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Details of slaying, rape unfold as trial begins - The Times of Trenton - Tweet this news Mixx

The Times of Trenton - outside a Philadelphia nightclub two years ago, accused rapist and murderer -Omar Sharif- Cash asked a bar employee if there were any attractive women ...

Thu, 20 May 2010 05:59:26 GMT+00:00

Cinema of Egypt

|imageleft= |above=Actors * Directors * Cinematographers * Editors * Score composers * Films A-Z * Producers * Screenwriters |

Golden Globe Award for Best Actor � Motion Picture Drama

Maximilian Schell (1961) * Gregory Peck (1962) * Sidney Poitier (1963) * Peter O'Toole (1964) * Omar Sharif (1965) * Paul Scofield (1966) * Rod Steiger (1967) * Peter O'Toole (1968) * John Wayne (1969) * George C. Scott (1970) * Gene Hackman (1971) * Marlon Brando (1972) * Al Pacino (1973) * Jack Nicholson (1974) * Jack Nicholson (1975) * Peter Finch (1976) * Richard Burton (1977) * Jon Voight (1978) * Dustin Hoffman (1979) * Robert De Niro (1980) ---- Complete List * (1943 �1960) * (1961 �1980) * (1981 �2000) * (2001 �present)