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Malays in Singapore

Ethnic group
GroupMalays in Singapore
Population date650,000 (year 2010 census)

     Home | Ethnic Group | Malays in Singapore

Malays in Singapore ( ) are defined by the Singaporean government using the broader and antiquated "Malay race" concept, rather than modern-day Malay ethnic group. Although Malays have inhabited the area that is now Singapore since the 17th century, most of the Malays in Singapore today are immigrants from Indonesia and Malaysia since 1945 and their descendents. During British rule of Singapore from the 19th century until World War II, Malays enjoyed favorable treatment and disproportionate employment to colonial governmental posts; this was concurrent with a sharp increase in the Malay population by immigration to Singapore from Java, Sumatra, and the Malay Peninsula. Since independence, Malays have experienced a decline in socioeconomic status, mainly because of lack of English language competency, but benefit from special constitutional protection and affirmative action policies.

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