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Jules Armand Dufaure

Dafure by Antoine Samuel Adam-Salomon, circa 1870s
Personal data
Date of birth4 December 1798
Date of death28 June 1881(age 82)
Political partyNone
33rd Prime Minister of France
In office19 February 1871 - 24 May 1873
PresidentAdolphe Thiers
Succeeded byAlbert, duc de Broglie
Preceded byLouis Jules Trochu
37th Prime Minister of France
In office23 February 1876 - 12 December 1876
PresidentPatrice de Mac-Mahon
Succeeded byJules Simon
Preceded byLouis Buffet
41st Prime Minister of France
In office13 December 1877 - 4 February 1879
PresidentPatrice de Mac-Mahon
Himself (acting)
Jules Grevy
Succeeded byWilliam Waddington
Preceded byGaëtan de Rochebouët
Acting President of the French Republic
In office30 January - 30 January 1879
Prime ministerHimself
Succeeded byJules Grevy
Preceded byPatrice de Mac-Mahon

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Jules Armand Stanislas Dufaure (-frʒyl aʁmɑ̃ dyfoʁ; 4 December 1798 � 28 June 1881) was a French statesman.

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Political offices
Preceded by
Jules Trochu
Prime Minister of France
1871 - 1873
Succeeded by
Duc de Broglie
Preceded by
Adolphe Crémieux
Minister of Justice
1871 - 1873
Succeeded by
Jean Emoul
Preceded by
Louis Buffet
Prime Minister of France
Succeeded by
Jules Simon
Preceded by
Gaëtan de Rochebouët
Prime Minister of France
1877 - 1879
Succeeded by
William Waddington
Preceded by
François Le Pelletier
Minister of Justice
1877 - 1879
Succeeded by
Philippe Le Royer

FR Heads of government of France

RestorationTalleyrand * Richelieu * Dessolles * Decazes * Richelieu * Villèle * Martignac * Polignac
July Monarchy3rd duc de Broglie * Laffitte * Perier * Soult * Gérard * Maret * Mortier * 3rd duc de Broglie * Thiers * Molé * Soult * Thiers * Soult * Guizot * Molé
Second RepublicDupont de l'Eure * Arago * Cavaignac * Barrot * Hautpoul * Faucher
Second EmpireOllivier * Cousin-Montauban
Third RepublicDufaure * 4th duc de Broglie * Cissey * Buffet * Dufaure * Simon * Broglie * Rochebouët * Dufaure * Waddington * Freycinet * Ferry * Gambetta * Freycinet * Duclerc * Fallières * Ferry * Brisson * Freycinet * Goblet * Rouvier * Floquet * Tirard * Freycinet * Loubet * Ribot * Dupuy * Casimir-Perier * Dupuy * Ribot * Bourgeois * Méline * Brisson * Dupuy * Waldeck-Rousseau * Combes * Rouvier * Sarrien * Clemenceau * Briand * Monis * Caillaux * Poincaré * Briand * Barthou * Doumergue * Ribot * Viviani * Briand * Ribot * Painlevé * Clemenceau * Millerand * Leygues * Briand * Poincaré * François-Marsal * Herriot * Painlevé * Briand * Herriot * Poincaré * Briand * Tardieu * Chautemps * Tardieu * Steeg * Laval * Tardieu * Herriot * Paul-Boncour * Daladier * Sarraut * Chautemps * Daladier * Doumergue * Flandin * Bouisson * Laval * Sarraut * Blum * Chautemps * Blum * Daladier * Reynaud * Pétain
Vichy FrancePétain * Laval
de Gaulle * Gouin * Bidault * Auriol * Blum
Fourth RepublicRamadier * Schuman * Marie * Schuman * Queuille * Bidault * Queuille * Pleven * Queuille * Pleven * Faure * Pinay * Mayer * Laniel * Mendès France * Faure * Mollet * Bourgès-Maunoury * Gaillard * Pflimlin * de Gaulle
Fifth RepublicDebré * Pompidou * Couve de Murville * Chaban-Delmas * Messmer * Chirac * Barre * Mauroy * Fabius * Chirac * Rocard * Cresson * Bérégovoy * Balladur * Juppé * Jospin * Raffarin * de Villepin * Fillon

FR Republican heads of state of France

First Republic
(1792 �1804)
National Convention * Directory * Consulate |
Second Republic
(1848 �1852)
Jacques-Charles Dupont de l'Eure * Executive Commission * Louis-Eugène Cavaignac * Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte |
Government of
National Defense
(1870 �1871)
Louis Jules Trochu |
Third Republic
(1871 �1940)
Adolphe Thiers * Patrice de Mac-Mahon * Jules Armand Dufaure * Jules Grévy * Maurice Rouvier * Sadi Carnot * Charles Dupuy * Jean Casimir-Perier * Charles Dupuy * Félix Faure * Charles Dupuy * Émile Loubet * Armand Fallières * Raymond Poincaré * Paul Deschanel * Alexandre Millerand * Alexandre Millerand * Frédéric François-Marsal * Gaston Doumergue * Paul Doumer * André Tardieu * Albert Lebrun |
Vichy France
(1940 �1944)
Philippe Pétain |
(1944 �1947)
Charles de Gaulle * Félix Gouin * Georges Bidault * Vincent Auriol * Léon Blum |
Fourth Republic
(1947 �1959)
Vincent Auriol * René Coty |
Fifth Republic
(since 1959)
Charles de Gaulle * Alain Poher * Georges Pompidou * Alain Poher * Valéry Giscard d'Estaing * François Mitterrand * Jacques Chirac * Nicolas Sarkozy |

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