Lords of EverQuest
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Lords of EverQuest

Video Game information
DevelopersRapid Eye Entertainment
PublisherSony Online Entertainment
Computing platformMicrosoft Windows
Release dateDecember 12, 2003
GenreReal-time Strategy
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
RatingESRB: Teen (T)
PEGI: 12+
Digital mediaCD
Input methodsKeyboard and Mouse

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'Lords of EverQuest' (LOEQ) is a 3D fantasy Real-Time Strategy game released in December 2003. It was developed by the short-lived startup company Rapid Eye Entertainment and published by Sony Online Entertainment (SOE). SOE distributes Lords of EverQuest currently.

Unlike the original EverQuest, Lords of EverQuest is fundamentally a single player game, and after the initial payment for the software, does not require a recurring monthly fee in order to play.

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EverQuest video games

EverQuestThe Ruins of Kunark * The Scars of Velious * The Shadows of Luclin * The Planes of Power * The Legacy of Ykesha * Lost Dungeons of Norrath * Gates of Discord * Omens of War * Dragons of Norrath * Depths of Darkhollow * Prophecy of Ro * The Serpent's Spine * The Buried Sea * Secrets of Faydwer * Seeds of Destruction * Underfoot
EverQuest IIThe Bloodline Chronicles * The Splitpaw Saga * Desert of Flames * Kingdom of Sky * The Fallen Dynasty * Echoes of Faydwer * Rise of Kunark * The Shadow Odyssey * Sentinel's Fate
Spin-offsEverQuest Online Adventures * Champions of Norrath: Realms of EverQuest * Champions: Return to Arms * Lords of EverQuest * EverQuest Role-Playing Game * Legends of Norrath
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