forward -Nikolai- Kulemin. Christian Ehrhoff scored for ... - Date : Sat, 15 May 2010 17:54:26 GMT+00:00
Em preparação para Copa, França bate Costa Rica com gol no fim - EFE Tweet this news
EFE--Árbitro: Vladislav Bezdorodov (Rússia), auxiliado por seus compatriotas -Nikolay- Golubev e Viacheslav Semenov. Cartões amarelos: Barrantes (Costa Rica).--- - Date : Wed, 26 May 2010 23:32:11 GMT+00:00
Electro Meeting Part II - Tweet this news der russischstämmige Schweizer -Nikolai- Semenov der Wochenende für Wochenende hinter den Plattentellern der Ostschweizer Großclubs zu finden ist, ... - Date : Tue, 20 Apr 2010 12:27:27 GMT+00:00

Nobel Laureates in Chemistry

Edwin McMillan / Glenn T. Seaborg (1951) * Archer Martin / Richard Synge (1952) * Hermann Staudinger (1953) * Linus Pauling (1954) * Vincent du Vigneaud (1955) * Cyril Hinshelwood / Nikolay Semyonov (1956) * Alexander Todd (1957) * Frederick Sanger (1958) * Jaroslav Heyrovský (1959) * Willard Libby (1960) * Melvin Calvin (1961) * Max Perutz / John Kendrew (1962) * Karl Ziegler / Giulio Natta (1963) * Dorothy Hodgkin (1964) * Robert Woodward (1965) * Robert S. Mulliken (1966) * Manfred Eigen / Ronald Norrish / George Porter (1967) * Lars Onsager (1968) * Derek Barton / Odd Hassel (1969) * Luis Federico Leloir (1970) * Gerhard Herzberg (1971) * Christian B. Anfinsen / Stanford Moore / William Stein (1972) * E.O.Fischer / Geoffrey Wilkinson (1973) * Paul Flory (1974) * John Cornforth / Vladimir Prelog (1975)

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