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Full nameDastakert
Official nameDastakert
Province (Marz)Syunik
City status1951
MayorNayiri Filosyan
Total Area0.4 sq mi (1.026 km2)
Elevation6725.7 ft (2050 m)
Total Population317 (2010)
Density (pop.)309/km2 (800.3/sq mi)
Other information
Time zoneGMT +4 (UTC)

     Home | Settlement D | Dastakert

Dastakert ( , also, Dastagird, Dastagir) is a town in the Syunik Province (marz) of Armenia. It is located on a distance of 236 km south to the capital Yerevan and 127 km north-west to the city of Kapan. Dastakert was known as a town since 1951. The town is situated on the foot of the mountain Airy, at the root of the river Dastakert, on a height of 2050 meters above sea level. Dastakert was first mentioned as a village in the history by Stepanos Orbelian in 12-13th centuries.

In 1951 Dastakert has gaind the status of town, and in 1952 the copper-molybdenum plant was built there. In 1968, during the Soviet heyday, there were 4000 residents in Dastakerd. After the copper-molybdenum plant shut its doors in 1975, the population has harshly declined, and all that remained from the town's boom period was only its status as an urban community. Nowadays, only 317 residents live in Dastakert, most of which are refugees from Azerbaijan. 2-3 children are born in Dastakerd on a yearly basis.

Currently, 1 secondary school, 1 cultural centre, a musical school and a library are regularly operating in the town.

There is a lithographic inscription 2 km north of the settlement on a rock called Vardapet-Stone.

Dastakert Video

WELCOME TO THE KINGDOM OF GOD --------------------------------------------- I AM JESUS CHRIST -------- FOLLOW ME--------------------------------------------- (WATCH MOVIE)------ (WEBSITE)-------- "FOLLOW ME" CHRISTIANS BIBLE CATHOLIC CHURCH PROTESTANT YAHWEH JESUS CHRIST MUSLIMS ALLAH MOSQUE KORAN QUR'AN SAUDI ARABIA MOHAMMED ISLAM JEWS TORAH GOD ABBA JERUSALEM SYNAGOGUE SABBATH JUDAISM Aguilares, Banda del Río Salí, Concepción, Famaillá, Lules, Monteros, Simoca, Tafí del Valle, Tafí Viejo, Yerba Buena, Nor Hachn, Metsamor, Meghri, Masis, Martuni, Maralik, Kapan, Kajaran, Jermuk, Ijevan, Hrazdan, Gyumri, Goris, Gavar, Dilijan, Dastakert, Charentsavan, Chambarak, Byureghavan, Berd 7TH SEAL PART 42 43 44 seventh
9.80 min. | 0 user rating
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4.40 min. | 5.0 user rating

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