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Antonio Segni

Personal data
Date of birth2 February 1891
Place of birthSassari, Sardinia, Italy
Date of death1 December 1972(age 81)
Place of deathRome, Latium, Italy
Political partyChristian Democracy
SpouseLaura Carta Camprino
ReligionRoman Catholicism
4th President of Italy
In office11 May 1962 - 6 December 1964
Prime ministerAmintore Fanfani
Giovanni Leone
Aldo Moro
Succeeded byGiuseppe Saragat
Preceded byGiovanni Gronchi
Prime Minister of Italy
In office15 February 1959 - 25 March 1960
PresidentGiovanni Gronchi
Succeeded byFernando Tambroni
Preceded byAmintore Fanfani
In office6 July 1955 - 19 May 1957
PresidentGiovanni Gronchi
Succeeded byAdone Zoli
Preceded byMario Scelba
Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs
In office25 March 1960 - 7 May 1962
Prime ministerFernando Tambroni
Amintore Fanfani
Succeeded byAmintore Fanfani
Preceded byGiuseppe Pella
Italian Minister of the Interior
In office15 February 1959 - 25 March 1960
Prime ministerHimself
Succeeded byGiuseppe Spataro
Preceded byFernando Tambroni
Italian Minister of Defense
In office1 July 1958 - 15 February 1959
Prime ministerAmintore Fanfani
Succeeded byGiulio Andreotti
Preceded byPaolo Emilio Taviani
Italian Minister of Education
In office17 August 1953 - 18 January 1954
Prime ministerGiuseppe Pella
Succeeded byEgidio Tosato
Preceded byGiovanni Bettiol
In office26 July 1951 - 16 July 1953
Prime ministerAlcide De Gasperi
Succeeded byGiovanni Bettiol
Preceded byGuido Gonnella

     Home | Office Holder | Antonio Segni

Antonio Segni (2 February 1891 - 1 December 1972) was an Italian politician who was the 35th Prime Minister of Italy (1955 � 1957, 1959 � 1960), and the fourth President of the Italian Republic from 1962 to 1964. Adhering to the centrist Christian Democratic party (Italian: Democrazia Cristiana � DC), he was the first Sardinian ever to become Prime Minister of Italy.

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Agenzia di Stampa Asca---...- che -segni- una svolta, ''un grande ricambio generazionale'' perche' ''ci sono molti che hanno gia' dato e... gia' preso''. Cosi' -Antonio- Di Pietro, ... - Date : Mon, 18 Oct 2010 13:52:16 GMT+00:00
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La Provincia Latina TV--Premesso che i terreni di demanio civico di Selva Vetere, in data 1 febbraio 1947 sono stati assegnati dall'allora Ministro dell'Agricoltura -Antonio Segni- a ... - Date : Fri, 15 Oct 2010 16:26:54 GMT+00:00
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CASERTA - Un affresco avvincente di un momento critico della democrazia ... - Corriere della Sera Tweet this news
Corriere della Sera---...- il generale Alessandro De Lorenzo e il presidente della Repubblica allora in carica -Antonio Segni- predisposero un progetto che prevedeva il controllo ... - Date : Thu, 14 Oct 2010 20:05:39 GMT+00:00
Damato, bilancio positivo: 5 vittorie in 9 sfide - Tweet this news suo curriculum nella massima serie recita 15 incontri arbitrati, con 5 -segni- '1', 2 -segni- 'X' e 8 -segni- '2'. 6 i rigori assegnati e 7 le espulsioni ... - Date : Thu, 14 Oct 2010 10:57:55 GMT+00:00
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Political offices
Preceded by
Fausto Gullo
Italian Minister of Agriculture
Succeeded by
Amintore Fanfani
Preceded by
Guido Gonnella
Italian Minister of Public Instruction
Succeeded by
Giovanni Bettiol
Preceded by
Giovanni Bettiol
Italian Minister of Public Instruction
Succeeded by
Egidio Tosato
Preceded by
Mario Scelba
Prime Minister of Italy
Succeeded by
Adone Zoli
Preceded by
Paolo Emilio Taviani
Italian Minister of Defense
Succeeded by
Giulio Andreotti
Preceded by
Amintore Fanfani
Prime Minister of Italy
Succeeded by
Fernando Tambroni
Preceded by
Fernando Tambroni
Italian Minister of the Interior
Succeeded by
Giuseppe Spataro
Preceded by
Giuseppe Pella
Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Succeeded by
Amintore Fanfani
Preceded by
Giovanni Gronchi
President of the Italian Republic
Succeeded by
Giuseppe Saragat

ITPresidents of the Italian Republic

De Nicola * Einaudi * Gronchi * Segni * Saragat * Leone * Pertini * Cossiga * Scalfaro * Ciampi * Napolitano

Prime Ministers of Italy

Kingdom of Italy Cavour * Ricasoli * Rattazzi * Farini * Minghetti * La Marmora * Ricasoli * Rattazzi * Menabrea * Lanza * Minghetti * Depretis * Cairoli * Depretis * Cairoli * Depretis * Crispi * Starabba * Giolitti * Crispi * Starabba * Pelloux * Saracco * Zanardelli * Giolitti * Tittoni * Fortis * Sonnino * Giolitti * Sonnino * Luzzatti * Giolitti * Salandra * Boselli * Orlando * Nitti * Giolitti * Bonomi * Facta * Mussolini * Badoglio * Bonomi * Parri * De Gasperi
Italian Republic De Gasperi * Pella * Fanfani * Scelba * Segni * Zoli * Fanfani * Segni * Tambroni * Fanfani * Leone * Moro * Leone * Rumor * Colombo * Andreotti * Rumor * Moro * Andreotti * Cossiga * Forlani * Spadolini * Fanfani * Craxi * Fanfani * Goria * De Mita * Andreotti * Amato * Ciampi * Berlusconi * Dini * Prodi * D'Alema * Amato * Berlusconi * Prodi * Berlusconi

Italian Ministers of Foreign Affairs

Kingdom of ItalyCavour * Ricasoli * Rattazzi * Pasolini * Visconti-Venosta * La Marmora * Visconti-Venosta * Campello * Menabrea * Visconti-Venosta * Melefari * Depretis * Corti * Cairoli * Depretis * Cairoli * Mancini * Depretis * Robilant * Depretis * Crispi * Starabba di Rudinì * Brin * De Blanc * Caetani * Capelli * Canevaro * Visconti-Venosta * Prinetti * Tittoni * Paternò-Castello * Guicciardini * Tittoni * Guicciardini * Paternò-Castello * Barone Sidney Sonnino * Tittoni * Scialoja * Sforza * Tommasi della Torretta * Schanzer * Mussolini * Grandi * Mussolini * Ciano * Mussolini * Guariglia * Badoglio * Bonomi * De Gasperi
Italian RepublicDe Gasperi * Nenni * Sforza * De Gasperi * Pella * Piccioni * Martino * Pella * Fanfani * Pella * Segni * Fanfani * Piccioni * Saragat * Moro * Fanfani * Moro * Fanfani * Medici * Nenni * Moro * Medici * Moro * Rumor * Forlani * Malfatti * Ruffini * Colombo * Andreotti * De Michelis * Scotti * Amato * Colombo * Andreatta * Elia * Martino * Agnelli * Dini * Amato * Ruggiero * Berlusconi * Frattini * Fini * D'Alema * Frattini

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