Hassi Bahbah District
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Hassi Bahbah District

Full nameHassi Bahbah District
Official nameHassi Bahbah District
Settlement typeDistrict
ProvinceDjelfa Province
Other information
Time zoneCET (UTC+1)

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Hassi Bahbah District is a district of Djelfa Province, Algeria.

Category:Districts of Algeria

Category:Djelfa Province

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Djelfa Province

DistrictsAïn El Ibil * Aïn Oussera * Birine * Charef * Dar Chioukh * Djelfa * El Idrissia * Faidh El Botma * Had Sahary * Hassi Bahbah * Messaâd * Sidi Ladjel
CommunesAïn Chouhada * Aïn El Ibel * Aïn Feka * Aïn Maabed * Aïn Oussera * Amourah * Benhar * Beni Yagoub * Birine * Bouira Lahdab * Charef * Dar Chioukh * Deldoul * Djelfa * Douis * El Guedid * El Idrissia * El Khemis * Faidh El Botma * Guernini * Guettara * Had-Sahary * Hassi Bahbah * Hassi El Euch * Hassi Fedoul * Messad * Mouilha * Mouadjebara * Oum Laadham * Sed Rahal * Selmana * Sidi Baizid * Sidi Ladjel * Tadmit * Zaafrane * Zaccar

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